import { runPlug } from "../cli/plug_run.ts"; import { path } from "../common/deps.ts"; import assets from "../dist/plug_asset_bundle.json" with { type: "json", }; import { AssetBundle } from "../plugos/asset_bundle/bundle.ts"; export async function plugRunCommand( { hostname, port, }: { hostname?: string; port?: number; }, spacePath: string, functionName: string | undefined, ...args: string[] ) { spacePath = path.resolve(spacePath); console.log("Space path", spacePath); console.log("Function to run:", functionName, "with arguments", args); try { const result = await runPlug( spacePath, functionName, args, new AssetBundle(assets), port, hostname, ); if (result) { console.log("Output", result); } Deno.exit(0); } catch (e: any) { console.error(e.message); Deno.exit(1); } }