import { BlockContext, Language, LeafBlock, LeafBlockParser, Line, markdown, MarkdownConfig, StreamLanguage, Strikethrough, styleTags, Table, tags as t, TaskList, yamlLanguage, } from "../deps.ts"; import * as ct from "./customtags.ts"; import { MDExt, mdExtensionStyleTags, mdExtensionSyntaxConfig, } from "./markdown_ext.ts"; export const pageLinkRegex = /^\[\[([^\]\|]+)(\|([^\]]+))?\]\]/; const WikiLink: MarkdownConfig = { defineNodes: [ { name: "WikiLink", style: ct.WikiLinkTag }, { name: "WikiLinkPage", style: ct.WikiLinkPageTag }, { name: "WikiLinkAlias", style: ct.WikiLinkPageTag }, { name: "WikiLinkMark", style: t.processingInstruction }, ], parseInline: [ { name: "WikiLink", parse(cx, next, pos) { let match: RegExpMatchArray | null; if ( next != 91 /* '[' */ || !(match = pageLinkRegex.exec(cx.slice(pos, cx.end))) ) { return -1; } const [fullMatch, page, pipePart, label] = match; const endPos = pos + fullMatch.length; let aliasElts: any[] = []; if (pipePart) { const pipeStartPos = pos + 2 + page.length; aliasElts = [ cx.elt("WikiLinkMark", pipeStartPos, pipeStartPos + 1), cx.elt( "WikiLinkAlias", pipeStartPos + 1, pipeStartPos + 1 + label.length, ), ]; } return cx.addElement( cx.elt("WikiLink", pos, endPos, [ cx.elt("WikiLinkMark", pos, pos + 2), cx.elt("WikiLinkPage", pos + 2, pos + 2 + page.length), ...aliasElts, cx.elt("WikiLinkMark", endPos - 2, endPos), ]), ); }, after: "Emphasis", }, ], }; export const commandLinkRegex = /^\{\[([^\]\|]+)(\|([^\]]+))?\]\}/; const CommandLink: MarkdownConfig = { defineNodes: [ { name: "CommandLink", style: { "CommandLink/...": ct.CommandLinkTag } }, { name: "CommandLinkName", style: ct.CommandLinkNameTag }, { name: "CommandLinkAlias", style: ct.CommandLinkNameTag }, { name: "CommandLinkMark", style: t.processingInstruction }, ], parseInline: [ { name: "CommandLink", parse(cx, next, pos) { let match: RegExpMatchArray | null; if ( next != 123 /* '{' */ || !(match = commandLinkRegex.exec(cx.slice(pos, cx.end))) ) { return -1; } const [fullMatch, command, pipePart, label] = match; const endPos = pos + fullMatch.length; let aliasElts: any[] = []; if (pipePart) { const pipeStartPos = pos + 2 + command.length; aliasElts = [ cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", pipeStartPos, pipeStartPos + 1), cx.elt( "CommandLinkAlias", pipeStartPos + 1, pipeStartPos + 1 + label.length, ), ]; } return cx.addElement( cx.elt("CommandLink", pos, endPos, [ cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", pos, pos + 2), cx.elt("CommandLinkName", pos + 2, pos + 2 + command.length), ...aliasElts, cx.elt("CommandLinkMark", endPos - 2, endPos), ]), ); }, after: "Emphasis", }, ], }; const HighlightDelim = { resolve: "Highlight", mark: "HighlightMark" }; export const Highlight: MarkdownConfig = { defineNodes: [ { name: "Highlight", style: { "Highlight/...": ct.Highlight }, }, { name: "HighlightMark", style: t.processingInstruction, }, ], parseInline: [ { name: "Highlight", parse(cx, next, pos) { if (next != 61 /* '=' */ || cx.char(pos + 1) != 61) return -1; return cx.addDelimiter(HighlightDelim, pos, pos + 2, true, true); }, after: "Emphasis", }, ], }; class CommentParser implements LeafBlockParser { nextLine() { return false; } finish(cx: BlockContext, leaf: LeafBlock) { cx.addLeafElement( leaf, cx.elt("Comment", leaf.start, leaf.start + leaf.content.length, [ // cx.elt("CommentMarker", leaf.start, leaf.start + 3),, leaf.start + 3), ]), ); return true; } } export const Comment: MarkdownConfig = { defineNodes: [{ name: "Comment", block: true }], parseBlock: [ { name: "Comment", leaf(_cx, leaf) { return /^%%\s/.test(leaf.content) ? new CommentParser() : null; }, after: "SetextHeading", }, ], }; // Directive parser const directiveStart = /^\s*<!--\s*#([a-z]+)\s*(.*?)-->\s*/; const directiveEnd = /^\s*<!--\s*\/(.*?)-->\s*/; import { parser as directiveParser } from "./parse-query.js"; const highlightingDirectiveParser = directiveParser.configure({ props: [ styleTags({ "Name": t.variableName, "String": t.string, "Number": t.number, "PageRef": ct.WikiLinkTag, "Where Limit Select Render Order OrderDirection And": t.keyword, }), ], }); export const Directive: MarkdownConfig = { defineNodes: [ { name: "Directive", block: true, style: ct.DirectiveTag }, { name: "DirectiveStart", style: ct.DirectiveStartTag, block: true }, { name: "DirectiveEnd", style: ct.DirectiveEndTag }, { name: "DirectiveBody", block: true }, ], parseBlock: [{ name: "Directive", parse: (cx, line: Line) => { const match = directiveStart.exec(line.text); if (!match) { return false; } // console.log("Parsing directive", line.text); const frontStart = cx.parsedPos; const [fullMatch, directive, arg] = match; const elts = []; if (directive === "query") { const queryParseTree = highlightingDirectiveParser.parse(arg); elts.push(cx.elt( "DirectiveStart", cx.parsedPos, cx.parsedPos + line.text.length + 1, [cx.elt(queryParseTree, frontStart + fullMatch.indexOf(arg))], )); } else { elts.push(cx.elt( "DirectiveStart", cx.parsedPos, cx.parsedPos + line.text.length + 1, )); } // console.log("Query parse tree", queryParseTree.topNode); cx.nextLine(); const startPos = cx.parsedPos; let endPos = startPos; let text = ""; let lastPos = cx.parsedPos; let nesting = 0; while (true) { if (directiveEnd.exec(line.text) && nesting === 0) { break; } text += line.text + "\n"; endPos += line.text.length + 1; if (directiveStart.exec(line.text)) { nesting++; } if (directiveEnd.exec(line.text)) { nesting--; } cx.nextLine(); if (cx.parsedPos === lastPos) { // End of file, no progress made, there may be a better way to do this but :shrug: return false; } lastPos = cx.parsedPos; } const directiveBodyTree = cx.parser.parse(text); elts.push( cx.elt("DirectiveBody", startPos, endPos, [ cx.elt(directiveBodyTree, startPos), ]), ); endPos = cx.parsedPos + line.text.length; elts.push(cx.elt( "DirectiveEnd", cx.parsedPos, cx.parsedPos + line.text.length, )); cx.nextLine(); cx.addElement(cx.elt("Directive", frontStart, endPos, elts)); return true; }, before: "HTMLBlock", }], }; // FrontMatter parser const yamlLang = StreamLanguage.define(yamlLanguage); export const FrontMatter: MarkdownConfig = { defineNodes: [ { name: "FrontMatter", block: true }, { name: "FrontMatterMarker" }, { name: "FrontMatterCode" }, ], parseBlock: [{ name: "FrontMatter", parse: (cx, line: Line) => { if (cx.parsedPos !== 0) { return false; } if (line.text !== "---") { return false; } const frontStart = cx.parsedPos; const elts = [ cx.elt( "FrontMatterMarker", cx.parsedPos, cx.parsedPos + line.text.length + 1, ), ]; cx.nextLine(); const startPos = cx.parsedPos; let endPos = startPos; let text = ""; let lastPos = cx.parsedPos; do { text += line.text + "\n"; endPos += line.text.length + 1; cx.nextLine(); if (cx.parsedPos === lastPos) { // End of file, no progress made, there may be a better way to do this but :shrug: return false; } lastPos = cx.parsedPos; } while (line.text !== "---"); const yamlTree = yamlLang.parser.parse(text); elts.push( cx.elt("FrontMatterCode", startPos, endPos, [ cx.elt(yamlTree, startPos), ]), ); endPos = cx.parsedPos + line.text.length; elts.push(cx.elt( "FrontMatterMarker", cx.parsedPos, cx.parsedPos + line.text.length, )); cx.nextLine(); cx.addElement(cx.elt("FrontMatter", frontStart, endPos, elts)); return true; }, before: "HorizontalRule", }], }; export default function buildMarkdown(mdExtensions: MDExt[]): Language { return markdown({ extensions: [ WikiLink, CommandLink, FrontMatter, Directive, TaskList, Comment, Highlight, Strikethrough, Table,, { props: [ styleTags({ Task: ct.TaskTag, TaskMarker: ct.TaskMarkerTag, Comment: ct.CommentTag, "TableDelimiter SubscriptMark SuperscriptMark StrikethroughMark": t.processingInstruction, "TableHeader/...": t.heading, TableCell: t.content, CodeInfo: ct.CodeInfoTag, HorizontalRule: ct.HorizontalRuleTag, }), => styleTags(mdExtensionStyleTags(mdExt)) ), ], }, ], }).language; }