2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
This file is part of Mitsuba, a physically based rendering system.
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Wenzel Jakob and others.
This particular file is based on code by Piti Irawan, which is
redistributed with permission.
Mitsuba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Mitsuba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <mitsuba/render/bsdf.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/shape.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/texture.h>
#include <mitsuba/render/noise.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/properties.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/random.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fresolver.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/fstream.h>
#include <mitsuba/core/bitmap.h>
#include "irawan.h"
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
/*! \plugin{irawan}{Irawan \& Marschner woven cloth BRDF}
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
* \parameters{
* \parameter{filename}{\String}{Path to a weave pattern description}
* \parameter{repeatU, repeatV}{\Float}{Specifies the number
* of weave pattern repetitions over a $[0,1]^2$ region of the UV
* parameterization}
* \parameter{ksFactor}{\Float}{Multiplicative factor of
* the specular component}
* \parameter{kdFactor}{\Float}{Multiplicative factor of
* the diffuse component}
* }
* This plugin implements the Irawan \& Marschner BRDF,
* a realistic model for rendering woven materials.
* This spatially-varying reflectance model uses an explicit description
* of the underlying weave pattern to create fine-scale texture and
* realistic reflections across a wide range of different weave types.
* To use the model, you must provide a special weave pattern
* file---for an example of what these look like, see the
* examples scenes available on the Mitsuba website.
* A detailed explanation of the model is beyond the scope of this manual.
* For reference, it is described in detail in the PhD thesis of
* Piti Irawan (``The Appearance of Woven Cloth'' \cite{IrawanThesis}).
* The code in Mitsuba a modified port of a previous Java implementation
* by Piti, which has been extended with a simple domain-specific weave
* pattern description language. \vspace{8mm}
* \renderings{
* \unframedmedrendering{Silk charmeuse}{bsdf_irawan_charmeuse}
* \unframedmedrendering{Cotton denim}{bsdf_irawan_denim}
* \unframedmedrendering{Wool gabardine}{bsdf_irawan_gabardine}
* }
* \renderings{
* \setcounter{subfigure}{3}
* \unframedmedrendering{Polyester lining cloth}{bsdf_irawan_polyester}
* \unframedmedrendering{Silk shantung}{bsdf_irawan_shantung}
* \unframedmedrendering{Cotton twill}{bsdf_irawan_twill}
* }
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
class IrawanClothBRDF : public BSDF {
IrawanClothBRDF(const Properties &props)
: BSDF(props) {
FileResolver *fResolver = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver();
fs::path path = fResolver->resolve(props.getString("filename"));
if (!fs::exists(path))
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
Log(EError, "Weave pattern file \"%s\" could not be found!",
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
fs::ifstream in(path);
typedef spirit::istream_iterator iterator_type;
iterator_type end, begin(in);
2011-04-28 07:48:43 +08:00
WeavePatternGrammar<iterator_type> g(props);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
SkipGrammar<iterator_type> sg;
bool result = phrase_parse(begin, end, g, sg, m_pattern);
if (!result)
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
Log(EError, "Unable to parse the weave pattern file \"%s\"!",
2011-04-25 07:16:28 +08:00
/* Some sanity checks */
SAssert(m_pattern.pattern.size() ==
m_pattern.tileWidth * m_pattern.tileHeight);
for (size_t i=0; i<m_pattern.pattern.size(); ++i)
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
SAssert(m_pattern.pattern[i] > 0 &&
m_pattern.pattern[i] <= m_pattern.yarns.size());
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
/* U and V tile count */
m_repeatU = props.getFloat("repeatU");
m_repeatV = props.getFloat("repeatV");
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
/* Diffuse and specular multipliers */
m_kdMultiplier = props.getFloat("kdMultiplier");
m_ksMultiplier = props.getFloat("ksMultiplier");
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
IrawanClothBRDF(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager)
: BSDF(stream, manager) {
m_pattern = WeavePattern(stream);
2011-04-25 07:16:28 +08:00
m_repeatU = stream->readFloat();
m_repeatV = stream->readFloat();
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
m_kdMultiplier = stream->readFloat();
m_ksMultiplier = stream->readFloat();
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
void configure() {
2011-07-13 23:40:26 +08:00
m_components.push_back(EGlossyReflection | EFrontSide
| EAnisotropic | ESpatiallyVarying);
m_components.push_back(EDiffuseReflection | EFrontSide
| ESpatiallyVarying);
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
Spectrum getDiffuseReflectance(const Intersection &its) const {
Point2 uv = Point2(its.uv.x * m_repeatU,
(1 - its.uv.y) * m_repeatV);
Point2 xy(uv.x * m_pattern.tileWidth, uv.y * m_pattern.tileHeight);
Point2i lookup(
modulo((int) xy.x, m_pattern.tileWidth),
modulo((int) xy.y, m_pattern.tileHeight));
int yarnID = m_pattern.pattern[lookup.x + lookup.y * m_pattern.tileWidth] - 1;
const Yarn &yarn = m_pattern.yarns.at(yarnID);
return yarn.kd * m_kdMultiplier;
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
Spectrum eval(const BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, EMeasure measure) const {
bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0) && m_ksMultiplier > 0;
bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1) && m_kdMultiplier > 0;
if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0 ||
Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) <= 0 ||
(!hasDiffuse && !hasSpecular) ||
measure != ESolidAngle)
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
return Spectrum(0.0f);
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
Point2 uv = Point2(bRec.its.uv.x * m_repeatU,
(1 - bRec.its.uv.y) * m_repeatV);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
Point2 xy(uv.x * m_pattern.tileWidth, uv.y * m_pattern.tileHeight);
Point2i lookup(
modulo((int) xy.x, m_pattern.tileWidth),
modulo((int) xy.y, m_pattern.tileHeight));
int yarnID = m_pattern.pattern[lookup.x + lookup.y * m_pattern.tileWidth] - 1;
const Yarn &yarn = m_pattern.yarns.at(yarnID);
// store center of the yarn segment
Point2 center
(((int) xy.x / m_pattern.tileWidth) * m_pattern.tileWidth
+ yarn.centerU * m_pattern.tileWidth,
((int) xy.y / m_pattern.tileHeight) * m_pattern.tileHeight
+ (1 - yarn.centerV) * m_pattern.tileHeight);
// transform x and y to new coordinate system with (0,0) at the
// center of the yarn segment
xy.x = xy.x - center.x;
xy.y = - (xy.y - center.y);
int type = yarn.type;
Float w = yarn.width;
Float l = yarn.length;
// Get incident and exitant directions.
Vector om_i = bRec.wi;
Vector om_r = bRec.wo;
Float psi = yarn.psi;
Float umax = yarn.umax;
Float kappa = yarn.kappa;
Float dUmaxOverDWarp, dUmaxOverDWeft;
if (type == Yarn::EWarp) {
dUmaxOverDWarp = m_pattern.dWarpUmaxOverDWarp;
dUmaxOverDWeft = m_pattern.dWarpUmaxOverDWeft;
} else { // type == EWeft
dUmaxOverDWarp = m_pattern.dWeftUmaxOverDWarp;
dUmaxOverDWeft = m_pattern.dWeftUmaxOverDWeft;
// Rotate xy, incident, and exitant directions pi/2 radian about z-axis
Float tmp = xy.x;
xy.x = -xy.y;
xy.y = tmp;
tmp = om_i.x;
om_i.x = -om_i.y;
om_i.y = tmp;
tmp = om_r.x;
om_r.x = -om_r.y;
om_r.y = tmp;
// Correlated (Perlin) noise.
Float random1 = 1.0f;
Float random2 = 1.0f;
if (m_pattern.period > 0.0f) {
// generate 1 seed per yarn segment
uint64_t seed = (uint64_t) center.x
* (uint64_t) (m_pattern.tileHeight * m_repeatV)
+ (uint64_t) center.y;
ref<Random> random = new Random(seed);
random1 = Noise::perlinNoise(Point(
(center.x * (m_pattern.tileHeight * m_repeatV
+ random->nextFloat()) + center.y) / m_pattern.period, 0, 0));
random2 = Noise::perlinNoise(Point(
(center.y * (m_pattern.tileWidth * m_repeatU
+ random->nextFloat()) + center.x) / m_pattern.period, 0, 0));
umax = umax + random1 * dUmaxOverDWarp + random2 * dUmaxOverDWeft;
// Compute u and v.
// See Chapter 6.
Float u = xy.y / (l / 2.0f) * umax;
Float v = xy.x * M_PI / w;
// Compute specular contribution.
Spectrum result(0.0f);
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
if (hasSpecular) {
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
Float integrand;
if (psi != 0.0f)
integrand = evalStapleIntegrand(u, v, om_i, om_r, m_pattern.alpha,
m_pattern.beta, psi, umax, kappa, w, l);
integrand = evalFilamentIntegrand(u, v, om_i, om_r, m_pattern.alpha,
m_pattern.beta, m_pattern.ss, umax, kappa, w, l);
// Initialize random number generator based on texture location.
Float intensityVariation = 1.0f;
if (m_pattern.fineness > 0.0f) {
// Compute random variation and scale specular component.
// Generate fineness^2 seeds per 1 unit of texture.
uint64_t seed = (uint64_t) ((center.x + xy.x) * m_pattern.fineness)
* (uint64_t) (m_pattern.tileHeight * m_repeatV * m_pattern.fineness)
+ (uint64_t) ((center.y + xy.y) * m_pattern.fineness);
ref<Random> random = new Random(seed);
Float xi = random->nextFloat();
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
intensityVariation = std::min(-std::log(xi), (Float) 10.0f);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
result = yarn.ks * (intensityVariation * m_ksMultiplier * integrand);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
if (type == Yarn::EWarp)
result *= (m_pattern.warpArea + m_pattern.weftArea) / m_pattern.warpArea;
result *= (m_pattern.warpArea + m_pattern.weftArea) / m_pattern.weftArea;
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
if (hasDiffuse)
result += yarn.kd * m_kdMultiplier;
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
return result * Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
Float pdf(const BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, EMeasure measure) const {
bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0) && m_ksMultiplier > 0;
bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1) && m_kdMultiplier > 0;
if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0 ||
Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) <= 0 ||
(!hasDiffuse && !hasSpecular) ||
measure != ESolidAngle)
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
return 0.0f;
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
return Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) * INV_PI;
Spectrum sample(BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, const Point2 &sample) const {
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0) && m_ksMultiplier > 0;
bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1) && m_kdMultiplier > 0;
if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0 ||
(!hasDiffuse && !hasSpecular))
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
return Spectrum(0.0f);
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
/* Lacking a better sampling method, generate cosine-weighted directions */
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
bRec.wo = squareToHemispherePSA(sample);
bRec.sampledComponent = 0;
bRec.sampledType = EGlossyReflection;
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
return eval(bRec, ESolidAngle) / Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
Spectrum sample(BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, Float &pdf, const Point2 &sample) const {
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
bool hasSpecular = (bRec.typeMask & EGlossyReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0) && m_ksMultiplier > 0;
bool hasDiffuse = (bRec.typeMask & EDiffuseReflection) &&
(bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1) && m_kdMultiplier > 0;
if (Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi) <= 0 ||
(!hasDiffuse && !hasSpecular))
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
return Spectrum(0.0f);
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
/* Lacking a better sampling method, generate cosine-weighted directions */
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
bRec.wo = squareToHemispherePSA(sample);
bRec.sampledComponent = 0;
bRec.sampledType = EGlossyReflection;
pdf = Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo) * INV_PI;
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
return eval(bRec, ESolidAngle);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
void serialize(Stream *stream, InstanceManager *manager) const {
BSDF::serialize(stream, manager);
2011-04-25 07:16:28 +08:00
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
/** parameters:
* u to be compared to u(v) in texturing
* v for filament, we compute u(v)
* om_i incident direction
* om_r exitant direction
* ss filament smoothing parameter
* fiber properties
* alpha uniform scattering
* beta forward scattering
* yarn geometry
* psi fiber twist angle; because this is filament, psi = pi/2
* umax maximum inclination angle
* kappa spine curvature parameter
* weave pattern
* w width of segment rectangle
* l length of segment rectangle
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
Float evalFilamentIntegrand(Float u, Float v, const Vector &om_i,
const Vector &om_r, Float alpha, Float beta, Float ss,
Float umax, Float kappa, Float w, Float l) const {
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
// 0 <= ss < 1.0
if (ss < 0.0f || ss >= 1.0f)
return 0.0f;
// w * sin(umax) < l
if (w * std::sin(umax) >= l)
return 0.0f;
// -1 < kappa < inf
if (kappa < -1.0f)
return 0.0f;
// h is the half vector
Vector h = normalize(om_r + om_i);
// u_of_v is location of specular reflection.
Float u_of_v = std::atan(h.y / h.z);
// Check if u_of_v within the range of valid u values
if (std::abs(u_of_v) < umax) {
// n is normal to the yarn surface
// t is tangent of the fibers.
Normal n = normalize(Normal(std::sin(v), std::sin(u_of_v) * std::cos(v),
std::cos(u_of_v) * std::cos(v)));
Vector t = normalize(Vector(0.0f, std::cos(u_of_v), -std::sin(u_of_v)));
// R is radius of curvature.
Float R = radiusOfCurvature(std::min(std::abs(u_of_v),
(1-ss)*umax), (1-ss)*umax, kappa, w, l);
// G is geometry factor.
Float a = 0.5f * w;
Vector om_i_plus_om_r = om_i + om_r,
t_cross_h = cross(t, h);
Float Gu = a * (R + a * std::cos(v)) /
(om_i_plus_om_r.length() * std::abs(t_cross_h.x));
// fc is phase function
Float fc = alpha + vonMises(-dot(om_i, om_r), beta);
// A is attenuation function without smoothing.
// As is attenuation function with smoothing.
Float A = seeliger(dot(n, om_i), dot(n, om_r), 0, 1);
Float As;
if (ss == 0.0f)
As = A;
As = A * (1.0f - smoothStep(0, 1, (std::abs(u_of_v)
- (1.0f - ss) * umax) / (ss * umax)));
// fs is scattering function.
Float fs = Gu * fc * As;
// Domain transform.
fs = fs * M_PI * l;
// Highlight has constant width delta_y on screen.
Float delta_y = l * m_pattern.hWidth;
// Clamp y_of_v between -(l - delta_y)/2 and (l - delta_y)/2.
Float y_of_v = u_of_v * 0.5f * l / umax;
if (y_of_v > 0.5f * (l - delta_y))
y_of_v = 0.5f * (l - delta_y);
else if (y_of_v < 0.5f * (delta_y - l))
y_of_v = 0.5f * (delta_y - l);
// Check if |y(u(v)) - y(u)| < delta_y/2.
if (std::abs(y_of_v - u * 0.5f * l / umax) < 0.5f * delta_y)
return fs / delta_y;
return 0.0f;
/** parameters:
* u for staple, we compute v(u)
* v to be compared to v(u) in texturing
* om_i incident direction
* om_r exitant direction
* fiber properties
* alpha uniform scattering
* beta forward scattering
* yarn geometry
* psi fiber twist angle
* umax maximum inclination angle
* kappa spine curvature parameter
* weave pattern
* w width of segment rectangle
* l length of segment rectangle
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
Float evalStapleIntegrand(Float u, Float v, const Vector &om_i,
const Vector &om_r, Float alpha, Float beta, Float psi,
Float umax, Float kappa, Float w, Float l) const {
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
// w * sin(umax) < l
if (w * std::sin(umax) >= l)
return 0.0f;
// -1 < kappa < inf
if (kappa < -1.0f)
return 0.0f;
// h is the half vector
Vector h = normalize(om_i + om_r);
// v_of_u is location of specular reflection.
Float D = (h.y*std::cos(u) - h.z*std::sin(u))
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
/ (std::sqrt(h.x * h.x + std::pow(h.y * std::sin(u) + h.z * std::cos(u), (Float) 2.0f)) * std::tan(psi));
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
Float v_of_u = std::atan2(-h.y * std::sin(u) - h.z * std::cos(u), h.x) + std::acos(D);
// Check if v_of_u within the range of valid v values
if (std::abs(D) < 1.0f && std::abs(v_of_u) < M_PI / 2.0f) {
// n is normal to the yarn surface.
// t is tangent of the fibers.
Normal n = normalize(Normal(std::sin(v_of_u), std::sin(u)
* std::cos(v_of_u), std::cos(u) * std::cos(v_of_u)));
Vector t = normalize(Vector(-std::cos(v_of_u) * std::sin(psi),
std::cos(u) * std::cos(psi) + std::sin(u) * std::sin(v_of_u) * std::sin(psi),
-std::sin(u) * std::cos(psi) + std::cos(u) * std::sin(v_of_u) * std::sin(psi)));
// R is radius of curvature.
Float R = radiusOfCurvature(std::abs(u), umax, kappa, w, l);
// G is geometry factor.
Float a = 0.5f * w;
Vector om_i_plus_om_r(om_i + om_r);
Float Gv = a * (R + a * std::cos(v_of_u))
/ (om_i_plus_om_r.length() * dot(n, h) * std::abs(std::sin(psi)));
// fc is phase function.
Float fc = alpha + vonMises(-dot(om_i, om_r), beta);
// A is attenuation function without smoothing.
Float A = seeliger(dot(n, om_i), dot(n, om_r), 0, 1);
// fs is scattering function.
Float fs = Gv * fc * A;
// Domain transform.
fs = fs * 2.0f * w * umax;
// Highlight has constant width delta_x on screen.
Float delta_x = w * m_pattern.hWidth;
// Clamp x_of_u between (w - delta_x)/2 and -(w - delta_x)/2.
Float x_of_u = v_of_u * w / M_PI;
if (x_of_u > 0.5f * (w - delta_x))
x_of_u = 0.5f * (w - delta_x);
else if (x_of_u < 0.5f * (delta_x - w))
x_of_u = 0.5f * (delta_x - w);
// Check if |x(v(u)) - x(v)| < delta_x/2.
if (std::abs(x_of_u - v * w / M_PI) < 0.5f * delta_x)
return fs / delta_x;
return 0.0f;
Float radiusOfCurvature(Float u, Float umax, Float kappa, Float w, Float l) const {
// rhat determines whether the spine is a segment
// of an ellipse, a parabole, or a hyperbola.
// See Section 5.3.
Float rhat = 1.0f + kappa * (1.0f + 1.0f / std::tan(umax));
Float a = 0.5f * w, R = 0;
if (rhat == 1.0f) { // circle; see Subsection 5.3.1.
R = (0.5f * l - a * std::sin(umax)) / std::sin(umax);
} else if (rhat > 0.0f) {
Float tmax = std::atan(rhat * std::tan(umax));
Float bhat = (0.5f * l - a * std::sin(umax)) / std::sin(tmax);
Float ahat = bhat / rhat;
Float t = std::atan(rhat * std::tan(u));
R = std::pow(bhat * bhat * std::cos(t) * std::cos(t)
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
+ ahat * ahat * std::sin(t) * std::sin(t),(Float) 1.5f) / (ahat * bhat);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
} else if (rhat < 0.0f) { // hyperbola; see Subsection 5.3.3.
Float tmax = -atanh(rhat * std::tan(umax));
Float bhat = (0.5f * l - a * std::sin(umax)) / std::sinh(tmax);
Float ahat = bhat / rhat;
Float t = -atanh(rhat * std::tan(u));
R = -std::pow(bhat * bhat * std::cosh(t) * std::cosh(t)
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
+ ahat * ahat * std::sinh(t) * std::sinh(t), (Float) 1.5f) / (ahat * bhat);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
} else { // rhat == 0 // parabola; see Subsection 5.3.2.
Float tmax = std::tan(umax);
Float ahat = (0.5f * l - a * std::sin(umax)) / (2 * tmax);
Float t = std::tan(u);
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
R = 2 * ahat * std::pow(1 + t * t, (Float) 1.5f);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
return R;
inline Float atanh(Float arg) const {
return std::log((1.0f + arg) / (1.0f - arg)) / 2.0f;
// von Mises Distribution
Float vonMises(Float cos_x, Float b) const {
// assumes a = 0, b > 0 is a concentration parameter.
Float I0, absB = std::abs(b);
2011-07-13 05:16:27 +08:00
if (std::abs(b) <= 3.75f) {
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
Float t = absB / 3.75f;
t = t * t;
I0 = 1.0f + t*(3.5156229f + t*(3.0899424f + t*(1.2067492f
+ t*(0.2659732f + t*(0.0360768f + t*0.0045813f)))));
} else {
Float t = 3.75f / absB;
I0 = std::exp(absB) / std::sqrt(absB) * (0.39894228f + t*(0.01328592f
+ t*(0.00225319f + t*(-0.00157565f + t*(0.00916281f + t*(-0.02057706f
+ t*(0.02635537f + t*(-0.01647633f + t*0.00392377f))))))));
return std::exp(b * cos_x) / (2 * M_PI * I0);
/// Attenuation term
Float seeliger(Float cos_th1, Float cos_th2, Float sg_a, Float sg_s) const {
Float al = sg_s / (sg_a + sg_s); // albedo
2011-04-27 19:13:37 +08:00
Float c1 = std::max((Float) 0, cos_th1);
Float c2 = std::max((Float) 0, cos_th2);
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
if (c1 == 0.0f || c2 == 0.0f)
return 0.0f;
return al / (4.0f * M_PI) * c1 * c2 / (c1 + c2);
std::string toString() const {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "IrawanClothBRDF[" << endl
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
<< " weavePattern = " << indent(m_pattern.toString()) << "," << endl
<< " repeatU = " << m_repeatU << "," << endl
<< " repeatV = " << m_repeatV << "," << endl
<< " kdMultiplier = " << m_kdMultiplier << "," << endl
<< " ksMultiplier = " << m_ksMultiplier << endl
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
<< "]";
return oss.str();
WeavePattern m_pattern;
Float m_repeatU, m_repeatV;
2011-04-28 21:30:39 +08:00
Float m_kdMultiplier;
Float m_ksMultiplier;
2011-04-21 16:12:22 +08:00
MTS_EXPORT_PLUGIN(IrawanClothBRDF, "Irawan & Marschner woven cloth BRDF")