import { WidgetType } from "@codemirror/view"; import type { Client } from "../client.ts"; import type { ObjectValue } from "../../plug-api/types.ts"; import { renderMarkdownToHtml } from "../../plugs/markdown/markdown_render.ts"; import { isLocalPath, resolvePath, } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/resolve"; import { parse } from "$common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts"; import { extendedMarkdownLanguage } from "$common/markdown_parser/parser.ts"; import { renderToText } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/tree"; import { activeWidgets } from "./markdown_widget.ts"; import { attachWidgetEventHandlers } from "./widget_util.ts"; import { renderExpressionResult } from "$common/template/render.ts"; export type LuaWidgetCallback = ( bodyText: string, pageName: string, ) => Promise<LuaWidgetContent | null>; export type LuaWidgetContent = { // Render as HTML html?: string; // Render as markdown markdown?: string; // CSS classes for wrapper cssClasses?: string[]; // Index objects objects?: ObjectValue<any>[]; display?: "block" | "inline"; } | string; export class LuaWidget extends WidgetType { public dom?: HTMLElement; constructor( readonly from: number | undefined, readonly client: Client, readonly cacheKey: string, readonly bodyText: string, readonly callback: LuaWidgetCallback, ) { super(); } toDOM(): HTMLElement { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = "sb-lua-directive"; const cacheItem = this.client.getWidgetCache(this.cacheKey); if (cacheItem) { div.innerHTML = cacheItem.html; if (cacheItem.html) { attachWidgetEventHandlers(div, this.client, this.from); } } // Async kick-off of content renderer this.renderContent(div, cacheItem?.html).catch(console.error); this.dom = div; return div; } async renderContent( div: HTMLElement, cachedHtml: string | undefined, ) { let widgetContent = await this.callback( this.bodyText, this.client.currentPage, ); activeWidgets.add(this); if (!widgetContent) { div.innerHTML = ""; this.client.setWidgetCache( this.cacheKey, { height: div.clientHeight, html: "" }, ); return; } let html = ""; if (typeof widgetContent !== "object") { // Return as markdown string or number widgetContent = { markdown: "" + widgetContent }; } if (widgetContent.cssClasses) { div.className = widgetContent.cssClasses.join(" "); } if (widgetContent.html) { html = widgetContent.html; div.innerHTML = html; if ((widgetContent as any)?.display === "block") { = "block"; } else { = "inline"; } attachWidgetEventHandlers(div, this.client, this.from); this.client.setWidgetCache( this.cacheKey, { height: div.clientHeight, html }, ); } else { // If there is a markdown key, use it, otherwise render the objects as a markdown table let mdContent = widgetContent.markdown; if (!mdContent) { mdContent = renderExpressionResult(widgetContent); } let mdTree = parse( extendedMarkdownLanguage, mdContent, ); mdTree = await this.client.clientSystem.localSyscall( "system.invokeFunction", [ "markdown.expandCodeWidgets", mdTree, this.client.currentPage, ], ); const trimmedMarkdown = renderToText(mdTree).trim(); if (!trimmedMarkdown) { // Net empty result after expansion div.innerHTML = ""; this.client.setWidgetCache( this.cacheKey, { height: div.clientHeight, html: "" }, ); return; } if ((widgetContent as any)?.display === "block") { = "block"; } else { = "inline"; } // Parse the markdown again after trimming mdTree = parse( extendedMarkdownLanguage, trimmedMarkdown, ); html = renderMarkdownToHtml(mdTree, { // Annotate every element with its position so we can use it to put // the cursor there when the user clicks on the table. annotationPositions: true, translateUrls: (url) => { if (isLocalPath(url)) { url = resolvePath( this.client.currentPage, decodeURI(url), ); } return url; }, preserveAttributes: true, }, this.client.ui.viewState.allPages); if (cachedHtml === html) { // HTML still same as in cache, no need to re-render return; } div.innerHTML = html; if (html) { attachWidgetEventHandlers(div, this.client, this.from); } } // Let's give it a tick, then measure and cache setTimeout(() => { this.client.setWidgetCache( this.cacheKey, { height: div.offsetHeight, html, }, ); // Because of the rejiggering of the DOM, we need to do a no-op cursor move to make sure it's positioned correctly this.client.editorView.dispatch({ selection: { anchor: this.client.editorView.state.selection.main.anchor, }, }); }); } override get estimatedHeight(): number { const cacheItem = this.client.getWidgetCache(this.cacheKey); return cacheItem ? cacheItem.height : -1; } override eq(other: WidgetType): boolean { return ( other instanceof LuaWidget && other.bodyText === this.bodyText && other.cacheKey === this.cacheKey // && this.from === other.from ); } }