import { findNodeOfType, renderToText, traverseTree } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { IndexTreeEvent } from "$sb/app_event.ts"; import { resolvePath } from "$sb/lib/resolve.ts"; import { indexObjects, queryObjects } from "./api.ts"; import { ObjectValue } from "$sb/types.ts"; export type LinkObject = { ref: string; tags: string[]; // The page the link points to toPage: string; // The page the link occurs in page: string; pos: number; snippet: string; alias?: string; inDirective: boolean; asTemplate: boolean; }; export function extractSnippet(text: string, pos: number): string { let prefix = ""; for (let i = pos - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (text[i] === "\n") { break; } prefix = text[i] + prefix; if (prefix.length > 25) { break; } } let suffix = ""; for (let i = pos; i < text.length; i++) { if (text[i] === "\n") { break; } suffix += text[i]; if (suffix.length > 25) { break; } } return prefix + suffix; } export async function indexLinks({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) { const links: ObjectValue<LinkObject>[] = []; // [[Style Links]] // console.log("Now indexing links for", name); const pageText = renderToText(tree); let directiveDepth = 0; traverseTree(tree, (n): boolean => { if (n.type === "DirectiveStart") { directiveDepth++; const pageRef = findNodeOfType(n, "PageRef")!; if (pageRef) { const pageRefName = resolvePath( name, pageRef.children![0].text!.slice(2, -2), ); const pos = pageRef.from! + 2; links.push({ ref: `${name}@${pos}`, tags: ["link"], toPage: pageRefName, pos: pos, snippet: extractSnippet(pageText, pos), page: name, asTemplate: true, inDirective: false, }); } const directiveText = n.children![0].text; // #use or #import if (directiveText) { const match = /\[\[(.+)\]\]/.exec(directiveText); if (match) { const pageRefName = resolvePath(name, match[1]); const pos = n.from! + match.index! + 2; links.push({ ref: `${name}@${pos}`, tags: ["link"], toPage: pageRefName, page: name, snippet: extractSnippet(pageText, pos), pos: pos, asTemplate: true, inDirective: false, }); } } return true; } if (n.type === "DirectiveEnd") { directiveDepth--; return true; } if (n.type === "WikiLink") { const wikiLinkPage = findNodeOfType(n, "WikiLinkPage")!; const wikiLinkAlias = findNodeOfType(n, "WikiLinkAlias"); let toPage = resolvePath(name, wikiLinkPage.children![0].text!); const pos = wikiLinkPage.from!; if (toPage.includes("@")) { toPage = toPage.split("@")[0]; } const link: LinkObject = { ref: `${name}@${pos}`, tags: ["link"], toPage: toPage, snippet: extractSnippet(pageText, pos), pos, page: name, inDirective: false, asTemplate: false, }; if (directiveDepth > 0) { link.inDirective = true; } if (wikiLinkAlias) { link.alias = wikiLinkAlias.children![0].text!; } links.push(link); return true; } return false; }); // console.log("Found", backLinks, "page link(s)"); await indexObjects(name, links); } export async function getBackLinks( pageName: string, ): Promise<LinkObject[]> { return (await queryObjects<LinkObject>("link", { filter: ["=", ["attr", "toPage"], ["string", pageName]], })); }