The Space API provides functions for interacting with pages, attachments, and files in the space. # Page Operations ## space.listPages() Returns a list of all pages in the space. Example: ```lua local pages = space.listPages() for page in each(pages) do print( end ``` ## space.readPage(name) Reads the content of a page. Example: ```lua local content = space.readPage("welcome") print(content) -- prints the content of the "welcome" page ``` ## space.getPageMeta(name) Gets metadata for a specific page. Example: ```lua local meta = space.getPageMeta("welcome") print(, meta.lastModified) -- prints page name and last modified date ``` ## space.writePage(name, text) Writes content to a page. Example: ```lua local meta = space.writePage("notes", "My new note content") print("Page updated at: " .. meta.lastModified) ``` ## space.deletePage(name) Deletes a page from the space. Example: ```lua space.deletePage("old-notes") ``` # Attachment Operations ## space.listAttachments() Returns a list of all attachments in the space. Example: ```lua local attachments = space.listAttachments() for att in each(attachments) do print(, att.size) end ``` ## space.readAttachment(name) Reads the content of an attachment. Example: ```lua local data = space.readAttachment("image.png") print("Attachment size: " .. #data .. " bytes") ``` ## space.writeAttachment(name, data) Writes binary data to an attachment. Example: ```lua local binaryData = string.char(72, 69, 76, 76, 79) -- "HELLO" in binary local meta = space.writeAttachment("test.bin", binaryData) print("Attachment saved with size: " .. meta.size) ``` ## space.deleteAttachment(name) Deletes an attachment from the space. Example: ```lua space.deleteAttachment("old-image.png") ``` # File Operations ## space.listFiles() Returns a list of all files in the space. Example: ```lua local files = space.listFiles() for _, file in ipairs(files) do print(, file.size) end ``` ## space.getFileMeta(name) Gets metadata for a specific file. Example: ```lua local meta = space.getFileMeta("document.txt") print(, meta.modified, meta.size) ``` ## space.readFile(name) Reads the content of a file. Example: ```lua local content = space.readFile("document.txt") print("File size: " .. #content .. " bytes") ``` ## space.writeFile(name, data) Writes binary data to a file. Example: ```lua local text = "Hello, World!" local meta = space.writeFile("greeting.txt", text) print("File written with size: " .. meta.size) ``` ## space.deleteFile(name) Deletes a file from the space. Example: ```lua space.deleteFile("old-document.txt") ``` ## space.fileExists(name) Checks if a file exists in the space. Example: ```lua if space.fileExists("config.json") then print("Config file exists!") else print("Config file not found") end