import { PlugNamespaceHook } from "../common/hooks/plug_namespace.ts"; import { Manifest, SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts"; import buildMarkdown from "../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts"; import { CronHook } from "../plugos/hooks/cron.ts"; import { EventHook } from "../plugos/hooks/event.ts"; import { DexieKVStore } from "../plugos/lib/kv_store.dexie.ts"; import { createSandbox } from "../plugos/environments/webworker_sandbox.ts"; import assetSyscalls from "../plugos/syscalls/asset.ts"; import { eventSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/event.ts"; import { storeSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/store.ts"; import { SysCallMapping, System } from "../plugos/system.ts"; import type { Client } from "./client.ts"; import { CodeWidgetHook } from "./hooks/code_widget.ts"; import { CommandHook } from "./hooks/command.ts"; import { SlashCommandHook } from "./hooks/slash_command.ts"; import { clientStoreSyscalls } from "./syscalls/clientStore.ts"; import { debugSyscalls } from "./syscalls/debug.ts"; import { editorSyscalls } from "./syscalls/editor.ts"; import { sandboxFetchSyscalls } from "./syscalls/fetch.ts"; import { pageIndexSyscalls } from "./syscalls/index.ts"; import { markdownSyscalls } from "./syscalls/markdown.ts"; import { shellSyscalls } from "./syscalls/shell.ts"; import { spaceSyscalls } from "./syscalls/space.ts"; import { syncSyscalls } from "./syscalls/sync.ts"; import { systemSyscalls } from "./syscalls/system.ts"; import { yamlSyscalls } from "./syscalls/yaml.ts"; import { Space } from "./space.ts"; import { loadMarkdownExtensions, MDExt, } from "../common/markdown_parser/markdown_ext.ts"; export class ClientSystem { system: System<SilverBulletHooks> = new System("client"); commandHook: CommandHook; slashCommandHook: SlashCommandHook; namespaceHook: PlugNamespaceHook; indexSyscalls: SysCallMapping; codeWidgetHook: CodeWidgetHook; plugsUpdated = false; mdExtensions: MDExt[] = []; constructor( private editor: Client, private kvStore: DexieKVStore, private dbPrefix: string, private eventHook: EventHook, ) { this.system.addHook(this.eventHook); // Plug page namespace hook this.namespaceHook = new PlugNamespaceHook(); this.system.addHook(this.namespaceHook); // Cron hook const cronHook = new CronHook(this.system); this.system.addHook(cronHook); this.indexSyscalls = pageIndexSyscalls( `${dbPrefix}_page_index`, globalThis.indexedDB, ); // Code widget hook this.codeWidgetHook = new CodeWidgetHook(); this.system.addHook(this.codeWidgetHook); // Command hook this.commandHook = new CommandHook(); this.commandHook.on({ commandsUpdated: (commandMap) => { this.editor.ui.viewDispatch({ type: "update-commands", commands: commandMap, }); }, }); this.system.addHook(this.commandHook); // Slash command hook this.slashCommandHook = new SlashCommandHook(this.editor); this.system.addHook(this.slashCommandHook); this.eventHook.addLocalListener("plug:changed", async (fileName) => { console.log("Plug updated, reloading:", fileName); this.system.unload(fileName); const plug = await this.system.load( new URL(`/${fileName}`, location.href), createSandbox, ); if ((plug.manifest! as Manifest).syntax) { // If there are syntax extensions, rebuild the markdown parser immediately this.updateMarkdownParser(); } this.plugsUpdated = true; }); this.registerSyscalls(); } registerSyscalls() { const storeCalls = storeSyscalls(this.kvStore); // Slash command hook this.slashCommandHook = new SlashCommandHook(this.editor); this.system.addHook(this.slashCommandHook); // Syscalls available to all plugs this.system.registerSyscalls( [], eventSyscalls(this.eventHook), editorSyscalls(this.editor), spaceSyscalls(this.editor), systemSyscalls(this.editor, this.system), markdownSyscalls(buildMarkdown(this.mdExtensions)), assetSyscalls(this.system), yamlSyscalls(), storeCalls, this.indexSyscalls, debugSyscalls(), syncSyscalls(this.editor), // LEGACY clientStoreSyscalls(storeCalls), ); // Syscalls that require some additional permissions this.system.registerSyscalls( ["fetch"], sandboxFetchSyscalls(this.editor), ); this.system.registerSyscalls( ["shell"], shellSyscalls(this.editor), ); } async reloadPlugsFromSpace(space: Space) { console.log("Loading plugs"); await space.updatePageList(); await this.system.unloadAll(); console.log("(Re)loading plugs"); await Promise.all((await space.listPlugs()).map(async (plugName) => { try { await this.system.load( new URL(plugName, location.origin), createSandbox, ); } catch (e: any) { console.error("Could not load plug", plugName, "error:", e.message); } })); } updateMarkdownParser() { // Load all syntax extensions this.mdExtensions = loadMarkdownExtensions(this.system); // And reload the syscalls to use the new syntax extensions this.system.registerSyscalls( [], markdownSyscalls(buildMarkdown(this.mdExtensions)), ); } localSyscall(name: string, args: any[]) { return this.system.localSyscall("[local]", name, args); } }