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Silver Bullet is written in TypeScript and built on top of the excellent CodeMirror 6 editor component. Additional UI is built using React.js. ParcelJS is used to build both the front-end and back-end bundles. The server backend runs as a HTTP server on node.js using express.


This Silver Bullet repo is a monorepo using npm's "workspaces" feature.

Requirements: node 16+ and npm 8+ as well as C/C++ compilers (for compiling SQLite, on debian/ubuntu style systems you get these via the build-essential package)

To run, after clone:

# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run initial build (web app, server, etc.)
npm run build
# Again, to install the CLIs just built (plugos-bundler, silverbullet)
npm install
# Build built-in plugs
npm run build-plugs
# Launch server
npm run server -- <PATH-TO-YOUR-SPACE>

This <PATH-TO-YOUR-SPACE> can be any folder with markdown files, upon first boot SB will ensure there is an file (root page) and file (with default list of plugs to load). SB will also create a SQLite data.db file with various data caches and indices (you can delete this file at any time and use the Space: Reindex command to reindex everything).

Open SB at http://localhost:3000 If you're using a browser supporting PWAs, you can install this page as a PWA. This also works on iOS (use the "Add to homescreen" option in the share menu).

General development workflow:

Run these in separate terminals

# Runs ParcelJS in watch mode, rebuilding the server and webapp continuously on change
npm run watch
# Runs the silverbullet server
npm run server
# Builds (and watches for changes) all builtin plugs (in packages/plugs)
npm run plugs