silverbullet/website/Live Frontmatter

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Live Frontmatter Templates allow you to override the default rendering of Frontmatter at the top of your pages with a custom template.

warning Warning This feature is still experimental, aspects of it may change, or it could be removed altogether.

If you have no idea what that means or what you would use this for; you probably dont need this feature. Dont worry about it.


Live Frontmatter Templates follow the same pattern as other Templates with a few additional attributes:

  • tags: should be set to template as for any other template
  • type: should be set to frontmatter
  • where: should contain an Live Queries$expression that evaluates to true for the pages you would like to apply this Live Frontmatter Template to, usually this checks for a specific tag, but it can be any expression. Think of this as a where clause that should match for the pages this template is applied to.
  • priority (optional): in case you have multiple Live Frontmatter Templates that have matching where expression, the one with the priority set to the lowest number wins.


The following Frontmatter Template applies to all pages tagged with person (see the where). It first lists all Frontmatter attributes, followed by a use of the ! template, showing all incomplete tasks that reference this particular page.

Indeed, you can use Live Queries and Live Templates here as well.

tags: template
type: frontmatter
where: 'tags = "person"'
{{#each .}}**{{@key}}**: {{.}}
## Incoming tasks
page: "[[!]]"

Plug frontmatter template

This site uses the internal-template/plug-frontmatter template for pages tagged with plug, such as Plugs/Editor, Plugs/Github and Plugs/Mermaid.