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> **warning** Warning
> This feature is **experimental**, it may evolve over time.
SilverBullet allows you to define schema for custom [[Space Config]] settings as well as for [[Objects|object]] [[Tags|tags]]. Both are defined using [[Space Config]] and use a [[YAML]] encoding of [JSON Schema](https://json-schema.org/).
# Object Schemas
The general format to define schemas for specific [[Tags]] is as follows:
## Example
Let’s say you use pages tagged with `#contact` to represent your contacts:
{{#each {contact}}}
* [[{{name}}]] ([{{email}}](mailto:{{email}})):
* First name: _{{firstName}}_
* Last name: _{{lastName}}_
To ensure you always attach the required meta data in [[Frontmatter]] for your contacts, you’d like to do some checking. Specifically you would like to enforce that:
* `firstName` should always be a `string` and is _required_
* `lastName` should always be a `string` and is _required_
* `email` should be an e-mail address, if specified
You can achieve this using the following [[Space Config]]:
firstName.type: string
lastName.type: string
type: string
format: email
- firstName
- lastName
> **note** Note
> To reload changes to your schema, be sure to run {[System: Reload]}
# Config schema
[[Space Config]] allows you to define arbitrary configuration keys for your own use cases. This is primarily useful for [[Libraries]], but perhaps you find your own use cases too.
The general format is:
schema.config: <<JSON SCHEMA ENCODED AS YAML>>
## Example
Let’s say you find it useful to make your full name globally configurable:
myFullName: "Steve Hanks"
This can be useful, because you can reference this configuration key in any query or template, e.g.:
My full name is: {{@config.myFullName}}
However, you would like to make sure that this `myFullName` configuration is always a string. You can achieve this with the following config schema definition:
schema.config.properties.myFullName.type: string
Now, if you would accidentally change `myFullName` into a number or boolean value, you would get a validation error.
# Validation
At the moment, validation only occurs in the editor in [[Space Config]] and [[Frontmatter]] blocks and shows any violations as highlighted errors.
Even if data does not pass validation, it is still stored in the data store so it does not (currently) _enforce_ the format.
This may change in the future.
# Supported types
All standard JSON Schema types are supported. Likely you are interested in:
* `string`
* With custom formats (specified via `format`):
* `email`
* `page-ref` (for page references, e.g. `[[something]]`)
* `number`
* `array`
* `object` |