import type { IndexEvent, IndexTreeEvent } from "@silverbulletmd/web/app_event"; import { batchSet, clearPageIndex as clearPageIndexSyscall, clearPageIndexForPage, queryPrefix, set, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/index"; import { set as storeSet } from "@plugos/plugos-syscall/store"; import { flashNotification, getCurrentPage, getCursor, getText, matchBefore, navigate, prompt, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/editor"; import { dispatch } from "@plugos/plugos-syscall/event"; import { deletePage as deletePageSyscall, listPages, readPage, writePage, } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/space"; import { invokeFunction } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/system"; import { parseMarkdown } from "@silverbulletmd/plugos-silverbullet-syscall/markdown"; import { addParentPointers, collectNodesMatching, ParseTree, renderToText, replaceNodesMatching, } from "@silverbulletmd/common/tree"; import { applyQuery, QueryProviderEvent } from "../query/engine"; import { extractMeta } from "../query/data"; // Key space: // pl:toPage:pos => pageName // meta => metaJson export async function indexLinks({ name, tree }: IndexTreeEvent) { let backLinks: { key: string; value: string }[] = []; // [[Style Links]] console.log("Now indexing", name); let pageMeta = extractMeta(tree); if (Object.keys(pageMeta).length > 0) { await set(name, "meta:", pageMeta); } collectNodesMatching(tree, (n) => n.type === "WikiLinkPage").forEach((n) => { let toPage = n.children![0].text!; if (toPage.includes("@")) { toPage = toPage.split("@")[0]; } backLinks.push({ key: `pl:${toPage}:${n.from}`, value: name, }); }); console.log("Found", backLinks.length, "wiki link(s)"); await batchSet(name, backLinks); } export async function pageQueryProvider({ query, }: QueryProviderEvent): Promise<any[]> { let allPages = await listPages(); let allPageMap: Map<string, any> = new Map( => [, pm]) ); for (let { page, value } of await queryPrefix("meta:")) { let p = allPageMap.get(page); if (p) { for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(value)) { p[k] = v; } } } allPages = [...allPageMap.values()]; return applyQuery(query, allPages); } export async function linkQueryProvider({ query, pageName, }: QueryProviderEvent): Promise<any[]> { let uniqueLinks = new Set<string>(); for (let { value: name } of await queryPrefix(`pl:${pageName}:`)) { uniqueLinks.add(name); } return applyQuery( query, [...uniqueLinks].map((l) => ({ name: l })) ); } export async function deletePage() { let pageName = await getCurrentPage(); console.log("Navigating to index page"); await navigate(""); console.log("Deleting page from space"); await deletePageSyscall(pageName); } export async function renamePage() { const oldName = await getCurrentPage(); const cursor = await getCursor(); console.log("Old name is", oldName); const newName = await prompt(`Rename ${oldName} to:`, oldName); if (!newName) { return; } if (newName.trim() === oldName.trim()) { return; } console.log("New name", newName); let pagesToUpdate = await getBackLinks(oldName); console.log("All pages containing backlinks", pagesToUpdate); let text = await getText(); console.log("Writing new page to space"); await writePage(newName, text); console.log("Navigating to new page"); await navigate(newName, cursor, true); console.log("Deleting page from space"); await deletePageSyscall(oldName); let pageToUpdateSet = new Set<string>(); for (let pageToUpdate of pagesToUpdate) { pageToUpdateSet.add(; } for (let pageToUpdate of pageToUpdateSet) { if (pageToUpdate === oldName) { continue; } console.log("Now going to update links in", pageToUpdate); let { text } = await readPage(pageToUpdate); // console.log("Received text", text); if (!text) { // Page likely does not exist, but at least we can skip it continue; } let mdTree = await parseMarkdown(text); addParentPointers(mdTree); replaceNodesMatching(mdTree, (n): ParseTree | undefined | null => { if (n.type === "WikiLinkPage") { let pageName = n.children![0].text!; if (pageName === oldName) { n.children![0].text = newName; return n; } // page name with @pos position if (pageName.startsWith(`${oldName}@`)) { let [, pos] = pageName.split("@"); n.children![0].text = `${newName}@${pos}`; return n; } } return; }); // let newText = text.replaceAll(`[[${oldName}]]`, `[[${newName}]]`); let newText = renderToText(mdTree); if (text !== newText) { console.log("Changes made, saving..."); await writePage(pageToUpdate, newText); } } } type BackLink = { page: string; pos: number; }; async function getBackLinks(pageName: string): Promise<BackLink[]> { let allBackLinks = await queryPrefix(`pl:${pageName}:`); let pagesToUpdate: BackLink[] = []; for (let { key, value } of allBackLinks) { let keyParts = key.split(":"); pagesToUpdate.push({ page: value, pos: +keyParts[keyParts.length - 1], }); } return pagesToUpdate; } export async function reindexCommand() { await flashNotification("Reindexing..."); await invokeFunction("server", "reindexSpace"); await storeSet("$spaceIndexed", true); await flashNotification("Reindexing done"); } // Completion export async function pageComplete() { let prefix = await matchBefore("\\[\\[[^\\]]*"); if (!prefix) { return null; } let allPages = await listPages(); return { from: prefix.from + 2, options: => ({ label:, type: "page", })), }; } // Server functions export async function reindexSpace() { console.log("Clearing page index..."); await clearPageIndexSyscall(); console.log("Listing all pages"); let pages = await listPages(); for (let { name } of pages) { console.log("Indexing", name); const { text } = await readPage(name); let parsed = await parseMarkdown(text); await dispatch("page:index", { name, tree: parsed, }); } } export async function clearPageIndex(page: string) { console.log("Clearing page index for page", page); await clearPageIndexForPage(page); } export async function parseIndexTextRepublish({ name, text }: IndexEvent) { await dispatch("page:index", { name, tree: await parseMarkdown(text), }); }