import { addParentPointers, collectNodesMatching, ParseTree, renderToText, } from "@silverbulletmd/common/tree"; export const queryRegex = /(<!--\s*#query\s+(.+?)-->)(.+?)(<!--\s*\/query\s*-->)/gs; export const directiveStartRegex = /<!--\s*#([\w\-]+)\s+(.+?)-->/s; export const directiveEndRegex = /<!--\s*\/([\w\-]+)\s*-->/s; export function removeQueries(pt: ParseTree) { addParentPointers(pt); collectNodesMatching(pt, (t) => { if (t.type !== "CommentBlock") { return false; } let text = t.children![0].text!; let match = directiveStartRegex.exec(text); if (!match) { return false; } let directiveType = match[1]; let parentChildren = t.parent!.children!; let index = parentChildren.indexOf(t); let nodesToReplace: ParseTree[] = []; for (let i = index + 1; i < parentChildren.length; i++) { let n = parentChildren[i]; if (n.type === "CommentBlock") { let text = n.children![0].text!; let match = directiveEndRegex.exec(text); if (match && match[1] === directiveType) { break; } } nodesToReplace.push(n); } let renderedText =""); parentChildren.splice(index + 1, nodesToReplace.length, { text: new Array(renderedText.length + 1).join(" "), }); return true; }); } const maxWidth = 70; // Nicely format an array of JSON objects as a Markdown table export function jsonToMDTable( jsonArray: any[], valueTransformer: (k: string, v: any) => string = (k, v) => "" + v ): string { let fieldWidths = new Map<string, number>(); for (let entry of jsonArray) { for (let k of Object.keys(entry)) { let fieldWidth = fieldWidths.get(k); if (!fieldWidth) { fieldWidth = valueTransformer(k, entry[k]).length; } else { fieldWidth = Math.max(valueTransformer(k, entry[k]).length, fieldWidth); } fieldWidths.set(k, fieldWidth); } } let fullWidth = 0; for (let v of fieldWidths.values()) { fullWidth += v + 1; } let headerList = [...fieldWidths.keys()]; let lines = []; lines.push( "|" + headerList .map( (headerName) => headerName + charPad(" ", fieldWidths.get(headerName)! - headerName.length) ) .join("|") + "|" ); lines.push( "|" + headerList .map((title) => charPad("-", fieldWidths.get(title)!)) .join("|") + "|" ); for (const val of jsonArray) { let el = []; for (let prop of headerList) { let s = valueTransformer(prop, val[prop]); el.push(s + charPad(" ", fieldWidths.get(prop)! - s.length)); } lines.push("|" + el.join("|") + "|"); } return lines.join("\n"); function charPad(ch: string, length: number) { if (fullWidth > maxWidth && ch === "") { return ""; } else if (fullWidth > maxWidth && ch === "-") { return "--"; } if (length < 1) { return ""; } return new Array(length + 1).join(ch); } }