In addition to supporting [[Markdown/Basics|markdown basics]] as standardized by [CommonMark](, SilverBullet relies on the following extensions:

* Double-bracketed wiki links: `[[link to page]]`, optionally with aliases `[[link to page|alias]]`.
* [[Frontmatter]] and [[Attributes]]
* [Fenced code blocks](, and in addition, assigning new meanings to specific fenced code block languages:
    * Generically via [[Markdown/Code Widgets]]
    * [[Live Queries]]
    * [[Live Templates]]
    * [[Table of Contents]]
* [[Anchors]]
* [[Markdown/Admonitions]]
* Hashtags, e.g. `#mytag`.
* [[Markdown/Command links]] syntax
* [Tables](
* [Task lists](
* [Highlight](
* [Automatic URL linking](
* Any addition custom markdown extensions provided by [[Plugs]]