local function assertEqual(a, b) if a ~= b then error("Assertion failed: " .. a .. " is not equal to " .. b) end end -- Basic checks assert(true, "True is true") -- Basic arithmetic assert(1 + 2 == 3) -- Slightly more complex arithmetic with presedence assert(1 + 2 * 3 == 7) -- Arithmetic with variables local a = 1 local b = 2 assert(a + b == 3) -- Basic string stuff assert("Hello " .. "world" == "Hello world") assertEqual([[Hello world]], "Hello world") assertEqual([==[Hello [[world]]!]==], "Hello [[world]]!") -- Various forms of function definitions function f1() return 1 end assert(f1() == 1) function sqr(a) return a * a end assert(sqr(2) == 4) local f2 = function() return 2 end assert(f2() == 2) -- Using functions as arguments function apply(f, a) return f(a) end assert(apply(sqr, 3) == 9) -- Supporting multiple return values function multi_return() return 1, 2 end local a, b = multi_return() assert(a == 1 and b == 2) local a, b, c = 0, multi_return() assert(a == 0 and b == 1 and c == 2) -- Some table lookups local t = { a = 1, b = 2 } assert(t.a == 1 and t.b == 2) assert(t["a"] == 1 and t["b"] == 2) -- Unpacking tables local a, b = unpack({ 1, 2 }) assert(a == 1 and b == 2) -- Scope tests local a = 1 do local a = 2 assert(a == 2) end assert(a == 1) -- Async function calling function multiplier(a) -- Anything will be async in practice return function(b) return a * b end end local multiplier = multiplier(2) assert(multiplier(3) == 6) -- Function definitions in tables ns = { name = "Pete" } function ns.returnOne() return 1 end function ns:getName() return self.name end assert(ns.returnOne() == 1) assert(ns.getName(ns) == "Pete") -- Support colon syntax assert(ns:getName() == "Pete") -- Update the table ns.name = "John" assert(ns:getName() == "John") -- Basic OOP with metatables Person = {} Person.__index = Person -- Constructor function Person:new(name, age) local self = setmetatable({}, Person) self.name = name -- Initialize object properties self.age = age return self end -- Method for the Person class function Person:greet() return "Hello, my name is " .. self.name .. " and I am " .. self.age .. " years old." end -- Create a new instance of the Person class local p = Person:new("John", 30) assert(p:greet() == "Hello, my name is John and I am 30 years old.") -- Metatables test mt = { __index = function(table, key) return "Key not found: " .. key end } t = setmetatable({}, mt) t.bar = "bar" assert(t.bar == "bar") assertEqual(t.foo, "Key not found: foo") -- Test the __newindex metamethod t = setmetatable( {}, { __newindex = function(table, key, value) print("Raw set", key, value) rawset(table, key, "Value: " .. value) print("Raw set done") end } ) t.name = "John" -- rawset ignores the metamethod rawset(t, "age", 100) assertEqual(t.name, "Value: John") assertEqual(t.age, 100) -- Test some of the operator metamethods t = setmetatable( { 1, 2, 3 }, { -- Assume b to be a same length table and add the two __add = function(a, b) local result = {} for i = 1, #a do result[i] = a[i] + b[i] end return result end, -- Assume b to be a scalar and multiply the table by it __mul = function(a, b) local result = {} for i = 1, #a do result[i] = a[i] * b end return result end } ) local added = t + { 4, 5, 6 } assert(added[1] == 5 and added[2] == 7 and added[3] == 9) local muliplied = t * 2 assert(muliplied[1] == 2 and muliplied[2] == 4 and muliplied[3] == 6) -- Let's try somethings lightly more complicated, like a deep comparison function implemented in Lua function deepCompare(t1, t2) if t1 == t2 then return true end -- If they are the same object, return true if type(t1) ~= "table" or type(t2) ~= "table" then return false end -- If not both tables, return false -- Check if both tables have the same number of keys local t1_keys = 0 local t2_keys = 0 for k in pairs(t1) do t1_keys = t1_keys + 1 end for k in pairs(t2) do t2_keys = t2_keys + 1 end if t1_keys ~= t2_keys then return false end -- Recursively compare each key-value pair for k, v in pairs(t1) do if not deepCompare(v, t2[k]) then return false end end return true end assert(deepCompare({ 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 })) assert(not deepCompare({ 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2 })) assert(deepCompare({ a = 1, b = 2 }, { a = 1, b = 2 })) assert(deepCompare( { a = { 1, 2, 3 }, b = { 4, 5, 6 } }, { a = { 1, 2, 3 }, b = { 4, 5, 6 } } )) assert(not deepCompare( { a = { 1, 2, 3 }, b = { 4, 5, 6 } }, { a = { 1, 2, 3 }, b = { 4, 5, 7 } } )) -- Closure tests local function make_counter() local count = 0 return function() count = count + 1 return count end end local counter1 = make_counter() local counter2 = make_counter() assert(counter1() == 1, "First counter first call") assert(counter1() == 2, "First counter second call") assert(counter2() == 1, "Second counter should be independent") assert(counter1() == 3, "First counter maintains state") -- Test nested closures local function make_adder(x) return function(y) return function(z) return x + y + z end end end local add5 = make_adder(5) local add5and2 = add5(2) assert(add5and2(3) == 10, "Nested closure should maintain all scopes") -- Test closure variable independence local function make_value_keeper() local value = 0 return { set = function(v) value = v end, get = function() return value end } end local keeper1 = make_value_keeper() local keeper2 = make_value_keeper() keeper1.set(5) keeper2.set(10) assert(keeper1.get() == 5, "First keeper maintains its own value") assert(keeper2.get() == 10, "Second keeper maintains its own value") -- Test closure over loop variables local functions = {} for i = 1, 3 do functions[i] = function() return i end end assert(functions[1]() == 1, "Closure should capture loop variable value at creation time") assert(functions[2]() == 2, "Each closure should have its own value") assert(functions[3]() == 3, "Each closure should have its own value") -- Test closure over mutating variables local function make_accumulator(initial) local sum = initial return { add = function(x) sum = sum + x end, get = function() return sum end } end local acc = make_accumulator(5) acc.add(3) acc.add(2) assert(acc.get() == 10, "Accumulator should maintain state through multiple calls") -- Test closures with upvalues modified in nested scopes local function make_counter_with_reset() local count = 0 return { increment = function() local old = count count = count + 1 return old end, reset = function() local old = count count = 0 return old end } end local counter = make_counter_with_reset() assert(counter.increment() == 0) assert(counter.increment() == 1) local final = counter.reset() assert(final == 2, "Reset should return last value") assert(counter.increment() == 0, "Counter should start fresh after reset") -- Test custom iterators -- Basic iterator that counts down from n to 1 local function countdown(n) local count = n return function() if count > 0 then local current = count count = count - 1 return current end end end -- Test basic iterator usage local sum = 0 for num in countdown(3) do sum = sum + num end assert(sum == 6, "Countdown iterator should sum to 6 (3+2+1)") -- Iterator that returns even numbers from an array local function even_values(arr) local index = 0 return function() repeat index = index + 1 if index > #arr then return nil end if arr[index] % 2 == 0 then return index, arr[index] end until false end end -- Test array iterator local arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 } local count = 0 local sum = 0 for i, v in even_values(arr) do count = count + 1 sum = sum + v end assert(count == 4, "Should find 4 even numbers") assert(sum == 20, "Sum of even numbers should be 20 (2+4+6+8)") -- Range iterator with step local function range(from, to, step) step = step or 1 local current = from return function() if current > to then return nil end local value = current current = current + step return value end end -- Test range iterator with different steps local function collect_range(from, to, step) local values = {} for v in range(from, to, step) do table.insert(values, v) end return values end local values1 = collect_range(1, 5, 2) assert(#values1 == 3, "Range with step 2 should return 3 values") assert(values1[1] == 1 and values1[2] == 3 and values1[3] == 5, "Range values with step 2 should be correct") local values2 = collect_range(10, 15) assert(#values2 == 6, "Range with default step should return 6 values") assert(values2[1] == 10 and values2[6] == 15, "Range values with default step should be correct") local values3 = collect_range(1, 10, 3) assert(#values3 == 4, "Range with step 3 should return 4 values") assert(values3[1] == 1 and values3[2] == 4 and values3[3] == 7 and values3[4] == 10, "Range values with step 3 should be correct") -- Test nested iterators local function grid(rows, cols) local row = 0 return function() row = row + 1 if row <= rows then local col = 0 return function() col = col + 1 if col <= cols then return row, col end end end end end local points = {} for row_iter in grid(2, 3) do for r, c in row_iter do table.insert(points, { r, c }) end end assert(#points == 6, "Grid should generate 6 points") assert(points[1][1] == 1 and points[1][2] == 1, "First point should be (1,1)") assert(points[6][1] == 2 and points[6][2] == 3, "Last point should be (2,3)") -- Test for functions with variable number of arguments function sum(...) local total = 0 for i, v in ipairs({ ... }) do total = total + v end return total end assertEqual(sum(1, 2, 3), 6) assertEqual(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 15)