// The recommended way to use this for now is through `silverbullet bundle:build` until // we fork out PlugOS as a whole import { Manifest } from "../types.ts"; import { YAML } from "../../common/deps.ts"; import { compile, CompileOptions, esbuild, sandboxCompileModule, } from "../compile.ts"; import { cacheDir, flags, path } from "../deps.ts"; import { bundleAssets } from "../asset_bundle/builder.ts"; export async function bundle( manifestPath: string, options: CompileOptions = {}, ): Promise<Manifest<any>> { const rootPath = path.dirname(manifestPath); const manifest = YAML.parse( await Deno.readTextFile(manifestPath), ) as Manifest<any>; if (!manifest.name) { throw new Error(`Missing 'name' in ${manifestPath}`); } // Dependencies for ( const [name, moduleSpec] of Object.entries(manifest.dependencies || {}) ) { manifest.dependencies![name] = await sandboxCompileModule(moduleSpec); } // Assets const assetsBundle = await bundleAssets( path.resolve(rootPath), manifest.assets as string[] || [], ); manifest.assets = assetsBundle.toJSON(); // Imports // Imports currently only "import" dependencies at this point, importing means: assume they're preloaded so we don't need to bundle them const plugCache = path.join(cacheDir()!, "plugos"); await Deno.mkdir(plugCache, { recursive: true }); const imports: Manifest<any>[] = []; for (const manifestUrl of manifest.imports || []) { // Safe file name const cachedManifestPath = manifestUrl.replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_"); try { if (options.reload) { throw new Error("Forced reload"); } // Try to just load from the cache const cachedManifest = JSON.parse( await Deno.readTextFile(path.join(plugCache, cachedManifestPath)), ) as Manifest<any>; imports.push(cachedManifest); } catch { // Otherwise, download and cache console.log("Caching plug", manifestUrl, "to", plugCache); const cachedManifest = await (await fetch(manifestUrl)) .json() as Manifest<any>; await Deno.writeTextFile( path.join(plugCache, cachedManifestPath), JSON.stringify(cachedManifest), ); imports.push(cachedManifest); } } // Functions for (const def of Object.values(manifest.functions || {})) { if (!def.path) { continue; } let jsFunctionName = "default", filePath: string = def.path; if (filePath.indexOf(":") !== -1) { [filePath, jsFunctionName] = filePath.split(":"); } // Resolve path filePath = path.join(rootPath, filePath); def.code = await compile( filePath, jsFunctionName, { ...options, imports: [ manifest, ...imports, // This is mostly for testing ...options.imports || [], ], }, ); delete def.path; } return manifest; } async function buildManifest( manifestPath: string, distPath: string, options: CompileOptions = {}, ) { const generatedManifest = await bundle(manifestPath, options); const outFile = manifestPath.substring( 0, manifestPath.length - path.extname(manifestPath).length, ) + ".json"; const outPath = path.join(distPath, path.basename(outFile)); console.log("Emitting bundle to", outPath); await Deno.writeTextFile(outPath, JSON.stringify(generatedManifest, null, 2)); return { generatedManifest, outPath }; } export async function bundleRun( manifestFiles: string[], dist: string, watch: boolean, options: CompileOptions = {}, ) { let building = false; async function buildAll() { if (building) { return; } console.log("Building", manifestFiles); building = true; Deno.mkdirSync(dist, { recursive: true }); const startTime = Date.now(); // Build all plugs in parallel await Promise.all(manifestFiles.map(async (plugManifestPath) => { const manifestPath = plugManifestPath as string; try { await buildManifest( manifestPath, dist, options, ); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error building ${manifestPath}:`, e); } })); console.log(`Done building plugs in ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`); building = false; } await buildAll(); if (watch) { console.log("Watching for changes..."); const watcher = Deno.watchFs(manifestFiles.map((p) => path.dirname(p))); for await (const event of watcher) { if (event.paths.length > 0) { if (event.paths[0].endsWith(".json")) { continue; } } console.log("Change detected, rebuilding..."); buildAll(); } } } if (import.meta.main) { const args = flags.parse(Deno.args, { boolean: ["debug", "watch", "reload", "info"], string: ["dist", "importmap"], alias: { w: "watch" }, }); if (args._.length === 0) { console.log( "Usage: plugos-bundle [--debug] [--reload] [--dist <path>] [--info] [--importmap import_map.json] [--exclude=package1,package2] <manifest.plug.yaml> <manifest2.plug.yaml> ...", ); Deno.exit(1); } if (!args.dist) { args.dist = path.resolve("."); } await bundleRun( args._ as string[], args.dist, args.watch, { debug: args.debug, reload: args.reload, info: args.info, importMap: args.importmap ? new URL(args.importmap, `file://${Deno.cwd()}/`) : undefined, }, ); esbuild.stop(); }