#!/bin/bash -e cd $(realpath $(dirname $(dirname $0))) IMAGE_NAME="zefhemel/silverbullet:edge" PLAYGROUND_SPACE="/tmp/silverbullet-playground" PLAYGROUND_PORT=3001 # Pull the Docker image docker pull $IMAGE_NAME echo "Let's update the repo content, just in case." git pull # Now do the same for the playground echo "Now resetting the playground" # Check if a silverbullet container is running already if [ "$(docker ps -q -f name=silverbullet-playground)" ]; then echo "A playground container is running, let's stop it." docker kill silverbullet-playground docker rm silverbullet-playground fi # Remove the old space echo "Removing old playground space" rm -rf $PLAYGROUND_SPACE echo "Creating fresh playground space" mkdir -p $PLAYGROUND_SPACE cp -r scripts/playground_space/* $PLAYGROUND_SPACE/ # Let's copy in the default libraries cp -r website/Library $PLAYGROUND_SPACE/ echo "Starting new playground container" docker run -d --name silverbullet-playground -v $PLAYGROUND_SPACE:/space -e SB_SHELL_BACKEND=off -p $PLAYGROUND_PORT:3000 $IMAGE_NAME echo "Waiting for the server to start" until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail http://localhost:$PLAYGROUND_PORT/); do printf '.' sleep 1 done echo echo "We're back up!"