import { editor, markdown, space, sync } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { ParseTree, removeParentPointers, renderToText, traverseTree, } from "$sb/lib/tree.ts"; import { renderDirectives } from "./directives.ts"; import { extractFrontmatter } from "$sb/lib/frontmatter.ts"; import { PageMeta } from "../../web/types.ts"; import { isFederationPath } from "$sb/lib/resolve.ts"; import { mq } from "$sb/plugos-syscall/mod.ts"; import { Message } from "$sb/types.ts"; import { sleep } from "../../common/async_util.ts"; const directiveUpdateQueueName = "directiveUpdateQueue"; export async function updateDirectivesOnPageCommand() { // If `arg` is a string, it's triggered automatically via an event, not explicitly via a command const currentPage = await editor.getCurrentPage(); const pageMeta = await space.getPageMeta(currentPage); const text = await editor.getText(); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); const metaData = await extractFrontmatter(tree, ["$disableDirectives"]); if (isFederationPath(currentPage)) {"Current page is a federation page, not updating directives."); return; } if (metaData.$disableDirectives) {"Directives disabled in page meta, not updating them."); return; } if (!(await sync.hasInitialSyncCompleted())) { "Initial sync hasn't completed yet, not updating directives.", ); return; } await; const replacements = await findReplacements(tree, text, pageMeta); // Iterate again and replace the bodies. Iterating again (not using previous positions) // because text may have changed in the mean time (directive processing may take some time) // Hypothetically in the mean time directives in text may have been changed/swapped, in which // case this will break. This would be a rare edge case, however. for (const replacement of replacements) { // Fetch the text every time, because dispatch() will have been made changes const text = await editor.getText(); // Determine the current position const index = text.indexOf(replacement.fullMatch); // This may happen if the query itself, or the user is editing inside the directive block (WHY!?) if (index === -1) { console.warn( "Text I got", text, ); console.warn( "Could not find directive in text, skipping", replacement.fullMatch, ); continue; } const from = index, to = index + replacement.fullMatch.length; const newText = await replacement.textPromise; if (text.substring(from, to) === newText) { // No change, skip continue; } await editor.dispatch({ changes: { from, to, insert: newText, }, }); } } export async function updateDirectivesInSpaceCommand() { await editor.flashNotification( "Updating directives in entire space, this can take a while...", ); await updateDirectivesInSpace(); // And notify the user await editor.flashNotification("Updating of all directives completed!"); } export async function processUpdateQueue(messages: Message[]) { for (const message of messages) { const pageName: string = message.body; console.log("Updating directives in page", pageName); await updateDirectivesForPage(pageName); await mq.ack(directiveUpdateQueueName,; } } async function findReplacements( tree: ParseTree, text: string, pageMeta: PageMeta, ) { // Collect all directives and their body replacements const replacements: { fullMatch: string; textPromise: Promise<string> }[] = []; // Convenience array to wait for all promises to resolve const allPromises: Promise<string>[] = []; removeParentPointers(tree); traverseTree(tree, (tree) => { if (tree.type !== "Directive") { return false; } const fullMatch = text.substring(tree.from!,!); try { const promise = renderDirectives(pageMeta, tree); replacements.push({ textPromise: promise, fullMatch, }); allPromises.push(promise); } catch (e: any) { replacements.push({ fullMatch, textPromise: Promise.resolve( `${renderToText(tree.children![0])}\n**ERROR:** ${e.message}\n${ renderToText(tree.children![tree.children!.length - 1]) }`, ), }); } return true; }); // Wait for all to have processed await Promise.all(allPromises); return replacements; } export async function updateDirectivesInSpace() { const pages = await space.listPages(); await mq.batchSend(directiveUpdateQueueName, =>; // Now let's wait for the processing to finish let queueStats = await mq.getQueueStats(directiveUpdateQueueName); while (queueStats.queued > 0 || queueStats.processing > 0) { sleep(1000); queueStats = await mq.getQueueStats(directiveUpdateQueueName); } console.log("Done updating directives in space!"); } async function updateDirectivesForPage( pageName: string, ) { const pageMeta = await space.getPageMeta(pageName); const currentText = await space.readPage(pageName); const tree = await markdown.parseMarkdown(currentText); const metaData = await extractFrontmatter(tree, ["$disableDirectives"]); if (isFederationPath(pageName)) {"Current page is a federation page, not updating directives."); return; } if (metaData.$disableDirectives) {"Directives disabled in page meta, not updating them."); return; } const newText = await updateDirectives(pageMeta, tree, currentText); if (newText !== currentText) {"Content of page changed, saving", pageName); await space.writePage(pageName, newText); } } export async function updateDirectives( pageMeta: PageMeta, tree: ParseTree, text: string, ) { const replacements = await findReplacements(tree, text, pageMeta); // Iterate again and replace the bodies. for (const replacement of replacements) { text = text.replace( replacement.fullMatch, await replacement.textPromise, ); } return text; }