import { lezerToParseTree } from "$common/markdown_parser/parse_tree.ts"; import { cleanTree, type ParseTree, } from "@silverbulletmd/silverbullet/lib/tree"; import { parser } from "./parse-lua.js"; import { styleTags } from "@lezer/highlight"; import { indentNodeProp, LRLanguage } from "@codemirror/language"; import type { ASTCtx, LuaAttName, LuaBlock, LuaExpression, LuaFunctionBody, LuaFunctionCallExpression, LuaFunctionCallStatement, LuaFunctionName, LuaLValue, LuaOrderBy, LuaPrefixExpression, LuaQueryClause, LuaStatement, LuaTableConstructor, LuaTableField, } from "./ast.ts"; import { tags as t } from "@lezer/highlight"; const luaStyleTags = styleTags({ Name: t.variableName, LiteralString: t.string, Number: t.number, CompareOp: t.operator, "true false": t.bool, Comment: t.lineComment, "return break goto do end while repeat until function local if then else elseif in for nil or and not query where limit select order": t.keyword, }); const customIndent = indentNodeProp.add({ "IfStatement FuncBody WhileStatement ForStatement TableConstructor": ( context, ) => { return context.lineIndent(context.node.from) + context.unit; }, }); // Use the customIndent in your language support export const luaLanguage = LRLanguage.define({ name: "space-lua", parser: parser.configure({ props: [ luaStyleTags, customIndent, ], }), }); function context(t: ParseTree, ctx: Record): ASTCtx { return { ...ctx, from: t.from, to: }; } function parseChunk(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaBlock { if (t.type !== "Chunk") { throw new Error(`Expected Chunk, got ${t.type}`); } return parseBlock(t.children![0], ctx); } function parseBlock(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaBlock { if (t.type !== "Block") { throw new Error(`Expected Block, got ${t.type}`); } const statements = t.children!.map((s) => parseStatement(s, ctx)); return { type: "Block", statements, ctx: context(t, ctx) }; } function parseStatement(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaStatement { switch (t.type) { case "Block": return parseChunk(t.children![0], ctx); case "Semicolon": return { type: "Semicolon", ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "Label": return { type: "Label", name: t.children![1].children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Break": return { type: "Break", ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "Goto": return { type: "Goto", name: t.children![1].children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Scope": return parseBlock(t.children![1], ctx); case ";": return { type: "Semicolon", ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "WhileStatement": return { type: "While", condition: parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx), block: parseBlock(t.children![3], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "RepeatStatement": return { type: "Repeat", block: parseBlock(t.children![1], ctx), condition: parseExpression(t.children![3], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "IfStatement": { const conditions: { condition: LuaExpression; block: LuaBlock; from?: number; to?: number; }[] = []; let elseBlock: LuaBlock | undefined = undefined; for (let i = 0; i < t.children!.length; i += 4) { const child = t.children![i]; if ( child.children![0].text === "if" || child.children![0].text === "elseif" ) { conditions.push({ condition: parseExpression(t.children![i + 1], ctx), block: parseBlock(t.children![i + 3], ctx), from: child.from, to:, }); } else if (child.children![0].text === "else") { elseBlock = parseBlock(t.children![i + 1], ctx); } else if (child.children![0].text === "end") { break; } else { throw new Error( `Unknown if clause type: ${child.children![0].text}`, ); } } return { type: "If", conditions, elseBlock, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } case "ForStatement": if (t.children![1].type === "ForNumeric") { const forNumeric = t.children![1]; return { type: "For", name: forNumeric.children![0].children![0].text!, start: parseExpression(forNumeric.children![2], ctx), end: parseExpression(forNumeric.children![4], ctx), step: forNumeric.children![5] ? parseExpression(forNumeric.children![6], ctx) : undefined, block: parseBlock(t.children![3], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } else { const forGeneric = t.children![1]; return { type: "ForIn", names: parseNameList(forGeneric.children![0]), expressions: parseExpList(forGeneric.children![2], ctx), block: parseBlock(t.children![3], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } case "Function": return { type: "Function", name: parseFunctionName(t.children![1], ctx), body: parseFunctionBody(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "LocalFunction": return { type: "LocalFunction", name: t.children![2].children![0].text!, body: parseFunctionBody(t.children![3], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "FunctionCall": return { type: "FunctionCallStatement", call: parseFunctionCall(t, ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Assign": return { type: "Assignment", variables: t.children![0].children!.filter((t) => t.type !== ",").map( (lvalue) => parseLValue(lvalue, ctx), ), expressions: parseExpList(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Local": return { type: "Local", names: parseAttNames(t.children![1], ctx), expressions: t.children![3] ? parseExpList(t.children![3], ctx) : [], ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "ReturnStatement": { const expressions = t.children![1] ? parseExpList(t.children![1], ctx) : []; return { type: "Return", expressions, ctx: context(t, ctx) }; } case "break": return { type: "Break", ctx: context(t, ctx) }; default: console.error(t); throw new Error(`Unknown statement type: ${t.children![0].text}`); } } function parseFunctionCall( t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx, ): LuaFunctionCallExpression { if (t.children![1].type === ":") { return { type: "FunctionCall", prefix: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), name: t.children![2].children![0].text!, args: parseFunctionArgs(t.children!.slice(3), ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } return { type: "FunctionCall", prefix: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), args: parseFunctionArgs(t.children!.slice(1), ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } function parseAttNames(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaAttName[] { if (t.type !== "AttNameList") { throw new Error(`Expected AttNameList, got ${t.type}`); } return t.children!.filter((t) => t.type !== ",").map((att) => parseAttName(att, ctx) ); } function parseAttName(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaAttName { if (t.type !== "AttName") { throw new Error(`Expected AttName, got ${t.type}`); } return { type: "AttName", name: t.children![0].children![0].text!, attribute: t.children![1].children![1] ? t.children![1].children![1].children![0].text! : undefined, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } function parseLValue(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaLValue { switch (t.type) { case "Name": return { type: "Variable", name: t.children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Property": return { type: "PropertyAccess", object: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), property: t.children![2].children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "MemberExpression": return { type: "TableAccess", object: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), key: parseExpression(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; default: console.error(t); throw new Error(`Unknown lvalue type: ${t.type}`); } } function parseFunctionName(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaFunctionName { if (t.type !== "FuncName") { throw new Error(`Expected FunctionName, got ${t.type}`); } const propNames: string[] = []; let colonName: string | undefined = undefined; for (let i = 0; i < t.children!.length; i += 2) { const prop = t.children![i]; propNames.push(prop.children![0].text!); if (t.children![i + 1] && t.children![i + 1].type === ":") { colonName = t.children![i + 2].children![0].text!; break; } } return { type: "FunctionName", propNames, colonName, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } function parseNameList(t: ParseTree): string[] { if (t.type !== "NameList") { throw new Error(`Expected NameList, got ${t.type}`); } return t.children!.filter((t) => t.type === "Name").map((t) => t.children![0].text! ); } function parseExpList(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaExpression[] { if (t.type !== "ExpList") { throw new Error(`Expected ExpList, got ${t.type}`); } return t.children!.filter((t) => t.type !== ",").map((e) => parseExpression(e, ctx) ); } const delimiterRegex = /^(\[=*\[)([\s\S]*)(\]=*\])$/; // In case of quoted strings, remove the quotes and unescape the string // In case of a [[ type ]] literal string, remove the brackets function parseString(s: string): string { // Handle long strings with delimiters const delimiterMatch = s.match(delimiterRegex); if (delimiterMatch) { return delimiterMatch[2]; } return s.slice(1, -1).replace( /\\(x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u\{[0-9a-fA-F]+\}|[abfnrtv\\'"n])/g, (match, capture) => { switch (capture) { case "a": return "\x07"; // Bell case "b": return "\b"; // Backspace case "f": return "\f"; // Form feed case "n": return "\n"; // Newline case "r": return "\r"; // Carriage return case "t": return "\t"; // Horizontal tab case "v": return "\v"; // Vertical tab case "\\": return "\\"; // Backslash case '"': return '"'; // Double quote case "'": return "'"; // Single quote default: // Handle hexadecimal \x00 if (capture.startsWith("x")) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(capture.slice(1), 16)); } // Handle unicode \u{XXXX} if (capture.startsWith("u{")) { const codePoint = parseInt(capture.slice(2, -1), 16); return String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); } return match; // return the original match if nothing fits } }, ); } function parseExpression(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaExpression { switch (t.type) { case "LiteralString": { const cleanString = parseString(t.children![0].text!); return { type: "String", value: cleanString, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } case "Number": return { type: "Number", value: parseFloat(t.children![0].text!), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "BinaryExpression": return { type: "Binary", operator: t.children![1].children![0].text!, left: parseExpression(t.children![0], ctx), right: parseExpression(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "UnaryExpression": return { type: "Unary", operator: t.children![0].children![0].text!, argument: parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Property": return { type: "PropertyAccess", object: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), property: t.children![2].children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "MemberExpression": return { type: "TableAccess", object: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), key: parseExpression(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Parens": return parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx); case "FunctionCall": { return parseFunctionCall(t, ctx); } case "FunctionDef": { const body = parseFunctionBody(t.children![1], ctx); return { type: "FunctionDefinition", body, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } case "Name": return { type: "Variable", name: t.children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Ellipsis": return { type: "Variable", name: "...", ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "true": return { type: "Boolean", value: true, ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "false": return { type: "Boolean", value: false, ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "TableConstructor": return { type: "TableConstructor", fields: t.children!.slice(1, -1).filter((t) => ["FieldExp", "FieldProp", "FieldDynamic"].includes(t.type!) ).map((tf) => parseTableField(tf, ctx)), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "nil": return { type: "Nil", ctx: context(t, ctx) }; case "Query": return { type: "Query", expression: parseExpression(t.children![2], ctx), clauses: t.children!.slice(3, -1).map((c) => parseQueryClause(c, ctx)), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; default: console.error(t); throw new Error(`Unknown expression type: ${t.type}`); } } function parseQueryClause(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaQueryClause { if (t.type !== "QueryClause") { throw new Error(`Expected QueryClause, got ${t.type}`); } t = t.children![0]; switch (t.type) { case "WhereClause": return { type: "Where", expression: parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "LimitClause": { const limit = parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx); const offset = t.children![2] ? parseExpression(t.children![3], ctx) : undefined; return { type: "Limit", limit, offset, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } case "OrderByClause": { const orderBy: LuaOrderBy[] = []; for (const child of t.children!) { if (child.type === "OrderBy") { orderBy.push({ type: "Order", expression: parseExpression(child.children![0], ctx), direction: child.children![1]?.type === "desc" ? "desc" : "asc", ctx: context(child, ctx), }); } } return { type: "OrderBy", orderBy, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } case "SelectClause": { if (t.children![1].type === "TableConstructor") { return { type: "Select", tableConstructor: parseExpression( t.children![1], ctx, ) as LuaTableConstructor, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } else { return { type: "Select", fields: t.children!.slice(1).map((f) => f.children![0].text!), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } } default: console.error(t); throw new Error(`Unknown query clause type: ${t.type}`); } } function parseFunctionArgs(ts: ParseTree[], ctx: ASTCtx): LuaExpression[] { return ts.filter((t) => ![",", "(", ")"].includes(t.type!)).map( (e) => parseExpression(e, ctx), ); } function parseFunctionBody(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaFunctionBody { if (t.type !== "FuncBody") { throw new Error(`Expected FunctionBody, got ${t.type}`); } return { type: "FunctionBody", parameters: t.children![1].children!.filter((t) => ["Name", "Ellipsis"].includes(t.type!) ) .map((t) => t.children![0].text!), block: parseBlock(t.children![3], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; } function parsePrefixExpression(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaPrefixExpression { switch (t.type) { case "Name": return { type: "Variable", name: t.children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Property": return { type: "PropertyAccess", object: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), property: t.children![2].children![0].text!, ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "MemberExpression": return { type: "TableAccess", object: parsePrefixExpression(t.children![0], ctx), key: parseExpression(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "Parens": return { type: "Parenthesized", expression: parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "FunctionCall": { return parseFunctionCall(t, ctx); } default: console.error(t); throw new Error(`Unknown prefix expression type: ${t.type}`); } } function parseTableField(t: ParseTree, ctx: ASTCtx): LuaTableField { switch (t.type) { case "FieldExp": return { type: "ExpressionField", value: parseExpression(t.children![0], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "FieldProp": return { type: "PropField", key: t.children![0].children![0].text!, value: parseExpression(t.children![2], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; case "FieldDynamic": return { type: "DynamicField", key: parseExpression(t.children![1], ctx), value: parseExpression(t.children![4], ctx), ctx: context(t, ctx), }; default: console.error(t); throw new Error(`Unknown table field type: ${t.type}`); } } function stripLuaComments(s: string): string { // Strips Lua comments (single-line and multi-line) and replaces them with equivalent length whitespace let result = ""; let inString = false; let inMultilineString = false; let inComment = false; let inMultilineComment = false; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // Handle string detection for single-line strings (to avoid stripping comments inside strings) if ( s[i] === '"' && !inComment && !inMultilineComment && !inMultilineString ) { inString = !inString; } // Handle multi-line string literals (starting with "[[") if ( !inString && !inComment && !inMultilineComment && s[i] === "[" && s[i + 1] === "[" ) { inMultilineString = true; result += "[["; // Copy "[[" into result i += 1; // Skip over "[[" continue; } // Handle end of multi-line string literals (ending with "]]") if (inMultilineString && s[i] === "]" && s[i + 1] === "]") { inMultilineString = false; result += "]]"; // Copy "]]" into result i += 1; // Skip over "]]" continue; } // Handle single-line comments (starting with "--") if ( !inString && !inMultilineString && !inMultilineComment && s[i] === "-" && s[i + 1] === "-" ) { if (s[i + 2] === "[" && s[i + 3] === "[") { // Detect multi-line comment start "--[[" inMultilineComment = true; i += 3; // Skip over "--[[" result += " "; // Add equivalent length spaces for "--[[" continue; } else { inComment = true; } } // Handle end of single-line comment if (inComment && s[i] === "\n") { inComment = false; } // Handle multi-line comment ending "]]" if (inMultilineComment && s[i] === "]" && s[i + 1] === "]") { inMultilineComment = false; i += 1; // Skip over "]]" result += " "; // Add equivalent length spaces for "]]" continue; } // Replace comment content with spaces, or copy original content if not in comment or multi-line string if (inComment || inMultilineComment) { result += " "; // Replace comment characters with spaces } else { result += s[i]; } } return result; } export function parse(s: string, ctx: ASTCtx = {}): LuaBlock { const t = parseToCrudeAST(stripLuaComments(s)); // console.log("Clean tree", JSON.stringify(t, null, 2)); const result = parseChunk(t, ctx); // console.log("Parsed AST", JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)); return result; } export function parseToCrudeAST(t: string): ParseTree { const n = lezerToParseTree(t, parser.parse(t).topNode); return cleanTree(n, true); } /** * Helper function to parse a Lua expression string */ export function parseExpressionString( expr: string, ): LuaExpression { const parsedLua = parse(`_(${expr})`) as LuaBlock; return (parsedLua.statements[0] as LuaFunctionCallStatement).call.args[0]; }