
131 lines
5.3 KiB

import sys
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple
from itertools import cycle
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import set_python_path
from mitsuba.core import PluginManager, Point3, Spectrum, Vector3, Transform, AABB, EWarn
from mitsuba.render import RenderJob
from io_util import ply
import util
import cameras
def create_spheres(pointcloud: np.ndarray, spectrum: Spectrum, sphere_radius: float = 1.) -> List:
Create little spheres at the pointcloud's points' locations.
:param pointcloud: 3D pointcloud, as Nx3 ndarray
:param spectrum: The color spectrum to use with the spheres' diffuse bsdf
:param sphere_radius: The radius to use for each sphere
:return: A list of mitsuba shapes, to be added to a Scene
spheres = []
for row in pointcloud:
sphere = PluginManager.getInstance().create({
'type': 'sphere',
'center': Point3(float(row[0]), float(row[1]), float(row[2])),
'radius': sphere_radius,
'bsdf': {
'type': 'diffuse',
'diffuseReflectance': spectrum
return spheres
def get_pointcloud_bbox(pointcloud: np.ndarray) -> AABB:
Create a mitsuba bounding box by using min and max on the input ndarray
:param pointcloud: The pointcloud (Nx3) to calculate the bounding box from
:return: The bounding box around the given pointcloud
min_values = np.min(pointcloud, axis=0)
max_values = np.max(pointcloud, axis=0)
min_corner = Point3(*[float(elem) for elem in min_values])
max_corner = Point3(*[float(elem) for elem in max_values])
return AABB(min_corner, max_corner)
def load_from_ply(filepath: Path) -> np.ndarray:
Load points from a ply file
:param filepath: The path of the file to read from
:return: An ndarray (Nx3) containing all read points
points = ply.read_ply(str(filepath))['points'].to_numpy()
return points
def render_pointclouds(pointcloud_paths: List[Tuple[Path, Path]], sensor, sphere_radius=1., num_workers=8) -> None:
Render pointclouds by pkacing little Mitsuba spheres at all point locations
:param pointcloud_paths: Path tuples (input_mesh, output_path) for all pointcloud files
:param sensor: The sensor containing the transform to render with
:param sphere_radius: Radius of individual point spheres
:param num_workers: Number of concurrent render workers
queue = util.prepare_queue(num_workers)
pointcloud_paths = list(pointcloud_paths)
with tqdm(total=len(pointcloud_paths), bar_format='Total {percentage:3.0f}% {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}] {desc}', dynamic_ncols=True) as t:
util.redirect_logger(tqdm.write, EWarn, t)
for pointcloud_path in pointcloud_paths:
input_path, output_path = pointcloud_path
t.write(f'Rendering {input_path.stem}')
# Make Pointcloud Spheres
spheres = create_spheres(load_from_ply(input_path), util.get_predefined_spectrum('orange'), sphere_radius)
# Make Scene
scene = util.construct_simple_scene(spheres, sensor)
scene.setDestinationFile(str(output_path / f'{input_path.stem}.png'))
# Make Result
job = RenderJob(f'Render-{input_path.stem}', scene, queue)
def main(args):
input_filepaths = [Path(elem) for elem in args.input]
output_path = Path(args.output)
assert all([elem.is_file() for elem in input_filepaths])
assert output_path.is_dir()
bbox = get_pointcloud_bbox(load_from_ply(input_filepaths[0]))
sensor_transform = cameras.create_transform_on_bbsphere(bbox,
radius_multiplier=3., positioning_vector=Vector3(0, -1, 1),
tilt=Transform.rotate(util.axis_unit_vector('x'), -25.))
sensor = cameras.create_sensor_from_transform(sensor_transform, args.width, args.height,
fov=45., num_samples=args.samples)
render_pointclouds(zip(input_filepaths, cycle([output_path])), sensor, args.radius, args.workers)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Render pointcloud with mitsuba by placing little spheres at the points' positions")
parser.add_argument('input', nargs='+', help="Path(s) to the ply file(s) containing a pointcloud(s) to render")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True, help='Path to write renderings to')
# Pointcloud parameters
parser.add_argument('--radius', default=1., type=float, help='Radius of a single point')
# Sensor parameters
parser.add_argument('--width', default=1280, type=int, help='Width of the resulting image')
parser.add_argument('--height', default=960, type=int, help='Height of the resulting image')
parser.add_argument('--samples', default=128, type=int, help='Number of integrator samples per pixel')
# General render parameters
parser.add_argument('--workers', required=False, default=8, type=int, help="How many concurrent workers to use")