import "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/native_fetch"; import { federatedPathToUrl } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/resolve"; import { datastore } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/syscalls"; import type { FileMeta } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { wildcardPathToRegex } from "./util.ts"; function responseToFileMeta( r: Response, name: string, ): FileMeta { return { name: name, size: r.headers.get("Content-length") ? +r.headers.get("Content-length")! : 0, contentType: r.headers.get("Content-type")!, perm: "ro", created: +(r.headers.get("X-Created") || "0"), lastModified: +(r.headers.get("X-Last-Modified") || "0"), }; } const fileListingPrefixCacheKey = `federationListCache`; const listingCacheTimeout = 1000 * 5; const listingFetchTimeout = 2000; type FileListingCacheEntry = { items: FileMeta[]; lastUpdated: number; }; export async function listFilesCached( uri: string, supportWildcards = false, ): Promise<FileMeta[]> { const uriParts = uri.split("/"); const rootUri = uriParts[0]; const prefix = uriParts.slice(1).join("/"); console.log( "Fetching listing from federated", rootUri, "with prefix", prefix, ); const cachedListing = await datastore.get( [fileListingPrefixCacheKey, rootUri], ) as FileListingCacheEntry; let items: FileMeta[] = []; if ( cachedListing && cachedListing.lastUpdated > - listingCacheTimeout ) {"Using cached listing", cachedListing.items.length); items = cachedListing.items; } else { const indexUrl = `${federatedPathToUrl(rootUri)}/index.json`; try { const fetchController = new AbortController(); const timeout = setTimeout( () => fetchController.abort(), listingFetchTimeout, ); const r = await nativeFetch(indexUrl, { method: "GET", headers: { "X-Sync-Mode": "true", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", }, signal: fetchController.signal, }); clearTimeout(timeout); if (r.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Got status ${r.status}`); } const jsonResult = await r.json(); // Transform them a little bit items = FileMeta) => ({ ...meta, perm: "ro", name: `${rootUri}/${}`, })); // Cache the entire listing await datastore.set([fileListingPrefixCacheKey, rootUri], { items, lastUpdated:, } as FileListingCacheEntry); } catch (e: any) { console.error("Failed to process", indexUrl, e); if (cachedListing) {"Using cached listing"); return cachedListing.items; } } } // And then filter based on prefix before returning if (!supportWildcards) { return items.filter((meta: FileMeta) =>; } else { const prefixRegex = wildcardPathToRegex(uri); return items.filter((meta) => prefixRegex.test(; } } export async function readFile( name: string, ): Promise<{ data: Uint8Array; meta: FileMeta }> { const url = federatedPathToUrl(name); console.log("Fetching federated file", url); const r = await nativeFetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: { Accept: "application/octet-stream", }, }); if (r.status === 503) { throw new Error("Offline"); } const fileMeta = responseToFileMeta(r, name); if (r.status === 404) { throw Error("Not found"); } const data = await r.arrayBuffer(); if (!r.ok) { return errorResult(name, `**Error**: Could not load`); } return { data: new Uint8Array(data), meta: fileMeta, }; } function errorResult( name: string, error: string, ): { data: Uint8Array; meta: FileMeta } { return { data: new TextEncoder().encode(error), meta: { name, contentType: "text/markdown", created: 0, lastModified: 0, size: 0, perm: "ro", }, }; } export function writeFile( _name: string, _data: Uint8Array, ): Promise<FileMeta> { throw new Error("Writing federation file, not yet supported"); } export function deleteFile( _name: string, ): Promise<void> { throw new Error("Writing federation file, not yet supported"); } export async function getFileMeta(name: string): Promise<FileMeta> { const url = federatedPathToUrl(name);"Fetching federation file meta", url); const r = await nativeFetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: { "X-Sync-Mode": "true", "X-Get-Meta": "true", }, }); if (r.status === 503) { throw new Error("Offline"); } const fileMeta = responseToFileMeta(r, name); if (!r.ok) { throw new Error("Not found"); } return fileMeta; }