name: editor functions: setEditorMode: path: "./editor.ts:setEditorMode" events: - editor:init toggleDarkMode: path: "./editor.ts:toggleDarkMode" command: name: "Editor: Toggle Dark Mode" openCommandPalette: path: editor.ts:openCommandPalette command: name: "Open Command Palette" key: "Ctrl-/" mac: "Cmd-/" openPageNavigator: path: editor.ts:openPageNavigator command: name: "Navigate: Page Picker" key: "Ctrl-k" mac: "Cmd-k" openTemplateNavigator: path: editor.ts:openTemplateNavigator command: name: "Navigate: Template Picker" key: "Ctrl-Shift-t" mac: "Cmd-Shift-t" # Page operations deletePage: path: "./page.ts:deletePage" command: name: "Page: Delete" requireMode: rw copyPage: path: "./page.ts:copyPage" command: name: "Page: Copy" requireMode: rw # Completion pageComplete: path: "./complete.ts:pageComplete" events: - editor:complete commandComplete: path: "./command.ts:commandComplete" events: - editor:complete reloadSystem: path: editor.ts:reloadSystem command: name: "System: Reload" key: Ctrl-Alt-r # Navigation linkNavigate: path: "./navigate.ts:linkNavigate" command: name: "Navigate: To This Page" key: Ctrl-Enter mac: Cmd-Enter clickNavigate: path: "./navigate.ts:clickNavigate" events: - page:click navigateHome: path: "./navigate.ts:navigateCommand" command: name: "Navigate: Home" key: "Alt-h" page: "" moveToPos: path: "./editor.ts:moveToPosCommand" command: name: "Navigate: Move Cursor to Position" navigateToPage: path: "./navigate.ts:navigateToPage" command: name: "Navigate: To Page" hide: true navigateToURL: path: "./navigate.ts:navigateToURL" command: name: "Navigate: To URL" hide: true # Text editing commands quoteSelectionCommand: path: ./text.ts:quoteSelection command: name: "Text: Quote Selection" key: "Ctrl-Shift-." mac: "Cmd-Shift-." requireMode: rw listifySelection: path: ./text.ts:listifySelection command: name: "Text: Listify Selection" key: "Ctrl-Shift-8" mac: "Cmd-Shift-8" requireMode: rw numberListifySelection: path: ./text.ts:numberListifySelection command: name: "Text: Number Listify Selection" requireMode: rw linkSelection: path: ./text.ts:linkSelection command: name: "Text: Link Selection" key: "Ctrl-Shift-k" mac: "Cmd-Shift-k" requireMode: rw bold: path: ./text.ts:wrapSelection command: name: "Text: Bold" key: "Ctrl-b" mac: "Cmd-b" wrapper: "**" requireMode: rw italic: path: ./text.ts:wrapSelection command: name: "Text: Italic" key: "Ctrl-i" mac: "Cmd-i" wrapper: "_" requireMode: rw strikethrough: path: ./text.ts:wrapSelection command: name: "Text: Strikethrough" key: "Ctrl-Shift-s" wrapper: "~~" requireMode: rw marker: path: ./text.ts:wrapSelection command: name: "Text: Marker" key: "Alt-m" wrapper: "==" requireMode: rw centerCursor: path: "./editor.ts:centerCursorCommand" command: name: "Navigate: Center Cursor" key: "Ctrl-Alt-l" requireMode: rw # Debug commands parseCommand: path: ./debug.ts:parsePageCommand command: name: "Debug: Parse Document" # Link unfurl infrastructure unfurlLink: path: ./link.ts:unfurlCommand command: name: "Link: Unfurl" key: "Ctrl-Shift-u" mac: "Cmd-Shift-u" requireMode: rw contexts: - NakedURL # Title-based link unfurl titleUnfurlOptions: path: ./link.ts:titleUnfurlOptions events: - unfurl:options titleUnfurl: path: ./link.ts:titleUnfurl events: - unfurl:title-unfurl embedWidget: path: ./embed.ts:embedWidget codeWidget: embed # Vim toggleVimMode: path: "./vim.ts:toggleVimMode" command: name: "Editor: Toggle Vim Mode" loadVimRc: path: "./vim.ts:loadVimRc" command: name: "Editor: Vim: Load VIMRC" events: - editor:modeswitch # Random stuff statsCommand: path: ./stats.ts:statsCommand command: name: "Stats: Show" reloadUICommand: path: ./debug.ts:reloadUICommand command: name: "Debug: Reload UI" resetClientCommand: path: ./debug.ts:resetClientCommand command: name: "Debug: Reset Client" versionCommand: path: ./help.ts:versionCommand command: name: "Help: Version" gettingStartedCommand: path: ./help.ts:gettingStartedCommand command: name: "Help: Getting Started" accountLogoutCommand: path: clean.ts:cleanCommand command: name: "Clear Local Storage & Logout" uploadFileCommand: path: ./upload.ts:uploadFile command: name: "Upload: File" requireMode: rw # Outline commands outlineMoveUp: path: ./outline.ts:moveItemUp command: name: "Outline: Move Up" key: "Alt-ArrowUp" requireMode: rw outlineMoveDown: path: ./outline.ts:moveItemDown command: name: "Outline: Move Down" key: "Alt-ArrowDown" requireMode: rw outlineIndent: path: ./outline.ts:indentItem command: name: "Outline: Move Right" key: "Alt->" requireMode: rw outlineOutdent: path: ./outline.ts:outdentItem command: name: "Outline: Move Left" key: "Alt-<" requireMode: rw # Outline folding commands foldCommand: path: ./outline.ts:foldCommand command: name: "Outline: Fold" key: "Ctrl-Alt-[" unfoldCommand: path: ./outline.ts:unfoldCommand command: name: "Outline: Unfold" key: "Ctrl-Alt-]" toggleFoldCommand: path: ./outline.ts:toggleFoldCommand command: name: "Outline: Toggle Fold" key: "Alt-Shift-f" foldAllCommand: path: ./outline.ts:foldAllCommand command: name: "Outline: Fold All" key: "Ctrl-Alt-Shift-[" unfoldAllCommand: path: ./outline.ts:unfoldAllCommand command: name: "Outline: Unfold All" key: "Ctrl-Alt-Shift-]" findInPageCommand: path: editor.ts:findInPageCommand command: name: "Editor: Find in Page" key: "Ctrl-f" mac: "Cmd-f" # Demo customFlashMessage: path: editor.ts:customFlashMessage command: name: "Flash: Custom Message" hide: true contexts: - internal