import type { PageMeta } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { space, system, template } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/syscalls"; import { cleanTemplate } from "./plug_api.ts"; import { LuaTable, luaToString } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; export function defaultTransformer(v: any): Promise { if (v === undefined) { return Promise.resolve(""); } if (typeof v === "string") { return Promise.resolve(v.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("|", "\\|")); } if (v && typeof v === "object") { return Promise.resolve(luaToString(v)); } return Promise.resolve("" + v); } // Nicely format an array of JSON objects as a Markdown table export async function jsonToMDTable( jsonArray: any[], valueTransformer: (v: any) => Promise = defaultTransformer, ): Promise { const headers = new Set(); for (const entry of jsonArray) { for (const k of Object.keys(entry)) { headers.add(k); } } const headerList = [...headers]; const lines = []; lines.push( "|" + headerList .map( (headerName) => headerName, ) .join("|") + "|", ); lines.push( "|" + headerList .map(() => "--") .join("|") + "|", ); for (const val of jsonArray) { const el = []; for (const prop of headerList) { const s = await valueTransformer(val[prop]); el.push(s); } lines.push("|" + el.join("|") + "|"); } return lines.join("\n"); } export async function renderQueryTemplate( pageMeta: PageMeta, templatePage: string, data: any[], renderAll: boolean, ): Promise { const config = await system.getSpaceConfig(); let templateText = await space.readPage(templatePage); templateText = await cleanTemplate(templateText); if (!renderAll) { templateText = `{{#each .}}\n${templateText}\n{{/each}}`; } return template.renderTemplate(templateText, data, { page: pageMeta, config, }); } export function renderExpressionResult(result: any): Promise { if (result instanceof LuaTable) { result = result.toJS(); } if ( Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0 && typeof result[0] === "object" ) { // If result is an array of objects, render as a markdown table try { return jsonToMDTable(result); } catch (e: any) { console.error( `Error rendering expression directive: ${e.message} for value ${ JSON.stringify(result) }`, ); return Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(result)); } } else if (typeof result === "object" && result.constructor === Object) { // if result is a plain object, render as a markdown table return jsonToMDTable([result]); } else if (Array.isArray(result)) { // Not-object array, let's render it as a markdown list return Promise.resolve( => `- ${item}`).join("\n")); } else { return Promise.resolve("" + result); } }