The `index` API provides functions for interacting with SilverBullet's [[Objects]], allowing you to store and query page-associated data. ## Object Operations ## index.tag(name) Returns a given [[Objects#Tags]] as a query collection, to be queried using [[Space Lua/Lua Integrated Query]]. Example: ${query[[from index.tag("page") limit 1]]} ## index.index_objects(page, objects) Indexes an array of objects for a specific page. Example: ```lua local objects = { {tag = "mytask", ref="task1", content = "Buy groceries"}, {tag = "mytask", ref="task2", content = "Write docs"} } index.index_objects("my page", objects) ``` ## index.query_lua_objects(tag, query, scoped_variables?) Queries objects using a Lua-based collection query. Example: ```lua local tasks = index.query_lua_objects("mytask", {limit=3}) ``` ## index.get_object_by_ref(page, tag, ref) Retrieves a specific object by its reference. Example: ```lua local task = index.get_object_by_ref("my page", "mytask", "task1") if task then print("Found task: " .. task.content) end ```