export type ParseTree = { type?: string; // undefined === text node from?: number; to?: number; text?: string; children?: ParseTree[]; // Only present after running addParentPointers parent?: ParseTree; }; export type AST = [string, ...AST[]] | string; export function addParentPointers(tree: ParseTree) { if (!tree.children) { return; } for (const child of tree.children) { if (child.parent) { // Already added parent pointers before return; } child.parent = tree; addParentPointers(child); } } export function removeParentPointers(tree: ParseTree) { delete tree.parent; if (!tree.children) { return; } for (const child of tree.children) { removeParentPointers(child); } } export function findParentMatching( tree: ParseTree, matchFn: (tree: ParseTree) => boolean, ): ParseTree | null { let node = tree.parent; while (node) { if (matchFn(node)) { return node; } node = node.parent; } return null; } export function collectNodesOfType( tree: ParseTree, nodeType: string, ): ParseTree[] { return collectNodesMatching(tree, (n) => n.type === nodeType); } export function collectNodesMatching( tree: ParseTree, matchFn: (tree: ParseTree) => boolean, ): ParseTree[] { if (matchFn(tree)) { return [tree]; } let results: ParseTree[] = []; if (tree.children) { for (const child of tree.children) { results = [...results, ...collectNodesMatching(child, matchFn)]; } } return results; } export async function collectNodesMatchingAsync( tree: ParseTree, matchFn: (tree: ParseTree) => Promise<boolean>, ): Promise<ParseTree[]> { if (await matchFn(tree)) { return [tree]; } let results: ParseTree[] = []; if (tree.children) { for (const child of tree.children) { results = [ ...results, ...await collectNodesMatchingAsync(child, matchFn), ]; } } return results; } // return value: returning undefined = not matched, continue, null = delete, new node = replace export function replaceNodesMatching( tree: ParseTree, substituteFn: (tree: ParseTree) => ParseTree | null | undefined, ) { if (tree.children) { const children = tree.children.slice(); for (const child of children) { const subst = substituteFn(child); if (subst !== undefined) { const pos = tree.children.indexOf(child); if (subst) { tree.children.splice(pos, 1, subst); } else { // null = delete tree.children.splice(pos, 1); } } else { replaceNodesMatching(child, substituteFn); } } } } export async function replaceNodesMatchingAsync( tree: ParseTree, substituteFn: (tree: ParseTree) => Promise<ParseTree | null | undefined>, ) { if (tree.children) { const children = tree.children.slice(); for (const child of children) { const subst = await substituteFn(child); if (subst !== undefined) { const pos = tree.children.indexOf(child); if (subst) { tree.children.splice(pos, 1, subst); } else { // null = delete tree.children.splice(pos, 1); } } else { await replaceNodesMatchingAsync(child, substituteFn); } } } } export function findNodeMatching( tree: ParseTree, matchFn: (tree: ParseTree) => boolean, ): ParseTree | null { return collectNodesMatching(tree, matchFn)[0]; } export function findNodeOfType( tree: ParseTree, nodeType: string, ): ParseTree | null { return collectNodesMatching(tree, (n) => n.type === nodeType)[0]; } export function traverseTree( tree: ParseTree, // Return value = should stop traversal? matchFn: (tree: ParseTree) => boolean, ): void { // Do a collect, but ignore the result collectNodesMatching(tree, matchFn); } export async function traverseTreeAsync( tree: ParseTree, // Return value = should stop traversal? matchFn: (tree: ParseTree) => Promise<boolean>, ): Promise<void> { // Do a collect, but ignore the result await collectNodesMatchingAsync(tree, matchFn); } // Finds non-text node at position export function nodeAtPos(tree: ParseTree, pos: number): ParseTree | null { if (pos < tree.from! || pos >= tree.to!) { return null; } if (!tree.children) { return tree; } for (const child of tree.children) { const n = nodeAtPos(child, pos); if (n && n.text !== undefined) { // Got a text node, let's return its parent return tree; } else if (n) { // Got it return n; } } return null; } // Turn ParseTree back into text export function renderToText(tree?: ParseTree): string { if (!tree) { return ""; } const pieces: string[] = []; if (tree.text !== undefined) { return tree.text; } for (const child of tree.children!) { pieces.push(renderToText(child)); } return pieces.join(""); } export function cloneTree(tree: ParseTree): ParseTree { const newTree = { ...tree }; if (tree.children) { newTree.children = tree.children.map(cloneTree); } delete newTree.parent; return newTree; } export function parseTreeToAST(tree: ParseTree, omitTrimmable = true): AST { const parseErrorNodes = collectNodesOfType(tree, "⚠"); if (parseErrorNodes.length > 0) { throw new Error( `Parse error in: ${renderToText(tree)}`, ); } if (tree.text !== undefined) { return tree.text; } const ast: AST = [tree.type!]; for (const node of tree.children!) { if (node.type && !node.type.endsWith("Mark")) { ast.push(parseTreeToAST(node, omitTrimmable)); } if (node.text && (omitTrimmable && node.text.trim() || !omitTrimmable)) { ast.push(node.text); } } return ast; }