import * as plugos from "../lib/plugos/types.ts"; import { CronHookT } from "../lib/plugos/hooks/cron.ts"; import { EventHookT } from "../lib/plugos/hooks/event.ts"; import { CommandHookT } from "./hooks/command.ts"; import { SlashCommandHookT } from "../web/hooks/slash_command.ts"; import { PlugNamespaceHookT } from "./hooks/plug_namespace.ts"; import { CodeWidgetT } from "../web/hooks/code_widget.ts"; import { MQHookT } from "../lib/plugos/hooks/mq.ts"; import { EndpointHookT } from "../server/hooks/endpoint.ts"; import { PanelWidgetT } from "../web/hooks/panel_widget.ts"; /** Silverbullet hooks give plugs access to silverbullet core systems. * * Hooks are associated with typescript functions through a manifest file. * On various triggers (user enters a slash command, an HTTP endpoint is hit, user clicks, etc) the typescript function is called. * * related: plugos/type.ts#FunctionDef */ export type SilverBulletHooks = & CommandHookT & SlashCommandHookT & CronHookT & MQHookT & EventHookT & CodeWidgetT & PanelWidgetT & EndpointHookT & PlugNamespaceHookT; /** A plug manifest configures hooks, declares syntax extensions, and describes plug metadata. * * Typically the manifest file is in a plug's root directory, named `${plugName}.plug.yaml`. */ export type Manifest = plugos.Manifest;