import { parse } from "./parse_tree.ts"; import { addParentPointers, collectNodesMatching, findParentMatching, nodeAtPos, removeParentPointers, renderToText, replaceNodesMatching, } from "./tree.ts"; import wikiMarkdownLang from "./parser.ts"; import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals } from "../../test_dep.ts"; const mdTest1 = ` # Heading ## Sub _heading_ cool Hello, this is some **bold** text and *italic*. And [a link]( %% My comment here %% And second line And an @mention - This is a list [[PageLink]] - With another item - TODOs: - [ ] A task that's not yet done - [x] Hello - And a _third_ one [[Wiki Page]] yo `; const mdTest2 = ` Hello * Item 1 * Sup`; const mdTest3 = ` \`\`\`yaml name: something \`\`\` `; Deno.test("Run a Node sandbox", () => { const lang = wikiMarkdownLang([]); let mdTree = parse(lang, mdTest1); addParentPointers(mdTree); // console.log(JSON.stringify(mdTree, null, 2)); let wikiLink = nodeAtPos(mdTree, mdTest1.indexOf("Wiki Page"))!; assertEquals(wikiLink.type, "WikiLink"); assertNotEquals( findParentMatching(wikiLink, (n) => n.type === "BulletList"), null, ); let allTodos = collectNodesMatching(mdTree, (n) => n.type === "Task"); assertEquals(allTodos.length, 2); // Render back into markdown should be equivalent assertEquals(renderToText(mdTree), mdTest1); removeParentPointers(mdTree); replaceNodesMatching(mdTree, (n) => { if (n.type === "Task") { return { type: "Tosk", }; } }); console.log(JSON.stringify(mdTree, null, 2)); let mdTree3 = parse(lang, mdTest3); console.log(JSON.stringify(mdTree3, null, 2)); });