import { FileMeta } from "../types.ts"; import { SpacePrimitives } from "./space_primitives.ts"; import { flushCachesAndUnregisterServiceWorker } from "../sw_util.ts"; export class HttpSpacePrimitives implements SpacePrimitives { constructor( readonly url: string, readonly expectedSpacePath?: string, readonly syncMode = false, ) { } public async authenticatedFetch( url: string, options: RequestInit, ): Promise<Response> { if (!options.headers) { options.headers = {}; } if (this.syncMode) { options.headers = { ...options.headers, ...{ "X-Sync-Mode": "true" } }; } const result = await fetch(url, { ...options, }); if (result.redirected) { // Got a redirect, we'll assume this is due to invalid credentials and redirecting to an auth page console.log( "Got a redirect via the API so will redirect to URL", result.url, ); location.href = result.url; throw new Error("Invalid credentials"); } return result; } async fetchFileList(): Promise<FileMeta[]> { const resp = await this.authenticatedFetch(`${this.url}/index.json`, { method: "GET", headers: { Accept: "application/json", }, }); if ( resp.status === 200 && this.expectedSpacePath && resp.headers.get("X-Space-Path") !== this.expectedSpacePath ) { console.log("Expected space path", this.expectedSpacePath); console.log("Got space path", resp.headers.get("X-Space-Path")); await flushCachesAndUnregisterServiceWorker(); alert("Space folder path different on server, reloading the page"); location.reload(); } return resp.json(); } async readFile( name: string, ): Promise<{ data: Uint8Array; meta: FileMeta }> { const res = await this.authenticatedFetch( `${this.url}/${encodeURI(name)}`, { method: "GET", }, ); if (res.status === 404) { throw new Error(`Not found`); } return { data: new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer()), meta: this.responseToMeta(name, res), }; } async writeFile( name: string, data: Uint8Array, _selfUpdate?: boolean, meta?: FileMeta, ): Promise<FileMeta> { const headers: Record<string, string> = { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", }; if (meta) { headers["X-Last-Modified"] = "" + meta.lastModified; headers["X-Perm"] = "" + meta.perm; } const res = await this.authenticatedFetch( `${this.url}/${encodeURI(name)}`, { method: "PUT", headers, body: data, }, ); const newMeta = this.responseToMeta(name, res); return newMeta; } async deleteFile(name: string): Promise<void> { const req = await this.authenticatedFetch( `${this.url}/${encodeURI(name)}`, { method: "DELETE", }, ); if (req.status !== 200) { throw Error(`Failed to delete file: ${req.statusText}`); } } async getFileMeta(name: string): Promise<FileMeta> { const res = await this.authenticatedFetch( `${this.url}/${encodeURI(name)}`, { method: "HEAD", }, ); if (res.status === 404) { throw new Error(`Not found`); } return this.responseToMeta(name, res); } private responseToMeta(name: string, res: Response): FileMeta { return { name, size: +res.headers.get("Content-Length")!, contentType: res.headers.get("Content-type")!, lastModified: +(res.headers.get("X-Last-Modified") || "0"), perm: (res.headers.get("X-Permission") as "rw" | "ro") || "rw", }; } }