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The Tasks plug implements task support in SilverBullet.

Task states

The tasks plug support the standard “done” and “not done” states via [x] and [ ] notation in the context of a list (this is fairly widely accepted Markdown syntax):

  • This is a task (toggle me!)

However, custom states can also be used for extra flexibility:

  • [TODO] This task is still to do
  • [IN PROGRESS] In progress task
  • [RESOLVED] A resolved task
  • [-] Whatever this state means
  • [/] Or this one

You can cycle through the states by clicking on the status or by running the {[Task: Cycle State]} command while on a task. There is also auto complete for all known custom task states in a space.


Tasks can also be annotated with Tags:

  • This is a tagged task #my-tag

As well as Attributes:

  • This is a task with attributes [taskAttribute: true]


Tasks can specify deadlines:

  • This is due 📅 2022-11-26

When the cursor is positioned inside of a due date, the {[Task: Postpone]} command can be used to postpone the task for a certain period.


All meta data (done status, state, tags, deadline and custom attributes) is extracted and available via the task query source to 🔌 Directive/Query:

name done state page pos tags taskAttribute deadline
Remote toggle me false 🔌 Tasks 3056
This is a task (toggle me!) false 🔌 Tasks 321
This task is still to do false TODO 🔌 Tasks 420
In progress task false IN PROGRESS 🔌 Tasks 454
A resolved task false RESOLVED 🔌 Tasks 487
Whatever this state means false - 🔌 Tasks 516
Or this one false / 🔌 Tasks 548
This is a tagged task #my-tag false 🔌 Tasks 824 my-tag
This is a task with attributes false 🔌 Tasks 889 true
This is due false 🔌 Tasks 993 2022-11-26


There is a ! template you can use to render tasks nicely rather than using the default table (as demonstrated above). When you use this template, you can even cycle through the states of the task by click on its state inside the rendered query, and it will update the state of the original task automatically (although not yet in reverse) — this works across pages.

Try it (by clicking on the checkbox inside of the directive):

  • Remote toggle me