import type { Plug } from "../../plugos/plug.ts"; import { SysCallMapping, System } from "../../plugos/system.ts"; import type { Client } from "../client.ts"; import { CommandDef } from "../hooks/command.ts"; import { proxySyscall } from "./util.ts"; export function systemSyscalls( system: System<any>, client?: Client, ): SysCallMapping { const api: SysCallMapping = { "system.invokeFunction": ( ctx, name: string, ...args: any[] ) => { if (name === "server" || name === "client") { // Backwards compatibility mode (previously there was an 'env' argument) name = args[0]; args = args.slice(1); } let plug: Plug<any> | undefined = ctx.plug; const fullName = name; // console.log("Invoking function", fullName, "on plug", plug); if (name.includes(".")) { // plug name in the name const [plugName, functionName] = name.split("."); plug = system.loadedPlugs.get(plugName); if (!plug) { throw Error(`Plug ${plugName} not found`); } name = functionName; } const functionDef = plug?.manifest!.functions[name]; if (!functionDef) { throw Error(`Function ${name} not found`); } if ( client && functionDef.env && system.env && functionDef.env !== system.env ) { // Proxy to another environment return proxySyscall( ctx, client.httpSpacePrimitives, "system.invokeFunction", [fullName, ...args], ); } return plug.invoke(name, args); }, "system.invokeCommand": (_ctx, name: string, args?: string[]) => { if (!client) { throw new Error("Not supported"); } return client.runCommandByName(name, args); }, "system.listCommands": (): { [key: string]: CommandDef } => { if (!client) { throw new Error("Not supported"); } const allCommands: { [key: string]: CommandDef } = {}; for (const [cmd, def] of client.system.commandHook.editorCommands) { allCommands[cmd] = def.command; } return allCommands; }, "system.reloadPlugs": () => { if (!client) { throw new Error("Not supported"); } return client.loadPlugs(); }, "system.getEnv": () => { return system.env; }, }; return api; }