// import { Knex } from "knex"; import { SysCallMapping } from "../../plugos/system.ts"; import { asyncExecute, asyncQuery, Query, queryToSql, } from "../../plugos/syscalls/store.deno.ts"; import { SQLite } from "../../dep_server.ts"; type Item = { page: string; key: string; value: any; }; export type KV = { key: string; value: any; }; const tableName = "page_index"; export function ensureTable(db: SQLite): Promise { const stmt = db.prepare( `SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?`, ); const result = stmt.all(tableName); if (result.length === 0) { db.exec( `CREATE TABLE ${tableName} (key STRING, page STRING, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (page, key));`, ); db.exec( `CREATE INDEX ${tableName}_idx ON ${tableName}(key);`, ); console.log(`Created table ${tableName}`); } return Promise.resolve(); } export function pageIndexSyscalls(db: SQLite): SysCallMapping { const apiObj: SysCallMapping = { "index.set": async (ctx, page: string, key: string, value: any) => { await asyncExecute( db, `UPDATE ${tableName} SET value = ? WHERE key = ? AND page = ?`, JSON.stringify(value), key, page, ); if (db.changes === 0) { await asyncExecute( db, `INSERT INTO ${tableName} (key, page, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`, key, page, JSON.stringify(value), ); } }, "index.batchSet": async (ctx, page: string, kvs: KV[]) => { for (let { key, value } of kvs) { await apiObj["index.set"](ctx, page, key, value); } }, "index.delete": async (ctx, page: string, key: string) => { await asyncExecute( db, `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE key = ? AND page = ?`, key, page, ); }, "index.get": async (ctx, page: string, key: string) => { const result = await asyncQuery( db, `SELECT value FROM ${tableName} WHERE key = ? AND page = ?`, key, page, ); if (result.length) { return JSON.parse(result[0].value); } else { return null; } }, "index.queryPrefix": async (ctx, prefix: string) => { return ( await asyncQuery( db, `SELECT key, page, value FROM ${tableName} WHERE key LIKE "${prefix}%"`, ) ).map(({ key, value, page }) => ({ key, page, value: JSON.parse(value), })); }, "index.query": async (ctx, query: Query) => { const { sql, params } = queryToSql(query); return ( await asyncQuery( db, `SELECT key, value FROM ${tableName} ${sql}`, ...params, ) ).map(({ key, value, page }: any) => ({ key, page, value: JSON.parse(value), })); }, "index.clearPageIndexForPage": async (ctx, page: string) => { await apiObj["index.deletePrefixForPage"](ctx, page, ""); }, "index.deletePrefixForPage": async (ctx, page: string, prefix: string) => { await asyncExecute( db, `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE key LIKE "${prefix}%" AND page = ?`, page, ); }, "index.clearPageIndex": async (ctx) => { await asyncExecute( db, `DELETE FROM ${tableName}`, ); }, }; return apiObj; }