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This page lists some potentially useful keyboard shortcuts. Also have a look at Outlines for outline specific keyboard shortcuts.


Particularly useful keyboard shortcuts (that you may not know about).

Combination (Mac/Win-Linux) Action
Tab Indent the current line (or block of lines)
Cmd-f/Ctrl-f Find (& replace) in page
Cmd-z/Ctrl-z Undo the latest change
Cmd-u/Ctrl-u Go one change ahead
Alt-h Navigate to the home page
Ctrl-Alt-t Toggle table of contents
Ctrl-Alt-m Toggle mentions
Cmd-Shift-f/Ctrl-Shift-f Search for text across your entire space


Combination (Mac/Win-Linux) Action
Cmd-/ / Ctrl-/ Run command
Cmd-k/Ctrl-k Open page
Cmd-Shift-p/Ctrl-Shift-p Update plugs (from the PLUGS file)
Alt-q Refresh all live queries and templates on this page
Cmd-p/Ctrl-p Toggle markdown preview
Ctrl-Alt-t Toggle table of contents
Ctrl-Alt-m Toggle mentions
Cmd-Shift-f/Ctrl-Shift-f Search for text across your entire space


Combination (Mac/Win-Linux) Action
Alt-h go to the home page
Cmd-Enter/Ctrl-Enter go the the page at the cursor position

==The combinations to navigate between pages vary by browser==

Browser Go to the previous page Go to the next page
Firefox (Mac) Cmd-Left Arrow Cmd-Right Arrow
Google Chrome, Brave, Safari (Mac) Ctrl-[ Ctrl-]
Google Chrome, Brave (Win-Linux) Alt + Left Arrow Alt + Right Arrow
Firefox (Win-Linux) Ctrl + [ Ctrl + ]


Combination (Mac/Win-Linux) Action
Cmd-Alt-r/Ctrl-Alt-r Rename page
Ctrl-Alt-l Center page at the cursor position
Alt-t Toggle the state of the task at the cursor position
Cmd-z/Ctrl-z Undo the latest change
Cmd-u/Ctrl-u Go one change ahead


Combination (Mac/Win-Linux) Text formatting
Cmd-i/Ctrl-i italic
Cmd-b/Ctrl-b bold
Ctrl-Shift-s strikethrough
Alt-m ==marker/highlighter==
Cmd-Shift-./Ctrl-Shift-. quote selection
Cmd-Shift-8/Ctrl-Shift-8 listify selection
Cmd-Shift-k/Ctrl-Shift-k link selection

Quick/daily/weekly notes

Combination Action
Alt-Shift-n Open quick note
Alt-Shift-d Open daily note
Alt-Shift-w Open weekly note