import { pageLinkRegex } from "$common/markdown_parser/parser.ts"; import { ClickEvent } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { Decoration, syntaxTree } from "../deps.ts"; import { Client } from "../client.ts"; import { decoratorStateField, invisibleDecoration, isCursorInRange, LinkWidget, } from "./util.ts"; import { resolvePath } from "$sb/lib/resolve.ts"; import { encodePageRef, parsePageRef } from "../../plug-api/lib/page_ref.ts"; /** * Plugin to hide path prefix when the cursor is not inside. */ export function cleanWikiLinkPlugin(client: Client) { return decoratorStateField((state) => { const widgets: any[] = []; // let parentRange: [number, number]; syntaxTree(state).iterate({ enter: ({ type, from, to }) => { if ( !== "WikiLink") { return; } const text = state.sliceDoc(from, to); const match = pageLinkRegex.exec(text); if (!match) return; const [_fullMatch, page, pipePart, alias] = match; let pageExists = !client.fullSyncCompleted; const pageRef = parsePageRef(page); = resolvePath(client.currentPage,; const lowerCasePageName =; for (const pageName of client.clientSystem.allKnownPages) { if (pageName.toLowerCase() === lowerCasePageName) { pageExists = true; break; } } if ( === "" || client.plugSpaceRemotePrimitives.isLikelyHandled( ) { // Empty page name with local @anchor use or a link to a page that dynamically generated by a plug pageExists = true; } if (isCursorInRange(state, [from, to])) { // Only attach a CSS class, then get out if (!pageExists) { widgets.push( Decoration.mark({ class: "sb-wiki-link-page-missing", }).range(from + 2, from + page.length + 2), ); } return; } // Hide the whole thing widgets.push( invisibleDecoration.range( from, to, ), ); let linkText = alias || page; if (!pipePart && text.indexOf("/") !== -1) { // Let's use the last part of the path as the link text linkText = page.split("/").pop()!; } // And replace it with a widget widgets.push( Decoration.widget({ widget: new LinkWidget( { text: linkText, title: pageExists ? `Navigate to ${encodePageRef(pageRef)}` : `Create ${}`, href: `/${encodePageRef(pageRef)}`, cssClass: pageExists ? "sb-wiki-link-page" : "sb-wiki-link-page-missing", callback: (e) => { if (e.altKey) { // Move cursor into the link return client.editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: from + 2 }, }); } // Dispatch click event to navigate there without moving the cursor const clickEvent: ClickEvent = { page: client.currentPage, ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, metaKey: e.metaKey, altKey: e.altKey, pos: from, }; client.dispatchAppEvent("page:click", clickEvent).catch( console.error, ); }, }, ), }).range(from), ); }, }); return Decoration.set(widgets, true); }); }