import { sandboxCompile, sandboxCompileModule } from "../compile.ts"; import { SysCallMapping } from "../system.ts"; import { Manifest } from "../types.ts"; import importMap from "../../import_map.json" assert { type: "json" }; import { base64EncodedDataUrl } from "../asset_bundle/base64.ts"; export function esbuildSyscalls( imports: Manifest<any>[], ): SysCallMapping { return { "esbuild.compile": async ( _ctx, filename: string, code: string, functionName?: string, ): Promise<string> => { // Override this to point to a URL importMap.imports["$sb/"] = ""; const importUrl = new URL( base64EncodedDataUrl( "application/json", new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(importMap)), ), ); return await sandboxCompile( filename, code, functionName, { debug: true, imports, importMap: importUrl, }, ); }, "esbuild.compileModule": async ( _ctx, moduleName: string, ): Promise<string> => { return await sandboxCompileModule(moduleName, { imports, }); }, }; }