
122 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
import esbuild from "esbuild";
import { readFile, unlink, writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import yargs from "yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";
import { Manifest } from "../types";
import { watchFile } from "fs";
import YAML from "yaml";
async function compile(filePath: string, functionName: string, debug: boolean) {
let outFile = "out.js";
let inFile = filePath;
if (functionName) {
// Generate a new file importing just this one function and exporting it
inFile = "in.js";
await writeFile(
`import {${functionName}} from "./${filePath}";
export default ${functionName};`
// TODO: Figure out how to make source maps work correctly with eval() code
let js = await{
entryPoints: [inFile],
bundle: true,
format: "iife",
globalName: "mod",
platform: "neutral",
sourcemap: false, //sourceMap ? "inline" : false,
minify: !debug,
outfile: outFile,
let jsCode = (await readFile(outFile)).toString();
jsCode = jsCode.replace(/^var mod ?= ?/, "");
await unlink(outFile);
if (inFile !== filePath) {
await unlink(inFile);
// Strip final ';'
return jsCode.substring(0, jsCode.length - 2);
async function bundle(manifestPath: string, sourceMaps: boolean) {
const rootPath = path.dirname(manifestPath);
const manifest = YAML.parse(
(await readFile(manifestPath)).toString()
) as Manifest<any>;
for (let [name, def] of Object.entries(manifest.functions)) {
let jsFunctionName = "default",
filePath = path.join(rootPath, def.path!);
if (filePath.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
[filePath, jsFunctionName] = filePath.split(":");
def.code = await compile(filePath, jsFunctionName, sourceMaps);
delete def.path;
return manifest;
async function buildManifest(
manifestPath: string,
distPath: string,
debug: boolean
) {
let generatedManifest = await bundle(manifestPath, debug);
const outFile =
manifestPath.length - path.extname(manifestPath).length
) + ".json";
const outPath = path.join(distPath, path.basename(outFile));
console.log("Emitting bundle to", outPath);
await writeFile(outPath, JSON.stringify(generatedManifest, null, 2));
return { generatedManifest, outPath };
async function run() {
let args = yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
.option("debug", {
type: "boolean",
.option("watch", {
type: "boolean",
alias: "w",
.option("dist", {
type: "string",
default: ".",
if (args._.length === 0) {
"Usage: plugos-bundle [--debug] [--dist <path>] <manifest.plug.yaml> <manifest2.plug.yaml> ..."
for (const plugManifestPath of args._) {
let manifestPath = plugManifestPath as string;
await buildManifest(manifestPath, args.dist, !!args.debug);
if ( {
watchFile(manifestPath, { interval: 1000 }, async () => {
console.log("Rebuilding", manifestPath);
await buildManifest(manifestPath, args.dist, !!args.debug);
run().catch((e) => {