
159 lines
5.1 KiB

import { Application, path } from "../server/deps.ts";
import { HttpServer } from "../server/http_server.ts";
import clientAssetBundle from "../dist/client_asset_bundle.json" assert {
type: "json",
import plugAssetBundle from "../dist/plug_asset_bundle.json" assert {
type: "json",
import { AssetBundle, AssetJson } from "../plugos/asset_bundle/bundle.ts";
import { AssetBundlePlugSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/asset_bundle_space_primitives.ts";
import { DiskSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/disk_space_primitives.ts";
import { SpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/space_primitives.ts";
import { S3SpacePrimitives } from "../server/spaces/s3_space_primitives.ts";
import { Authenticator } from "../server/auth.ts";
import { JSONKVStore } from "../plugos/lib/kv_store.json_file.ts";
import { ServerSystem } from "../server/server_system.ts";
import { sleep } from "$sb/lib/async.ts";
import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts";
import { System } from "../plugos/system.ts";
import { silverBulletDbFile } from "./constants.ts";
export async function serveCommand(
options: {
hostname?: string;
port?: number;
user?: string;
auth?: string;
cert?: string;
key?: string;
reindex?: boolean;
db?: string;
storeOnly?: boolean;
folder?: string,
) {
const hostname = options.hostname || Deno.env.get("SB_HOSTNAME") ||
const port = options.port ||
(Deno.env.get("SB_PORT") && +Deno.env.get("SB_PORT")!) || 3000;
const storeOnly = options.storeOnly || Deno.env.get("SB_STORE_ONLY");
let dbFile = options.db || Deno.env.get("SB_DB_FILE") || silverBulletDbFile;
const app = new Application();
if (!folder) {
folder = Deno.env.get("SB_FOLDER");
if (!folder) {
"No folder specified. Please pass a folder as an argument or set SB_FOLDER environment variable.",
"Going to start SilverBullet binding to",
if (hostname === "") {
`NOTE: SilverBullet will only be available locally (via http://localhost:${port}).
To allow outside connections, pass -L as a flag, and put a TLS terminator on top.`,
let spacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives | undefined;
if (folder === "s3://") {
spacePrimitives = new S3SpacePrimitives({
accessKey: Deno.env.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")!,
secretKey: Deno.env.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")!,
endPoint: Deno.env.get("AWS_ENDPOINT")!,
region: Deno.env.get("AWS_REGION")!,
bucket: Deno.env.get("AWS_BUCKET")!,
console.log("Running in S3 mode");
folder = Deno.cwd();
} else {
// Regular disk mode
folder = path.resolve(Deno.cwd(), folder);
spacePrimitives = new DiskSpacePrimitives(folder);
spacePrimitives = new AssetBundlePlugSpacePrimitives(
new AssetBundle(plugAssetBundle as AssetJson),
let system: System<SilverBulletHooks> | undefined;
// system = undefined in storeOnly mode (no PlugOS instance on the server)
if (!storeOnly) {
// Enable server-side processing
dbFile = path.resolve(folder, dbFile);
`Running in server-processing mode, keeping state in ${dbFile}`,
const serverSystem = new ServerSystem(spacePrimitives, dbFile, app);
await serverSystem.init();
spacePrimitives = serverSystem.spacePrimitives;
system = serverSystem.system;
if (options.reindex) {
console.log("Reindexing space (requested via --reindex flag)");
const authStore = new JSONKVStore();
const authenticator = new Authenticator(authStore);
const flagUser = options.user ?? Deno.env.get("SB_USER");
if (flagUser) {
// If explicitly added via env/parameter, add on the fly
const [username, password] = flagUser.split(":");
await authenticator.register(username, password, ["admin"], "");
if (options.auth) {
// Load auth file
const authFile: string = options.auth;
console.log("Loading authentication credentials from", authFile);
await authStore.load(authFile);
(async () => {
// Asynchronously kick off file watcher
for await (const _event of Deno.watchFs(options.auth!)) {
console.log("Authentication file changed, reloading...");
await authStore.load(authFile);
const envAuth = Deno.env.get("SB_AUTH");
if (envAuth) {
console.log("Loading authentication from SB_AUTH");
const httpServer = new HttpServer(
port: port,
pagesPath: folder!,
clientAssetBundle: new AssetBundle(clientAssetBundle as AssetJson),
keyFile: options.key,
certFile: options.cert,
await httpServer.start();
// Wait in an infinite loop (to keep the HTTP server running, only cancelable via Ctrl+C or other signal)
while (true) {
await sleep(10000);