import { Application, mime, path, Router, SQLite } from "./deps.ts"; import { assetReadFileSync, assetReadTextFileSync, } from "../common/asset_bundle.ts"; import { Manifest, SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts"; import { loadMarkdownExtensions } from "../common/markdown_ext.ts"; import buildMarkdown from "../common/parser.ts"; import { plugPrefix } from "../common/spaces/constants.ts"; import { DiskSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/disk_space_primitives.ts"; import { EventedSpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/evented_space_primitives.ts"; import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts"; import { SpacePrimitives } from "../common/spaces/space_primitives.ts"; import { markdownSyscalls } from "../common/syscalls/markdown.ts"; import { parseYamlSettings } from "../common/util.ts"; import { createSandbox } from "../plugos/environments/deno_sandbox.ts"; import { EndpointHook } from "../plugos/hooks/endpoint.ts"; import { EventHook } from "../plugos/hooks/event.ts"; import { NodeCronHook } from "../plugos/hooks/node_cron.ts"; import { esbuildSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/esbuild.ts"; import { eventSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/event.ts"; import fileSystemSyscalls from "../plugos/syscalls/fs.deno.ts"; import { fullTextSearchSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/fulltext.knex_sqlite.ts"; import sandboxSyscalls from "../plugos/syscalls/sandbox.ts"; import shellSyscalls from "../plugos/syscalls/shell.node.ts"; import { ensureTable as ensureStoreTable, storeSyscalls, } from "../plugos/syscalls/store.deno.ts"; import { System } from "../plugos/system.ts"; import { PageNamespaceHook } from "./hooks/page_namespace.ts"; import { PlugSpacePrimitives } from "./hooks/plug_space_primitives.ts"; import { ensureTable as ensureIndexTable, pageIndexSyscalls, } from "./syscalls/index.ts"; import spaceSyscalls from "./syscalls/space.ts"; import { systemSyscalls } from "./syscalls/system.ts"; import { safeRun } from "./util.ts"; // import { jwtSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/jwt.ts"; // import settingsTemplate from "bundle-text:./"; const safeFilename = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/; export type ServerOptions = { port: number; pagesPath: string; assetBundle: Record; builtinPlugDir: string; password?: string; }; const storeVersionKey = "$silverBulletVersion"; const indexRequiredKey = "$spaceIndexed"; export class ExpressServer { app: Application; system: System; private space: Space; private eventHook: EventHook; private db: SQLite; private port: number; builtinPlugDir: string; password?: string; settings: { [key: string]: any } = {}; spacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives; abortController?: AbortController; globalModules: Manifest; assetBundle: Record; constructor(options: ServerOptions) { this.port = options.port; = new Application(); this.builtinPlugDir = options.builtinPlugDir; this.assetBundle = options.assetBundle; this.password = options.password; this.globalModules = JSON.parse( assetReadTextFileSync(this.assetBundle, `dist/global.plug.json`), ); // Set up the PlugOS System this.system = new System("server"); // Instantiate the event bus hook this.eventHook = new EventHook(); this.system.addHook(this.eventHook); // And the page namespace hook let namespaceHook = new PageNamespaceHook(); this.system.addHook(namespaceHook); // The space this.spacePrimitives = new EventedSpacePrimitives( new PlugSpacePrimitives( new DiskSpacePrimitives(options.pagesPath), namespaceHook, ), this.eventHook, ); = new Space(this.spacePrimitives); // The database used for persistence (SQLite) this.db = new SQLite(path.join(options.pagesPath, "data.db")); // The cron hook this.system.addHook(new NodeCronHook()); // Register syscalls available on the server side this.system.registerSyscalls( [], pageIndexSyscalls(this.db), storeSyscalls(this.db, "store"), fullTextSearchSyscalls(this.db, "fts"), spaceSyscalls(, eventSyscalls(this.eventHook), markdownSyscalls(buildMarkdown([])), esbuildSyscalls(), systemSyscalls(this), sandboxSyscalls(this.system), // jwtSyscalls(), ); // Danger zone this.system.registerSyscalls(["shell"], shellSyscalls(options.pagesPath)); this.system.registerSyscalls(["fs"], fileSystemSyscalls("/")); // Register the HTTP endpoint hook (with "/_/"" prefix, hardcoded for now) this.system.addHook(new EndpointHook(, "/_")); this.system.on({ plugLoaded: (plug) => { // Automatically inject some modules into each plug safeRun(async () => { for ( let [modName, code] of Object.entries( this.globalModules.dependencies!, ) ) { await plug.sandbox.loadDependency(modName, code as string); } }); }, }); // Hook into some "get-plug:" to allow loading plugs from disk (security of this TBD) // First, for builtins (loaded from the packages/plugs/ folder) this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "get-plug:builtin", async (plugName: string): Promise => { if (!safeFilename.test(plugName)) { throw new Error(`Invalid plug name: ${plugName}`); } try { let manifestJson = await Deno.readTextFile( path.join(this.builtinPlugDir, `${plugName}.plug.json`), ); return JSON.parse(manifestJson); } catch { throw new Error(`No such builtin: ${plugName}`); } }, ); // Second, for loading plug JSON files with absolute or relative (from CWD) paths this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "get-plug:file", async (plugPath: string): Promise => { let resolvedPath = path.resolve(plugPath); if (!resolvedPath.startsWith(Deno.cwd())) { throw new Error( `Plugin path outside working directory, this is disallowed: ${resolvedPath}`, ); } try { let manifestJson = await Deno.readTextFile(resolvedPath); return JSON.parse(manifestJson); } catch (e) { throw new Error( `No such file: ${resolvedPath} or could not parse as JSON`, ); } }, ); // Rescan disk every 5s to detect any out-of-process file changes setInterval(() => {; }, 5000); } rebuildMdExtensions() { this.system.registerSyscalls( [], markdownSyscalls(buildMarkdown(loadMarkdownExtensions(this.system))), ); } // In case of a new space with no `PLUGS` file, generate a default one based on all built-in plugs private async bootstrapBuiltinPlugs() { let allPlugFiles = await Deno.readDir(this.builtinPlugDir); let pluginNames = []; for await (let file of allPlugFiles) { if (".plug.json")) { let manifestJson = await Deno.readTextFile( path.join(this.builtinPlugDir,, ); let manifest: Manifest = JSON.parse(manifestJson); pluginNames.push(; await this.spacePrimitives.writeFile( `${plugPrefix}${}`, "string", manifestJson, ); } } try { await"PLUGS"); console.log("PLUGS file already exists, won't override it."); return; } catch { console.log("Writing fresh PLUGS file."); await "PLUGS", "This file lists all plugs that SilverBullet will load. Run the `Plugs: Update` command to update and reload this list of plugs.\n\n```yaml\n- " + => `builtin:${name}`).join("\n- ") + "\n```", ); } } async reloadPlugs() { // Version check let lastRunningVersion = await this.system.localSyscall( "core", "store.get", [storeVersionKey], ); let upgrading = false; // if (lastRunningVersion !== version) { // upgrading = true; // console.log("Version change detected!"); // console.log("Going to re-bootstrap with the builtin set of plugs..."); // console.log("First removing existing plug files..."); // const existingPlugFiles = ( // await this.spacePrimitives.fetchFileList() // ).filter((meta) =>; // for (let plugFile of existingPlugFiles) { // await this.spacePrimitives.deleteFile(; // } // console.log("Now writing the default set of plugs..."); // await this.bootstrapBuiltinPlugs(); // await this.system.localSyscall("core", "store.set", [ // storeVersionKey, // version, // ]); // await this.system.localSyscall("core", "store.set", [ // "$spaceIndexed", // false, // ]); // } await; let allPlugs = await; // Sanity check: are there any plugs at all? If not, let's put back the core set if (allPlugs.length === 0) { await this.bootstrapBuiltinPlugs(); allPlugs = await; } await this.system.unloadAll(); console.log("Loading plugs", allPlugs); for (let plugName of allPlugs) { let { data } = await, "string"); await this.system.load(JSON.parse(data as string), createSandbox); } this.rebuildMdExtensions(); let corePlug = this.system.loadedPlugs.get("core"); if (!corePlug) { console.error("Something went very wrong, 'core' plug not found"); return; } // If we're upgrading, update plugs from PLUGS file // This will automatically reinvoke an plugReload() call if (upgrading) { console.log("Now updating plugs"); await corePlug.invoke("updatePlugs", []); } // Do we need to reindex this space? if ( !(await this.system.localSyscall("core", "store.get", [indexRequiredKey])) ) { console.log("Now reindexing space..."); await corePlug.invoke("reindexSpace", []); await this.system.localSyscall("core", "store.set", [ indexRequiredKey, true, ]); } } async start() { const passwordMiddleware: (req: any, res: any, next: any) => void = this .password ? (req, res, next) => { if (req.headers.authorization === `Bearer ${this.password}`) { next(); } else { res.status(401).send("Unauthorized"); } } : (req, res, next) => { next(); }; await ensureIndexTable(this.db); await ensureStoreTable(this.db, "store"); // await ensureFTSTable(this.db, "fts"); await this.ensureAndLoadSettings(); // Load plugs this.reloadPlugs().catch(console.error); // Serve static files (javascript, css, html) (ctx, next) => { if (ctx.request.url.pathname === "/") { ctx.response.headers.set("Content-type", "text/html"); ctx.response.body = assetReadTextFileSync( this.assetBundle, "dist/index.html", ); return; } try { ctx.response.body = assetReadFileSync( this.assetBundle, `dist${ctx.request.url.pathname}`, ); ctx.response.headers.set( "Content-type", mime.getType(ctx.request.url.pathname)!, ); } catch { await next(); } }); // Pages API const fsRouter = buildFsRouter(this.spacePrimitives);;; // Plug API const plugRouter = this.buildPlugRouter();;; // Fallback, serve index.html => { ctx.response.headers.set("Content-type", "text/html"); ctx.response.body = assetReadTextFileSync( this.assetBundle, "dist/index.html", ); }); this.abortController = new AbortController();{ port: this.port, signal: this.abortController.signal }) .catch(console.error); console.log( `Silver Bullet is now running: http://localhost:${this.port}`, ); console.log("--------------"); } private buildPlugRouter(): Router { let plugRouter = new Router(); "/:plug/syscall/:name", async (ctx) => { const name =; const plugName = ctx.params.plug; const args = await ctx.request.body().value; const plug = this.system.loadedPlugs.get(plugName); if (!plug) { ctx.response.status = 404; ctx.response.body = `Plug ${plugName} not found`; return; } try { const result = await this.system.syscallWithContext( { plug }, name, args, ); ctx.response.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json"); ctx.response.body = JSON.stringify(result); } catch (e: any) { ctx.response.status = 500; ctx.response.body = e.message; return; } }, ); "/:plug/function/:name", async (ctx) => { const name =; const plugName = ctx.params.plug; const args = await ctx.request.body().value; const plug = this.system.loadedPlugs.get(plugName); if (!plug) { ctx.response.status = 404; ctx.response.body = `Plug ${plugName} not found`; return; } try { const result = await plug.invoke(name, args); ctx.response.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json"); ctx.response.body = JSON.stringify(result); } catch (e: any) { ctx.response.status = 500; // console.log("Error invoking function", e); ctx.response.body = e.message; } }, ); return new Router().use("/plug", plugRouter.routes()); } async ensureAndLoadSettings() { try { await"SETTINGS"); } catch (e) { await "SETTINGS", await Deno.readTextFile( new URL("", import.meta.url).pathname, ), true, ); } const { text: settingsText } = await"SETTINGS"); this.settings = parseYamlSettings(settingsText); if (!this.settings.indexPage) { this.settings.indexPage = "index"; } try { await; } catch (e) { await this.settings.indexPage, `Welcome to your new space!`, ); } } async stop() { if (this.abortController) { console.log("Stopping"); await this.system.unloadAll(); console.log("Stopped plugs"); this.abortController.abort(); console.log("stopped server"); } } } function buildFsRouter(spacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives): Router { const fsRouter = new Router(); // File list fsRouter.get("/", async ({ response }) => { const list = await spacePrimitives.fetchFileList(); // console.log("List", list); response.headers.set("Content-type", "application/json"); response.body = JSON.stringify(list); }); fsRouter .get("\/(.+)", async ({ params, request, response }) => { let name = params[0]; console.log("Loading file", name); try { let attachmentData = await spacePrimitives.readFile( name, "arraybuffer", ); response.status = 200; response.headers.set( "Last-Modified", "" + attachmentData.meta.lastModified, ); response.headers.set("X-Permission", attachmentData.meta.perm); response.headers.set("Content-Type", attachmentData.meta.contentType); response.body = as ArrayBuffer; } catch { // console.error("Error in main router", e); response.status = 404; response.body = ""; } }) .put("\/(.+)", async ({ request, response, params }) => { let name = params[0]; console.log("Saving file", name); try { let meta = await spacePrimitives.writeFile( name, "arraybuffer", await request.body().value, false, ); response.status = 200; response.headers.set("Last-Modified", "" + meta.lastModified); response.headers.set("Content-Type", meta.contentType); response.headers.set("Content-Length", "" + meta.size); response.headers.set("X-Permission", meta.perm); response.body = "OK"; } catch (err) { response.status = 500; response.body = "Write failed"; console.error("Pipeline failed", err); } }) .options("\/(.+)", async ({ request, response, params }, next) => { let name = params[0]; try { const meta = await spacePrimitives.getFileMeta(name); response.status = 200; response.headers.set("Last-Modified", "" + meta.lastModified); response.headers.set("Content-Type", meta.contentType); response.headers.set("Content-Length", "" + meta.size); response.headers.set("X-Permission", meta.perm); } catch { next(); } }) .delete("\/(.+)", async ({ request, response, params }) => { let name = params[0]; try { await spacePrimitives.deleteFile(name); response.status = 200; response.body = "OK"; } catch (e: any) { console.error("Error deleting attachment", e); response.status = 200; response.body = e.message; } }); return new Router().use("/fs", fsRouter.routes()); }