import { Manifest } from "./types.ts"; import { ControllerMessage, WorkerMessage } from "./protocol.ts"; import { Plug } from "./plug.ts"; export type SandboxFactory<HookT> = (plug: Plug<HookT>) => Sandbox<HookT>; /** * Represents a "safe" execution environment for plug code * Effectively this wraps a web worker, the reason to have this split from Plugs is to allow plugs to manage multiple sandboxes, e.g. for performance in the future */ export class Sandbox<HookT> { private worker: Worker; private reqId = 0; private outstandingInvocations = new Map< number, { resolve: (result: any) => void; reject: (e: any) => void } >(); public ready: Promise<void>; public manifest?: Manifest<HookT>; constructor( readonly plug: Plug<HookT>, workerOptions = {}, ) { this.worker = new Worker(plug.workerUrl, { ...workerOptions, type: "module", }); this.ready = new Promise((resolve) => { this.worker.onmessage = (ev) => { if ( === "manifest") { this.manifest =; resolve(); return; } this.onMessage(; }; }); } async onMessage(data: ControllerMessage) { switch (data.type) { case "sys": try { const result = await this.plug.syscall(!, data.args!); this.worker.postMessage({ type: "sysr", id:, result: result, } as WorkerMessage); } catch (e: any) { // console.error("Syscall fail", e); this.worker.postMessage({ type: "sysr", id:, error: e.message, } as WorkerMessage); } break; case "invr": { const resultCbs = this.outstandingInvocations.get(!); this.outstandingInvocations.delete(!); if (data.error) { resultCbs && resultCbs.reject(new Error(data.error)); } else { resultCbs && resultCbs.resolve(data.result); } break; } default: console.error("Unknown message type", data); } } invoke(name: string, args: any[]): Promise<any> { this.reqId++; this.worker.postMessage({ type: "inv", id: this.reqId, name, args, } as WorkerMessage); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.outstandingInvocations.set(this.reqId, { resolve, reject }); }); } stop() { this.worker.terminate(); } }