import { PlugNamespaceHook } from "$common/hooks/plug_namespace.ts"; import type { SilverBulletHooks } from "../lib/manifest.ts"; import { EventedSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/evented_space_primitives.ts"; import { PlugSpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/plug_space_primitives.ts"; import { createSandbox } from "../lib/plugos/sandboxes/web_worker_sandbox.ts"; import { CronHook } from "../lib/plugos/hooks/cron.ts"; import type { EventHook } from "../common/hooks/event.ts"; import { MQHook } from "../lib/plugos/hooks/mq.ts"; import assetSyscalls from "../lib/plugos/syscalls/asset.ts"; import { eventSyscalls } from "../lib/plugos/syscalls/event.ts"; import { luaSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/lua.ts"; import { mqSyscalls } from "../lib/plugos/syscalls/mq.ts"; import { System } from "../lib/plugos/system.ts"; import { Space } from "../common/space.ts"; import { markdownSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/markdown.ts"; import { spaceReadSyscalls, spaceWriteSyscalls } from "./syscalls/space.ts"; import { systemSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/system.ts"; import { jsonschemaSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/jsonschema.ts"; import { yamlSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/yaml.ts"; import { sandboxFetchSyscalls } from "../lib/plugos/syscalls/fetch.ts"; import { shellSyscalls } from "./syscalls/shell.ts"; import type { SpacePrimitives } from "$common/spaces/space_primitives.ts"; import type { Plug } from "../lib/plugos/plug.ts"; import { DataStore } from "$lib/data/datastore.ts"; import { dataStoreReadSyscalls, dataStoreWriteSyscalls, } from "../lib/plugos/syscalls/datastore.ts"; import { languageSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/language.ts"; import { templateSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/template.ts"; import { codeWidgetSyscalls } from "../web/syscalls/code_widget.ts"; import { CodeWidgetHook } from "../web/hooks/code_widget.ts"; import { KVPrimitivesManifestCache } from "$lib/plugos/manifest_cache.ts"; import type { KvPrimitives } from "$lib/data/kv_primitives.ts"; import type { ShellBackend } from "./shell_backend.ts"; import { ensureSpaceIndex } from "$common/space_index.ts"; import type { FileMeta } from "../plug-api/types.ts"; import { CommandHook } from "$common/hooks/command.ts"; import { CommonSystem } from "$common/common_system.ts"; import type { DataStoreMQ } from "$lib/data/mq.datastore.ts"; import { plugPrefix } from "$common/spaces/constants.ts"; import { base64EncodedDataUrl } from "$lib/crypto.ts"; import type { ConfigContainer } from "../type/config.ts"; import { indexSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/index.ts"; import { commandSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/command.ts"; import { eventListenerSyscalls } from "$common/syscalls/event.ts"; const fileListInterval = 30 * 1000; // 30s const plugNameExtractRegex = /([^/]+)\.plug\.js$/; export class ServerSystem extends CommonSystem { listInterval?: number; constructor( public spacePrimitives: SpacePrimitives, private kvPrimitives: KvPrimitives, private shellBackend: ShellBackend, mq: DataStoreMQ, ds: DataStore, eventHook: EventHook, readOnlyMode: boolean, enableSpaceScript: boolean, private configContainer: ConfigContainer, ) { super(mq, ds, eventHook, readOnlyMode, enableSpaceScript); } // Always needs to be invoked right after construction async init(awaitIndex = false, performIndex = true) { this.system = new System( "server", { manifestCache: new KVPrimitivesManifestCache( this.kvPrimitives, "manifest", ), plugFlushTimeout: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes }, ); this.ds = new DataStore(this.kvPrimitives); // Event hook this.system.addHook(this.eventHook); // Command hook, just for introspection this.commandHook = new CommandHook( this.readOnlyMode, this.spaceScriptCommands, ); this.system.addHook(this.commandHook); // Cron hook const cronHook = new CronHook(this.system); this.system.addHook(cronHook); const plugNamespaceHook = new PlugNamespaceHook(); this.system.addHook(plugNamespaceHook); this.system.addHook(new MQHook(this.system,; const codeWidgetHook = new CodeWidgetHook(); this.system.addHook(codeWidgetHook); const eventedSpacePrimitives = new EventedSpacePrimitives( new PlugSpacePrimitives( this.spacePrimitives, plugNamespaceHook, ), this.eventHook, {}, ); // Disable events until everything is set up eventedSpacePrimitives.enabled = false; this.spacePrimitives = eventedSpacePrimitives; const space = new Space(this.spacePrimitives, this.eventHook); // Add syscalls this.system.registerSyscalls( [], eventSyscalls(this.eventHook), eventListenerSyscalls(this), spaceReadSyscalls(space, this.allKnownFiles), assetSyscalls(this.system), yamlSyscalls(), systemSyscalls( this.system, this.readOnlyMode, this, this.configContainer, ), mqSyscalls(, languageSyscalls(), jsonschemaSyscalls(), indexSyscalls(this), commandSyscalls(this), luaSyscalls(this), templateSyscalls(this.ds), dataStoreReadSyscalls(this.ds, this), codeWidgetSyscalls(codeWidgetHook), markdownSyscalls(), ); if (!this.readOnlyMode) { // Write mode only this.system.registerSyscalls( [], spaceWriteSyscalls(space), dataStoreWriteSyscalls(this.ds), ); // Syscalls that require some additional permissions this.system.registerSyscalls( ["fetch"], sandboxFetchSyscalls(), ); this.system.registerSyscalls( ["shell"], shellSyscalls(this.shellBackend), ); } await this.loadPlugs(); await this.loadSpaceScripts(); this.listInterval = setInterval(() => { space.updatePageList().catch(console.error); }, fileListInterval); this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "file:changed", async (path, localChange) => { this.allKnownFiles.add(path); if (!localChange) { console.log("Outside file change: reindexing", path); // Change made outside of editor, trigger reindex if (path.endsWith(".md")) { const pageName = path.slice(0, -3); const data = await this.spacePrimitives.readFile(path); await this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("page:index_text", { name: pageName, text: new TextDecoder().decode(, }); } } if (path.startsWith(plugPrefix) && path.endsWith(".plug.js")) { console.log("Plug updated, reloading:", path); this.system.unload(path); await this.loadPlugFromSpace(path); } }, ); // Keep allKnownFiles up to date this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "file:listed", (allFiles: FileMeta[]) => { // Update list of known pages and attachments this.allKnownFiles.clear(); allFiles.forEach((f) => { if (! { this.allKnownFiles.add(; } }); }, ); this.eventHook.addLocalListener( "file:deleted", (path: string) => { // Update list of known pages and attachments this.allKnownFiles.delete(path); }, ); // All setup, enable eventing eventedSpacePrimitives.enabled = true; space.updatePageList().catch(console.error); if (performIndex) { // Ensure a valid index const indexPromise = ensureSpaceIndex(this.ds, this.system); if (awaitIndex) { await indexPromise; } } await this.eventHook.dispatchEvent("system:ready"); } async loadPlugs() { for (const { name } of await this.spacePrimitives.fetchFileList()) { if (plugNameExtractRegex.test(name)) { await this.loadPlugFromSpace(name); } } } async loadPlugFromSpace(path: string): Promise> { const { meta, data } = await this.spacePrimitives.readFile(path); const plugName = path.match(plugNameExtractRegex)![1]; return this.system.load( plugName, createSandbox( // Base64 encoding this to support `deno compile` mode new URL(base64EncodedDataUrl("application/javascript", data)), ), meta.lastModified, ); } async close() { clearInterval(this.listInterval); await this.system.unloadAll(); } }