import { Hook, Manifest, RuntimeEnvironment } from "./types"; import { EventEmitter } from "../silverbullet-common/event"; import { SandboxFactory } from "./sandbox"; import { Plug } from "./plug"; export interface SysCallMapping { [key: string]: (ctx: SyscallContext, ...args: any) => Promise<any> | any; } export type SystemJSON<HookT> = { [key: string]: Manifest<HookT> }; export type SystemEvents<HookT> = { plugLoaded: (name: string, plug: Plug<HookT>) => void; plugUnloaded: (name: string, plug: Plug<HookT>) => void; }; export type SyscallContext = { plug: Plug<any>; }; type SyscallSignature = ( ctx: SyscallContext, ...args: any[] ) => Promise<any> | any; type Syscall = { requiredPermissions: string[]; callback: SyscallSignature; }; export class System<HookT> extends EventEmitter<SystemEvents<HookT>> { readonly runtimeEnv: RuntimeEnvironment; protected plugs = new Map<string, Plug<HookT>>(); protected registeredSyscalls = new Map<string, Syscall>(); protected enabledHooks = new Set<Hook<HookT>>(); constructor(env: RuntimeEnvironment) { super(); this.runtimeEnv = env; } get loadedPlugs(): Map<string, Plug<HookT>> { return this.plugs; } addHook(feature: Hook<HookT>) { this.enabledHooks.add(feature); feature.apply(this); } registerSyscalls( requiredCapabilities: string[], ...registrationObjects: SysCallMapping[] ) { for (const registrationObject of registrationObjects) { for (let [name, callback] of Object.entries(registrationObject)) { this.registeredSyscalls.set(name, { requiredPermissions: requiredCapabilities, callback, }); } } } async syscallWithContext( ctx: SyscallContext, name: string, args: any[] ): Promise<any> { const syscall = this.registeredSyscalls.get(name); if (!syscall) { throw Error(`Unregistered syscall ${name}`); } for (const permission of syscall.requiredPermissions) { if (!ctx.plug) { throw Error(`Syscall ${name} requires permission and no plug is set`); } if (!ctx.plug.grantedPermissions.includes(permission)) { throw Error(`Missing permission '${permission}' for syscall ${name}`); } } return Promise.resolve(syscall.callback(ctx, ...args)); } async load( name: string, manifest: Manifest<HookT>, sandboxFactory: SandboxFactory<HookT> ): Promise<Plug<HookT>> { if (this.plugs.has(name)) { await this.unload(name); } // Validate let errors: string[] = []; for (const feature of this.enabledHooks) { errors = [...errors, ...feature.validateManifest(manifest)]; } if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid manifest: ${errors.join(", ")}`); } // Ok, let's load this thing! const plug = new Plug(this, name, sandboxFactory); await plug.load(manifest); this.plugs.set(name, plug); this.emit("plugLoaded", name, plug); return plug; } async unload(name: string) { const plug = this.plugs.get(name); if (!plug) { throw Error(`Plug ${name} not found`); } await plug.stop(); this.emit("plugUnloaded", name, plug); this.plugs.delete(name); } toJSON(): SystemJSON<HookT> { let plugJSON: { [key: string]: Manifest<HookT> } = {}; for (let [name, plug] of this.plugs) { if (!plug.manifest) { continue; } plugJSON[name] = plug.manifest; } return plugJSON; } async replaceAllFromJSON( json: SystemJSON<HookT>, sandboxFactory: SandboxFactory<HookT> ) { await this.unloadAll(); for (let [name, manifest] of Object.entries(json)) { console.log("Loading plug", name); await this.load(name, manifest, sandboxFactory); } } async unloadAll(): Promise<void[]> { return Promise.all( Array.from(this.plugs.keys()).map(this.unload.bind(this)) ); } }