// Third party web dependencies import { autocompletion, closeBrackets, closeBracketsKeymap, CompletionContext, completionKeymap, CompletionResult, drawSelection, dropCursor, EditorSelection, EditorState, EditorView, highlightSpecialChars, history, historyKeymap, indentOnInput, indentWithTab, javascriptLanguage, KeyBinding, keymap, LanguageDescription, LanguageSupport, markdown, runScopeHandlers, searchKeymap, standardKeymap, StreamLanguage, syntaxHighlighting, syntaxTree, typescriptLanguage, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, yamlLanguage, } from "../common/deps.ts"; import { SilverBulletHooks } from "../common/manifest.ts"; import { loadMarkdownExtensions, MDExt, } from "../common/markdown_parser/markdown_ext.ts"; import buildMarkdown from "../common/markdown_parser/parser.ts"; import { Space } from "../common/spaces/space.ts"; import { markdownSyscalls } from "../common/syscalls/markdown.ts"; import { FilterOption, PageMeta } from "../common/types.ts"; import { isMacLike, safeRun, throttle } from "../common/util.ts"; import { createSandbox } from "../plugos/environments/webworker_sandbox.ts"; import { EventHook } from "../plugos/hooks/event.ts"; import assetSyscalls from "../plugos/syscalls/asset.ts"; import { eventSyscalls } from "../plugos/syscalls/event.ts"; import sandboxSyscalls from "../plugos/syscalls/sandbox.ts"; import { System } from "../plugos/system.ts"; import { cleanModePlugins } from "./cm_plugins/clean.ts"; import { CollabState } from "./cm_plugins/collab.ts"; import { attachmentExtension, pasteLinkExtension, } from "./cm_plugins/editor_paste.ts"; import { inlineImagesPlugin } from "./cm_plugins/inline_image.ts"; import { lineWrapper } from "./cm_plugins/line_wrapper.ts"; import { smartQuoteKeymap } from "./cm_plugins/smart_quotes.ts"; import { Confirm, Prompt } from "./components/basic_modals.tsx"; import { CommandPalette } from "./components/command_palette.tsx"; import { FilterList } from "./components/filter.tsx"; import { PageNavigator } from "./components/page_navigator.tsx"; import { Panel } from "./components/panel.tsx"; import { TopBar } from "./components/top_bar.tsx"; import { BookIcon, HomeIcon, preactRender, TerminalIcon, useEffect, useReducer, vim, yUndoManagerKeymap, } from "./deps.ts"; import { CommandHook } from "./hooks/command.ts"; import { SlashCommandHook } from "./hooks/slash_command.ts"; import { PathPageNavigator } from "./navigator.ts"; import reducer from "./reducer.ts"; import customMarkdownStyle from "./style.ts"; import { clientStoreSyscalls } from "./syscalls/clientStore.ts"; import { collabSyscalls } from "./syscalls/collab.ts"; import { editorSyscalls } from "./syscalls/editor.ts"; import { fulltextSyscalls } from "./syscalls/fulltext.ts"; import { indexerSyscalls } from "./syscalls/index.ts"; import { spaceSyscalls } from "./syscalls/space.ts"; import { storeSyscalls } from "./syscalls/store.ts"; import { systemSyscalls } from "./syscalls/system.ts"; import { AppViewState, BuiltinSettings, initialViewState } from "./types.ts"; import type { AppEvent, ClickEvent, CompleteEvent, } from "../plug-api/app_event.ts"; import { CodeWidgetHook } from "./hooks/code_widget.ts"; const frontMatterRegex = /^---\n(.*?)---\n/ms; class PageState { constructor( readonly scrollTop: number, readonly selection: EditorSelection, ) {} } const saveInterval = 1000; export class Editor { readonly commandHook: CommandHook; readonly slashCommandHook: SlashCommandHook; openPages = new Map<string, PageState>(); editorView?: EditorView; viewState: AppViewState; // deno-lint-ignore ban-types viewDispatch: Function; space: Space; pageNavigator: PathPageNavigator; eventHook: EventHook; codeWidgetHook: CodeWidgetHook; saveTimeout: any; debouncedUpdateEvent = throttle(() => { this.eventHook .dispatchEvent("editor:updated") .catch((e) => console.error("Error dispatching editor:updated event", e)); }, 1000); private system: System<SilverBulletHooks>; private mdExtensions: MDExt[] = []; urlPrefix: string; indexPage: string; // Runtime state (that doesn't make sense in viewState) collabState?: CollabState; // enableVimMode = false; constructor( space: Space, system: System<SilverBulletHooks>, parent: Element, urlPrefix: string, readonly builtinSettings: BuiltinSettings, ) { this.space = space; this.system = system; this.urlPrefix = urlPrefix; this.viewState = initialViewState; this.viewDispatch = () => {}; this.indexPage = builtinSettings.indexPage; // Event hook this.eventHook = new EventHook(); this.system.addHook(this.eventHook); // Code widget hook this.codeWidgetHook = new CodeWidgetHook(); this.system.addHook(this.codeWidgetHook); // Command hook this.commandHook = new CommandHook(); this.commandHook.on({ commandsUpdated: (commandMap) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "update-commands", commands: commandMap, }); }, }); this.system.addHook(this.commandHook); // Slash command hook this.slashCommandHook = new SlashCommandHook(this); this.system.addHook(this.slashCommandHook); this.render(parent); this.editorView = new EditorView({ state: this.createEditorState("", ""), parent: document.getElementById("sb-editor")!, }); this.pageNavigator = new PathPageNavigator( builtinSettings.indexPage, urlPrefix, ); this.system.registerSyscalls( [], eventSyscalls(this.eventHook), editorSyscalls(this), spaceSyscalls(this), indexerSyscalls(this.space), fulltextSyscalls(this.space), systemSyscalls(this, this.system), markdownSyscalls(buildMarkdown(this.mdExtensions)), clientStoreSyscalls(), storeSyscalls(this.space), sandboxSyscalls(this.system), assetSyscalls(this.system), collabSyscalls(this), ); // Make keyboard shortcuts work even when the editor is in read only mode or not focused globalThis.addEventListener("keydown", (ev) => { if (!this.editorView?.hasFocus) { if ((ev.target as any).closest(".cm-editor")) { // In some cm element, let's back out return; } if (runScopeHandlers(this.editorView!, ev, "editor")) { ev.preventDefault(); } } }); globalThis.addEventListener("touchstart", (ev) => { // Launch the command palette using a three-finger tap if (ev.touches.length > 2) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); this.viewDispatch({ type: "show-palette", context: this.getContext() }); } }); } get currentPage(): string | undefined { return this.viewState.currentPage; } async init() { this.focus(); const globalModules: any = await ( await fetch(`${this.urlPrefix}/global.plug.json`) ).json(); this.system.on({ sandboxInitialized: async (sandbox) => { for ( const [modName, code] of Object.entries( globalModules.dependencies, ) ) { await sandbox.loadDependency(modName, code as string); } }, }); this.space.on({ pageChanged: (meta) => { if (this.currentPage === meta.name) { console.log("Page changed on disk, reloading"); this.flashNotification("Page changed on disk, reloading"); this.reloadPage(); } }, pageListUpdated: (pages) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "pages-listed", pages: pages, }); }, }); await this.reloadPlugs(); this.pageNavigator.subscribe(async (pageName, pos: number | string) => { console.log("Now navigating to", pageName); if (!this.editorView) { return; } const stateRestored = await this.loadPage(pageName); if (pos) { if (typeof pos === "string") { console.log("Navigating to anchor", pos); // We're going to look up the anchor through a direct page store query... const posLookup = await this.system.localSyscall( "core", "index.get", [ pageName, `a:${pageName}:${pos}`, ], ); if (!posLookup) { return this.flashNotification( `Could not find anchor @${pos}`, "error", ); } else { pos = +posLookup; } } this.editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: pos }, scrollIntoView: true, }); } else if (!stateRestored) { // Somewhat ad-hoc way to determine if the document contains frontmatter and if so, putting the cursor _after it_. const pageText = this.editorView.state.sliceDoc(); // Default the cursor to be at position 0 let initialCursorPos = 0; const match = frontMatterRegex.exec(pageText); if (match) { // Frontmatter found, put cursor after it initialCursorPos = match[0].length; } // By default scroll to the top this.editorView.scrollDOM.scrollTop = 0; this.editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: initialCursorPos }, // And then scroll down if required scrollIntoView: true, }); } }); await this.dispatchAppEvent("editor:init"); } save(immediate = false): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.saveTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.saveTimeout); } this.saveTimeout = setTimeout( () => { if (this.currentPage) { if ( !this.viewState.unsavedChanges || this.viewState.uiOptions.forcedROMode ) { // No unsaved changes, or read-only mode, not gonna save return resolve(); } console.log("Saving page", this.currentPage); this.space .writePage( this.currentPage, this.editorView!.state.sliceDoc(0), true, ) .then(() => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "page-saved" }); resolve(); }) .catch((e) => { this.flashNotification( "Could not save page, retrying again in 10 seconds", "error", ); this.saveTimeout = setTimeout(this.save.bind(this), 10000); reject(e); }); } else { resolve(); } }, immediate ? 0 : saveInterval, ); }); } flashNotification(message: string, type: "info" | "error" = "info") { const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000); this.viewDispatch({ type: "show-notification", notification: { id, type, message, date: new Date(), }, }); setTimeout( () => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "dismiss-notification", id: id, }); }, type === "info" ? 2000 : 5000, ); } filterBox( label: string, options: FilterOption[], helpText = "", placeHolder = "", ): Promise<FilterOption | undefined> { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "show-filterbox", label, options, placeHolder, helpText, onSelect: (option: any) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-filterbox" }); this.focus(); resolve(option); }, }); }); } prompt( message: string, defaultValue = "", ): Promise<string | undefined> { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "show-prompt", message, defaultValue, callback: (value: string | undefined) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-prompt" }); this.focus(); resolve(value); }, }); }); } confirm( message: string, ): Promise<boolean> { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "show-confirm", message, callback: (value: boolean) => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "hide-confirm" }); this.focus(); resolve(value); }, }); }); } dispatchAppEvent(name: AppEvent, data?: any): Promise<any[]> { return this.eventHook.dispatchEvent(name, data); } createEditorState(pageName: string, text: string): EditorState { const commandKeyBindings: KeyBinding[] = []; for (const def of this.commandHook.editorCommands.values()) { if (def.command.key) { commandKeyBindings.push({ key: def.command.key, mac: def.command.mac, run: (): boolean => { if (def.command.contexts) { const context = this.getContext(); if (!context || !def.command.contexts.includes(context)) { return false; } } Promise.resolve() .then(def.run) .catch((e: any) => { console.error(e); this.flashNotification( `Error running command: ${e.message}`, "error", ); }) .then(() => { // Always be focusing the editor after running a command editor.focus(); }); return true; }, }); } } // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const editor = this; return EditorState.create({ doc: this.collabState ? this.collabState.ytext.toString() : text, extensions: [ // Not using CM theming right now, but some extensions depend on the "dark" thing EditorView.theme({}, { dark: this.viewState.uiOptions.darkMode }), // Enable vim mode, or not [...editor.viewState.uiOptions.vimMode ? [vim({ status: true })] : []], // The uber markdown mode markdown({ base: buildMarkdown(this.mdExtensions), codeLanguages: [ LanguageDescription.of({ name: "yaml", alias: ["meta", "data"], support: new LanguageSupport(StreamLanguage.define(yamlLanguage)), }), LanguageDescription.of({ name: "javascript", alias: ["js"], support: new LanguageSupport(javascriptLanguage), }), LanguageDescription.of({ name: "typescript", alias: ["ts"], support: new LanguageSupport(typescriptLanguage), }), ], addKeymap: true, }), syntaxHighlighting(customMarkdownStyle(this.mdExtensions)), autocompletion({ override: [ this.editorComplete.bind(this), this.slashCommandHook.slashCommandCompleter.bind( this.slashCommandHook, ), ], }), inlineImagesPlugin(), highlightSpecialChars(), history(), drawSelection(), dropCursor(), indentOnInput(), ...cleanModePlugins(this), EditorView.lineWrapping, lineWrapper([ { selector: "ATXHeading1", class: "sb-line-h1" }, { selector: "ATXHeading2", class: "sb-line-h2" }, { selector: "ATXHeading3", class: "sb-line-h3" }, { selector: "ATXHeading4", class: "sb-line-h4" }, { selector: "ListItem", class: "sb-line-li", nesting: true }, { selector: "Blockquote", class: "sb-line-blockquote" }, { selector: "Task", class: "sb-line-task" }, { selector: "CodeBlock", class: "sb-line-code" }, { selector: "FencedCode", class: "sb-line-fenced-code" }, { selector: "Comment", class: "sb-line-comment" }, { selector: "BulletList", class: "sb-line-ul" }, { selector: "OrderedList", class: "sb-line-ol" }, { selector: "TableHeader", class: "sb-line-tbl-header" }, { selector: "FrontMatter", class: "sb-frontmatter" }, ]), keymap.of([ { key: "ArrowUp", run: (view): boolean => { // When going up while at the top of the document, focus the page name const selection = view.state.selection.main; const line = view.state.doc.lineAt(selection.from); // Are we at the top of the document? if (line.number === 1) { // This can be done much nicer, but this is shorter, so... :) document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>( "#sb-current-page .cm-content", )!.focus(); return true; } return false; }, }, ...smartQuoteKeymap, ...closeBracketsKeymap, ...standardKeymap, ...searchKeymap, ...historyKeymap, ...completionKeymap, ...(this.collabState ? yUndoManagerKeymap : []), indentWithTab, ...commandKeyBindings, { key: "Ctrl-k", mac: "Cmd-k", run: (): boolean => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "start-navigate" }); this.space.updatePageList(); return true; }, }, { key: "Ctrl-/", mac: "Cmd-/", run: (): boolean => { this.viewDispatch({ type: "show-palette", context: this.getContext(), }); return true; }, }, ]), EditorView.domEventHandlers({ click: (event: MouseEvent, view: EditorView) => { safeRun(async () => { const clickEvent: ClickEvent = { page: pageName, ctrlKey: event.ctrlKey, metaKey: event.metaKey, altKey: event.altKey, pos: view.posAtCoords(event)!, }; await this.dispatchAppEvent("page:click", clickEvent); }); }, }), ViewPlugin.fromClass( class { update(update: ViewUpdate): void { if (update.docChanged) { editor.viewDispatch({ type: "page-changed" }); editor.debouncedUpdateEvent(); editor.save().catch((e) => console.error("Error saving", e)); } } }, ), pasteLinkExtension, attachmentExtension(this), closeBrackets(), ...[this.collabState ? this.collabState.collabExtension() : []], ], }); } async reloadPlugs() { console.log("Loading plugs"); await this.space.updatePageList(); await this.system.unloadAll(); console.log("(Re)loading plugs"); await Promise.all((await this.space.listPlugs()).map(async (plugName) => { const { data } = await this.space.readAttachment(plugName, "string"); await this.system.load(JSON.parse(data as string), createSandbox); })); this.rebuildEditorState(); await this.dispatchAppEvent("plugs:loaded"); } rebuildEditorState() { const editorView = this.editorView; console.log("Rebuilding editor state"); // Load all syntax extensions this.mdExtensions = loadMarkdownExtensions(this.system); // And reload the syscalls to use the new syntax extensions this.system.registerSyscalls( [], markdownSyscalls(buildMarkdown(this.mdExtensions)), ); if (editorView && this.currentPage) { // And update the editor if a page is loaded this.saveState(this.currentPage); editorView.setState( this.createEditorState(this.currentPage, editorView.state.sliceDoc()), ); if (editorView.contentDOM) { this.tweakEditorDOM( editorView.contentDOM, this.viewState.perm === "ro", ); } this.restoreState(this.currentPage); } } // Code completion support private async completeWithEvent( context: CompletionContext, eventName: AppEvent, ): Promise<CompletionResult | null> { const editorState = context.state; const selection = editorState.selection.main; const line = editorState.doc.lineAt(selection.from); const linePrefix = line.text.slice(0, selection.from - line.from); const results = await this.dispatchAppEvent(eventName, { linePrefix, pos: selection.from, } as CompleteEvent); let actualResult = null; for (const result of results) { if (result) { if (actualResult) { console.error( "Got completion results from multiple sources, cannot deal with that", ); return null; } actualResult = result; } } return actualResult; } editorComplete( context: CompletionContext, ): Promise<CompletionResult | null> { return this.completeWithEvent(context, "editor:complete"); } miniEditorComplete( context: CompletionContext, ): Promise<CompletionResult | null> { return this.completeWithEvent(context, "minieditor:complete"); } async reloadPage() { console.log("Reloading page"); clearTimeout(this.saveTimeout); await this.loadPage(this.currentPage!); } focus() { this.editorView!.focus(); } async navigate( name: string, pos?: number | string, replaceState = false, newWindow = false, ) { if (!name) { name = this.indexPage; } if (newWindow) { const win = window.open(`${location.origin}/${name}`, "_blank"); if (win) { win.focus(); } return; } await this.pageNavigator.navigate(name, pos, replaceState); } async loadPage(pageName: string): Promise<boolean> { const loadingDifferentPage = pageName !== this.currentPage; const editorView = this.editorView; if (!editorView) { return false; } const previousPage = this.currentPage; // Persist current page state and nicely close page if (previousPage) { this.saveState(previousPage); this.space.unwatchPage(previousPage); if (previousPage !== pageName) { await this.save(true); // And stop the collab session if (this.collabState) { this.collabState.stop(); this.collabState = undefined; } } } this.viewDispatch({ type: "page-loading", name: pageName, }); // Fetch next page to open let doc; try { doc = await this.space.readPage(pageName); } catch (e: any) { // Not found, new page console.log("Creating new page", pageName); doc = { text: "", meta: { name: pageName, lastModified: 0, perm: "rw" } as PageMeta, }; } const editorState = this.createEditorState(pageName, doc.text); editorView.setState(editorState); if (editorView.contentDOM) { this.tweakEditorDOM(editorView.contentDOM, doc.meta.perm === "ro"); } const stateRestored = this.restoreState(pageName); this.space.watchPage(pageName); this.viewDispatch({ type: "page-loaded", meta: doc.meta, }); // Note: these events are dispatched asynchronously deliberately (not waiting for results) if (loadingDifferentPage) { this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("editor:pageLoaded", pageName).catch( console.error, ); } else { this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("editor:pageReloaded", pageName).catch( console.error, ); } return stateRestored; } tweakEditorDOM(contentDOM: HTMLElement, readOnly: boolean) { contentDOM.spellcheck = true; contentDOM.setAttribute("autocorrect", "on"); contentDOM.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "on"); contentDOM.setAttribute( "contenteditable", readOnly || this.viewState.uiOptions.forcedROMode ? "false" : "true", ); } private restoreState(pageName: string): boolean { const pageState = this.openPages.get(pageName); const editorView = this.editorView!; if (pageState) { // Restore state editorView.scrollDOM.scrollTop = pageState!.scrollTop; editorView.dispatch({ selection: pageState.selection, scrollIntoView: true, }); } else { editorView.scrollDOM.scrollTop = 0; editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: 0 }, scrollIntoView: true, }); } editorView.focus(); return !!pageState; } private saveState(currentPage: string) { this.openPages.set( currentPage, new PageState( this.editorView!.scrollDOM.scrollTop, this.editorView!.state.selection, ), ); } ViewComponent() { const [viewState, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialViewState); this.viewState = viewState; this.viewDispatch = dispatch; // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const editor = this; useEffect(() => { if (viewState.currentPage) { document.title = viewState.currentPage; } }, [viewState.currentPage]); useEffect(() => { if (editor.editorView) { editor.tweakEditorDOM( editor.editorView.contentDOM, viewState.perm === "ro", ); } }, [viewState.uiOptions.forcedROMode]); useEffect(() => { this.rebuildEditorState(); }, [viewState.uiOptions.vimMode]); useEffect(() => { document.documentElement.dataset.theme = viewState.uiOptions.darkMode ? "dark" : "light"; }, [viewState.uiOptions.darkMode]); useEffect(() => { // Need to dispatch a resize event so that the top_bar can pick it up globalThis.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize")); }, [viewState.panels]); return ( <> {viewState.showPageNavigator && ( <PageNavigator allPages={viewState.allPages} currentPage={this.currentPage} completer={this.miniEditorComplete.bind(this)} vimMode={viewState.uiOptions.vimMode} darkMode={viewState.uiOptions.darkMode} onNavigate={(page) => { dispatch({ type: "stop-navigate" }); editor.focus(); if (page) { safeRun(async () => { await editor.navigate(page); }); } }} /> )} {viewState.showCommandPalette && ( <CommandPalette onTrigger={(cmd) => { dispatch({ type: "hide-palette" }); editor.focus(); if (cmd) { dispatch({ type: "command-run", command: cmd.command.name }); cmd .run() .catch((e: any) => { console.error("Error running command", e.message); }) .then(() => { // Always be focusing the editor after running a command editor.focus(); }); } }} commands={viewState.commands} vimMode={viewState.uiOptions.vimMode} darkMode={viewState.uiOptions.darkMode} completer={this.miniEditorComplete.bind(this)} recentCommands={viewState.recentCommands} /> )} {viewState.showFilterBox && ( <FilterList label={viewState.filterBoxLabel} placeholder={viewState.filterBoxPlaceHolder} options={viewState.filterBoxOptions} vimMode={viewState.uiOptions.vimMode} darkMode={viewState.uiOptions.darkMode} allowNew={false} completer={this.miniEditorComplete.bind(this)} helpText={viewState.filterBoxHelpText} onSelect={viewState.filterBoxOnSelect} /> )} {viewState.showPrompt && ( <Prompt message={viewState.promptMessage!} defaultValue={viewState.promptDefaultValue} vimMode={viewState.uiOptions.vimMode} darkMode={viewState.uiOptions.darkMode} completer={this.miniEditorComplete.bind(this)} callback={(value) => { dispatch({ type: "hide-prompt" }); viewState.promptCallback!(value); }} /> )} {viewState.showConfirm && ( <Confirm message={viewState.confirmMessage!} callback={(value) => { dispatch({ type: "hide-confirm" }); viewState.confirmCallback!(value); }} /> )} <TopBar pageName={viewState.currentPage} notifications={viewState.notifications} unsavedChanges={viewState.unsavedChanges} isLoading={viewState.isLoading} vimMode={viewState.uiOptions.vimMode} darkMode={viewState.uiOptions.darkMode} completer={editor.miniEditorComplete.bind(editor)} onRename={async (newName) => { if (!newName) { // Always move cursor to the start of the page editor.editorView?.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: 0 }, }); editor.focus(); return; } console.log("Now renaming page to...", newName); await editor.system.loadedPlugs.get("core")!.invoke( "renamePage", [{ page: newName }], ); editor.focus(); }} actionButtons={[ { icon: HomeIcon, description: `Go home (Alt-h)`, callback: () => { editor.navigate(""); }, }, { icon: BookIcon, description: `Open page (${isMacLike() ? "Cmd-k" : "Ctrl-k"})`, callback: () => { dispatch({ type: "start-navigate" }); }, }, { icon: TerminalIcon, description: `Run command (${isMacLike() ? "Cmd-/" : "Ctrl-/"})`, callback: () => { dispatch({ type: "show-palette", context: this.getContext() }); }, }, ]} rhs={!!viewState.panels.rhs.mode && ( <div className="panel" style={{ flex: viewState.panels.rhs.mode }} /> )} lhs={!!viewState.panels.lhs.mode && ( <div className="panel" style={{ flex: viewState.panels.lhs.mode }} /> )} /> <div id="sb-main"> {!!viewState.panels.lhs.mode && ( <Panel config={viewState.panels.lhs} editor={editor} /> )} <div id="sb-editor" /> {!!viewState.panels.rhs.mode && ( <Panel config={viewState.panels.rhs} editor={editor} /> )} </div> {!!viewState.panels.modal.mode && ( <div className="sb-modal" style={{ inset: `${viewState.panels.modal.mode}px` }} > <Panel config={viewState.panels.modal} editor={editor} /> </div> )} {!!viewState.panels.bhs.mode && ( <div className="sb-bhs"> <Panel config={viewState.panels.bhs} editor={editor} /> </div> )} </> ); } async runCommandByName(name: string, ...args: any[]) { const cmd = this.viewState.commands.get(name); if (cmd) { await cmd.run(); } else { throw new Error(`Command ${name} not found`); } } render(container: Element) { const ViewComponent = this.ViewComponent.bind(this); // console.log(<ViewComponent />); preactRender(<ViewComponent />, container); } private getContext(): string | undefined { const state = this.editorView!.state; const selection = state.selection.main; if (selection.empty) { return syntaxTree(state).resolveInner(selection.from).type.name; } return; } startCollab(serverUrl: string, token: string, username: string) { if (this.collabState) { // Clean up old collab state this.collabState.stop(); } const initialText = this.editorView!.state.sliceDoc(); this.collabState = new CollabState(serverUrl, token, username); this.collabState.collabProvider.once("sync", (synced: boolean) => { if (this.collabState?.ytext.toString() === "") { console.log("Synced value is empty, putting back original text"); this.collabState?.ytext.insert(0, initialText); } }); this.rebuildEditorState(); } }