141 lines
3.7 KiB
141 lines
3.7 KiB
import { copy } from "$std/fs/copy.ts";
import sass from "denosass";
import { bundleFolder } from "./lib/asset_bundle/builder.ts";
import { parse } from "$std/flags/mod.ts";
import { patchDenoLibJS } from "./cmd/compile.ts";
import { denoPlugins } from "esbuild_deno_loader";
import * as esbuild from "esbuild";
export async function bundleAll(
watch: boolean,
): Promise<void> {
let building = false;
await buildCopyBundleAssets();
let timer;
if (watch) {
const watcher = Deno.watchFs(["web", "dist_plug_bundle"]);
for await (const _event of watcher) {
if (timer) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Change detected, rebuilding...");
if (building) {
building = true;
buildCopyBundleAssets().finally(() => {
building = false;
}, 1000);
export async function copyAssets(dist: string) {
await Deno.mkdir(dist, { recursive: true });
await copy("web/fonts", `${dist}`, { overwrite: true });
await copy("web/index.html", `${dist}/index.html`, {
overwrite: true,
await copy("web/auth.html", `${dist}/auth.html`, {
overwrite: true,
await copy("web/images/favicon.png", `${dist}/favicon.png`, {
overwrite: true,
await copy("web/images/logo.png", `${dist}/logo.png`, {
overwrite: true,
await copy("web/images/logo-dock.png", `${dist}/logo-dock.png`, {
overwrite: true,
await copy("web/manifest.json", `${dist}/manifest.json`, {
overwrite: true,
const compiler = sass(
load_paths: ["web/styles"],
await Deno.writeTextFile(
compiler.to_string("expanded") as string,
// HACK: Patch the JS by removing an invalid regex
let bundleJs = await Deno.readTextFile(`${dist}/client.js`);
bundleJs = patchDenoLibJS(bundleJs);
await Deno.writeTextFile(`${dist}/client.js`, bundleJs);
async function buildCopyBundleAssets() {
await Deno.mkdir("dist_client_bundle", { recursive: true });
await Deno.mkdir("dist_plug_bundle", { recursive: true });
await bundleFolder(
console.log("Now ESBuilding the client and service workers...");
const result = await esbuild.build({
entryPoints: [
in: "web/boot.ts",
out: ".client/client",
in: "web/service_worker.ts",
out: "service_worker",
outdir: "dist_client_bundle",
absWorkingDir: Deno.cwd(),
bundle: true,
treeShaking: true,
sourcemap: "linked",
minify: true,
jsxFactory: "h",
// metafile: true,
jsx: "automatic",
jsxFragment: "Fragment",
jsxImportSource: "https://esm.sh/preact@10.23.1",
plugins: denoPlugins({
configPath: new URL("./deno.json", import.meta.url).pathname,
if (result.metafile) {
const text = await esbuild.analyzeMetafile(result.metafile!);
console.log("Bundle info", text);
// Patch the service_worker {{CACHE_NAME}}
let swCode = await Deno.readTextFile("dist_client_bundle/service_worker.js");
swCode = swCode.replaceAll("{{CACHE_NAME}}", `cache-${Date.now()}`);
await Deno.writeTextFile("dist_client_bundle/service_worker.js", swCode);
await copyAssets("dist_client_bundle/.client");
await bundleFolder("dist_client_bundle", "dist/client_asset_bundle.json");
if (import.meta.main) {
const args = parse(Deno.args, {
boolean: ["watch"],
alias: { w: "watch" },
default: {
watch: false,
await bundleAll(args.watch);
if (!args.watch) {