The SilverBullet is implemented using a JavaScript runtime called [Deno]( which is a lot like node.js, just... you know, better. And we like better. To run SilverBullet directly on your host system (so not in a [[Install/Docker]] container), you need to [install Deno]( 1.40 or later: ```shell curl -fsSL | sh ``` After having installed Deno, run: ```shell deno install -f --name silverbullet --unstable-kv --unstable-worker-options -A ``` You only have to do this once. This will download the currently _released_ version of SilverBullet onto your machine. This command will install `silverbullet` into your `~/.deno/bin` folder (which should already be in your `$PATH` if you followed the Deno install instructions). While you have [[Install/Configuration|options as to where and how to store your content]], the most straightforward way is to simply use a folder on disk. After creating a folder, run the following command in your terminal: ```shell silverbullet <pages-path> ``` By default, SilverBullet will bind to port `3000`; to use a different port, use the `-p` flag (e.g. `-p8080`). For security reasons, by default, SilverBullet only allows connections via `localhost` (or ``). To also allow connections from the network, pass a `-L0.0.0.0` flag ( for all connections, or insert a specific address to limit the host), combined with `--user username:password` to add simple [[Authentication]]. Once downloaded and booted, SilverBullet will print out a URL to open in your browser. # Upgrading SilverBullet is regularly updated. To get the latest and greatest, simply run: ```shell silverbullet upgrade ``` And restart SilverBullet. You should be good to go.