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An attempt at documenting of the changes/new features introduced in each release.


  • Change to attachment handling: the attachment/ prefix for links and images is no longer used, if you already had links to attachments in your notes, you will need to remove the attachment/ prefix manually. Sorry about that.
  • Improved styling for completion (especially slash commands)
  • Completion for commands using the (undocumented) {[Command Syntax]} — yep, that exists.


  • Attachments: you can now copy & paste, or drag & drop files (images, PDF, whatever you like) into a page and it will be uploaded and appropriately linked from your page. Attachment size is currently limited to 100mb.
  • Changed full-text search page prefix from @search/ to 🔍 for the {[Search Space]} command.
  • page, plug and attachment are now reserved page names, you cannot name your pages these (you will get an error when explicitly navigating to them).


  • Inline image previews: use the standard ![alt text]( notation and a preview of the image will appear automatically. Example: Inline image preview
  • Dark mode. Toggle between the dark and light mode using a new button, top-right. Dark mode screenshot
  • Named anchors and references, create an anchor with the new @anchor notation (anywhere on a page), then reference it locally via @anchor or cross page via CHANGELOG@anchor.


  • Update to the query language: the render clause now uses page reference syntax [[page]]. For example render [[template/task]] rather than render "template/task". The old syntax still works, but is deprecated, completion for the old syntax has been removed.
  • Updates to templates:
    • For the Template: Instantiate Page command, the page meta value $name is now used to configure the page name (was name before). Also if $name is the only page meta defined, it will remove the page meta entirely when instantiating.
    • You can now configure a daily note prefix with dailyNotePrefix in SETTINGS and create a template for your daily note under template/page/Daily Note (configurable via the dailyNoteTemplate setting).
    • You can now a quick note prefix with quickNotePrefix in SETTINGS.
  • Directives (e.g. #query, #import, #use) changes:
    • Renamed #template directive to #use-verbose
    • New #use directive will clean all the embedded queries and templates in its scope
    • All directives now use the page reference syntax [[page name]] instead of "page name", this includes #use and #use-verbose as well as #import.
    • The link query provider now also returns the pos of a link (in addition to the page)
    • New $disableDirectives page meta data attribute can be used to disable directives processing in a page (useful for templates)
  • Added a new /hr slash command to insert a horizontal rule (---) useful for mobile devices (where these are harder to type)


  • Slash commands now only trigger after a non-word character to avoid "false positives" like "hello/world".
  • Page auto complete now works with slashes in the name.
  • Having a SETTINGS page is now mandatory. One is auto generated if none is present.
  • Added a indexPage setting to set the index page for the space (which by default is index). When navigating to this page, the page name will "disappear" from the URL. That is, the index URL will simply be http://localhost:3000/.
    • This feature is now used in website and set to Silver Bullet there. To also make the title look nicer when visiting


  • Added the Link: Unfurl command, which is scoped to only work (and be visible) when used on “naked URLs”, that is: URLs not embedded in a link or other place, such as this one:
    • Plugs can implement their own unfurlers by responding to the unfurl:options event (see the Twitter plug for an example).
    • Core implements only one unfurl option: “Extract title” which pulls the <title> tag from the linked URL and replaces it with a [bla](URL) style link.
  • Removed status bar: to further simplify the SB UI. You can still pull up the same stat on demand with the Stats: Show command.
  • The page switcher is now maintaining its ordering based on, in order:
    1. Last opened pages (in current session)
    2. Last modified date (on disk)
    3. Everything else
    4. The currently open page (at the bottom)
  • Filter boxes (used for the page switching and command palette among other things) now also support PgUp, PgDown, Home and End and have some visual glitches fixed as well.
  • Reverted exposing an empty window object to sandboxes running in workers and node.js (introduced in 0.0.28)
  • Renamed Markdown-preview related commands to something more consistent