API docs for Lua's `math` module. ## math.random(m?, n?) Generates random numbers. Without arguments, returns a float in [0,1). With one argument m, returns integer in [1,m]. With two arguments, returns integer in [m,n]. Example: ```lua print(math.random()) -- prints: 0.7259081864761557 print(math.random(10)) -- prints: 7 (random number from 1-10) print(math.random(5,10)) -- prints: 8 (random number from 5-10) ``` ## math.abs(x) Returns the absolute value of `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.abs(-5)) -- prints: 5 print(math.abs(3.7)) -- prints: 3.7 ``` ## math.ceil(x) Returns the smallest integer larger than or equal to `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.ceil(3.3)) -- prints: 4 print(math.ceil(-3.3)) -- prints: -3 ``` ## math.floor(x) Returns the largest integer smaller than or equal to `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.floor(3.7)) -- prints: 3 print(math.floor(-3.7)) -- prints: -4 ``` ## math.max(...) Returns the maximum value among its arguments. Example: ```lua print(math.max(1, 2, 3, 4)) -- prints: 4 print(math.max(-5, -2, -10)) -- prints: -2 ``` ## math.min(...) Returns the minimum value among its arguments. Example: ```lua print(math.min(1, 2, 3, 4)) -- prints: 1 print(math.min(-5, -2, -10)) -- prints: -10 ``` ## math.fmod(x, y) Returns the remainder of the division of `x` by `y`. Example: ```lua print(math.fmod(7, 3)) -- prints: 1 print(math.fmod(7, 2)) -- prints: 1 ``` ## math.modf(x) Returns the integral part and fractional part of `x`. Example: ```lua local int, frac = table.unpack(math.modf(3.7)) print(int, frac) -- prints: 3 0.7 ``` ## math.exp(x) Returns e raised to the power of `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.exp(0)) -- prints: 1 print(math.exp(1)) -- prints: 2.718281828459045 ``` ## math.log(x, base?) Returns the natural logarithm of `x` or the logarithm of `x` to the given base. Example: ```lua print(math.log(math.exp(1))) -- prints: 1 print(math.log(8, 2)) -- prints: 3 ``` ## math.pow(x, y) Returns `x` raised to the power `y`. Example: ```lua print(math.pow(2, 3)) -- prints: 8 print(math.pow(3, 2)) -- prints: 9 ``` ## math.sqrt(x) Returns the square root of `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.sqrt(9)) -- prints: 3 print(math.sqrt(2)) -- prints: 1.4142135623730951 ``` ## math.cos(x) Returns the cosine of `x` (in radians). Example: ```lua print(math.cos(0)) -- prints: 1 ``` ## math.sin(x) Returns the sine of `x` (in radians). Example: ```lua print(math.sin(0)) -- prints: 0 ``` ## math.tan(x) Returns the tangent of `x` (in radians). Example: ```lua print(math.tan(0)) -- prints: 0 ``` ## math.acos(x) Returns the arc cosine of `x` (in radians). Example: ```lua print(math.acos(1)) -- prints: 0 print(math.acos(0)) -- prints: 1.5707963267948966 ``` ## math.asin(x) Returns the arc sine of `x` (in radians). Example: ```lua print(math.asin(0)) -- prints: 0 print(math.asin(1)) -- prints: 1.5707963267948966 ``` ## math.atan(y, x?) Returns the arc tangent of `y/x` (in radians). If `x` is not provided, returns the arc tangent of `y`. Example: ```lua print(math.atan(0)) -- prints: 0 print(math.atan(1, 1)) -- prints: 0.7853981633974483 ``` ## math.cosh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.cosh(0)) -- prints: 1 print(math.cosh(1)) -- prints: 1.5430806348152437 ``` ## math.sinh(x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.sinh(0)) -- prints: 0 print(math.sinh(1)) -- prints: 1.1752011936438014 ``` ## math.tanh(x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of `x`. Example: ```lua print(math.tanh(0)) -- prints: 0 print(math.tanh(1)) -- prints: 0.7615941559557649 ``` ## math.deg(x) Converts angle `x` from radians to degrees. ## math.rad(x) Converts angle `x` from degrees to radians. Example: ```lua print(math.rad(180)) -- prints: 3.141592653589793 print(math.rad(90)) -- prints: 1.5707963267948966 ``` ## math.ult(m, n) Returns true if `m` is less than `n` when they are considered unsigned integers. Example: ```lua print(math.ult(1, 2)) -- prints: true print(math.ult(2, 1)) -- prints: false ``` # Non-standard Extensions ## math.cosineSimilarity(vecA, vecB) Returns the cosine similarity between two vectors. Example: ```lua local vec1 = {1, 2, 3} local vec2 = {4, 5, 6} print(math.cosineSimilarity(vec1, vec2)) -- prints: 0.9746318461970762 ```