import type { IndexTreeEvent } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/types"; import { editor, jsonschema, markdown, space, system, YAML, } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/syscalls"; import type { LintDiagnostic, PageMeta } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { extractFrontmatter } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/frontmatter"; import { extractAttributes } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/attribute"; import { indexObjects, queryDeleteObjects } from "./api.ts"; import { findNodeOfType, renderToText, traverseTreeAsync, } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/tree"; import { updateITags } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/tags"; import type { AspiringPageObject } from "./page_links.ts"; import { deepObjectMerge } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/json"; export async function indexPage({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) { if (name.startsWith("_")) { // Don't index pages starting with _ return; } const pageMeta = await space.getPageMeta(name); const frontmatter = await extractFrontmatter(tree); const toplevelAttributes = await extractAttributes( ["page", ...frontmatter.tags || []], tree, ); // Push them all into the page object // Note the order here, making sure that the actual page meta data overrules // any attempt to manually set built-in attributes like 'name' or 'lastModified' // pageMeta appears at the beginning and the end due to the ordering behavior of ojects in JS (making builtin attributes appear first) const combinedPageMeta: PageMeta = { ...pageMeta, ...frontmatter, ...toplevelAttributes, ...pageMeta, }; combinedPageMeta.tags = [ Set([ ...frontmatter.tags || [], ...toplevelAttributes.tags || [], ]), ]; combinedPageMeta.tag = "page"; if (combinedPageMeta.aliases && !Array.isArray(combinedPageMeta.aliases)) { console.warn( "Aliases must be an array", combinedPageMeta.aliases, "falling back to empty array", ); combinedPageMeta.aliases = []; } updateITags(combinedPageMeta, frontmatter); // Make sure this page is no (longer) in the aspiring pages list await queryDeleteObjects<AspiringPageObject>("aspiring-page", { filter: ["=", ["attr", "name"], ["string", name]], }); const tagSchema = (await system.getSpaceConfig("schema")).tag; // Validate the page meta against schemas, and only index the tags that validate for (const tag of combinedPageMeta.tags) { let schema = tagSchema[tag]; if (schema) { schema = deepObjectMerge({ type: "object" }, schema); const validationError = await jsonschema.validateObject( schema, combinedPageMeta, ); if (validationError) { console.warn( "Validation failed for", combinedPageMeta, "for tag", tag, ". Error:", validationError, ". Removing tag until this is resolved.", ); combinedPageMeta.tags.splice(combinedPageMeta.tags.indexOf(tag), 1); } } } // console.log("Page object", combinedPageMeta); await indexObjects<PageMeta>(name, [combinedPageMeta]); } export async function lintFrontmatter(): Promise<LintDiagnostic[]> { const text = await editor.getText(); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); const diagnostics: LintDiagnostic[] = []; await traverseTreeAsync(tree, async (node) => { if (node.type === "FrontMatterCode") { const lintResult = await lintYaml( renderToText(node), node.from!,!, ); if (lintResult) { diagnostics.push(lintResult); } return true; } if (node.type === "FencedCode") { const codeInfo = findNodeOfType(node, "CodeInfo")!; if (!codeInfo) { return true; } const codeLang = codeInfo.children![0].text!; // All known YAML formats if ( codeLang === "template" || codeLang === "yaml" || codeLang.startsWith("#") ) { const codeText = findNodeOfType(node, "CodeText"); if (!codeText) { return true; } const yamlCode = renderToText(codeText); const lintResult = await lintYaml( yamlCode, codeText.from!,!, ); if (lintResult) { diagnostics.push(lintResult); } return true; } } return false; }); return diagnostics; } const errorRegex = /at line (\d+),? column (\d+)/; async function lintYaml( yamlText: string, from: number, to: number, ): Promise<LintDiagnostic | undefined> { try { await YAML.parse(yamlText); } catch (e) { const errorMatch = errorRegex.exec(e.message); if (errorMatch) { console.log("YAML error", e.message); return { from, to, severity: "error", message: e.message, }; } } }