import type { LuaFunctionBody } from "./ast.ts"; export class LuaEnv implements ILuaSettable { variables = new Map(); constructor(readonly parent?: LuaEnv) { } setLocal(name: string, value: LuaValue) { this.variables.set(name, value); } set(key: string, value: LuaValue): void { if (this.variables.has(key) || !this.parent) { this.variables.set(key, value); } else { this.parent.set(key, value); } } get(name: string): LuaValue { if (this.variables.has(name)) { return this.variables.get(name); } if (this.parent) { return this.parent.get(name); } return undefined; } } export class LuaMultiRes { constructor(readonly values: any[]) { } unwrap(): any { if (this.values.length !== 1) { throw new Error("Cannot unwrap multiple values"); } return this.values[0]; } } export function singleResult(value: any): any { if (value instanceof LuaMultiRes) { return value.unwrap(); } else { return value; } } // These types are for documentation only export type LuaValue = any; export type JSValue = any; export interface ILuaFunction { call(...args: LuaValue[]): Promise | LuaValue; } export interface ILuaSettable { set(key: LuaValue, value: LuaValue): void; } export class LuaFunction implements ILuaFunction { constructor(private body: LuaFunctionBody, private closure: LuaEnv) { } call(...args: LuaValue[]): Promise | LuaValue { // Create a new environment for this function call const env = new LuaEnv(this.closure); // Assign the passed arguments to the parameters for (let i = 0; i < this.body.parameters.length; i++) { let arg = args[i]; if (arg === undefined) { arg = null; } env.set(this.body.parameters[i], arg); } throw new Error("Not yet implemented funciton call"); } } export class LuaNativeJSFunction implements ILuaFunction { constructor(readonly fn: (...args: JSValue[]) => JSValue) { } call(...args: LuaValue[]): Promise | LuaValue { const result = this.fn(; if (result instanceof Promise) { return result.then(jsToLuaValue); } else { return jsToLuaValue(result); } } } export class LuaTable implements ILuaSettable { // To optimize the table implementation we use a combination of different data structures // When tables are used as maps, the common case is that they are string keys, so we use a simple object for that private stringKeys: Record; // Other keys we can support using a Map as a fallback private otherKeys: Map | null; // When tables are used as arrays, we use a native JavaScript array for that private arrayPart: any[]; // TODO: Actually implement metatables private metatable: LuaTable | null; constructor() { // For efficiency and performance reasons we pre-allocate these (modern JS engines are very good at optimizing this) this.stringKeys = {}; this.arrayPart = []; this.otherKeys = null; // Only create this when needed this.metatable = null; } get length(): number { return this.arrayPart.length; } set(key: LuaValue, value: LuaValue) { if (typeof key === "string") { this.stringKeys[key] = value; } else if (Number.isInteger(key) && key >= 1) { this.arrayPart[key - 1] = value; } else { if (!this.otherKeys) { this.otherKeys = new Map(); } this.otherKeys.set(key, value); } } get(key: LuaValue): LuaValue { if (typeof key === "string") { return this.stringKeys[key]; } else if (Number.isInteger(key) && key >= 1) { return this.arrayPart[key - 1]; } else if (this.otherKeys) { return this.otherKeys.get(key); } return undefined; } toArray(): JSValue[] { return this.arrayPart; } toObject(): Record { const result = { ...this.stringKeys }; for (const i in this.arrayPart) { result[parseInt(i) + 1] = this.arrayPart[i]; } return result; } static fromArray(arr: JSValue[]): LuaTable { const table = new LuaTable(); for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { table.set(i + 1, arr[i]); } return table; } static fromObject(obj: Record): LuaTable { const table = new LuaTable(); for (const key in obj) { table.set(key, obj[key]); } return table; } } export type LuaLValueContainer = { env: ILuaSettable; key: LuaValue }; export function luaSet(obj: any, key: any, value: any) { if (obj instanceof LuaTable) { obj.set(key, value); } else { obj[key] = value; } } export function luaGet(obj: any, key: any): any { if (obj instanceof LuaTable) { return obj.get(key); } else { return obj[key]; } } export function luaLen(obj: any): number { if (obj instanceof LuaTable) { return obj.toArray().length; } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return obj.length; } else { return 0; } } export class LuaBreak extends Error { } export function luaTruthy(value: any): boolean { if (value === undefined || value === null || value === false) { return false; } if (value instanceof LuaTable) { return value.length > 0; } return true; } export function jsToLuaValue(value: any): any { if (value instanceof LuaTable) { return value; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { return LuaTable.fromArray(; } else if (typeof value === "object") { return LuaTable.fromObject(value); } else { return value; } } export function luaValueToJS(value: any): any { if (value instanceof LuaTable) { // This is a heuristic: if this table is used as an array, we return an array if (value.length > 0) { return value.toArray(); } else { return value.toObject(); } } else { return value; } }