import type { CompleteEvent, IndexEvent, QueryProviderEvent, } from "$sb/app_event.ts"; import { editor, index, markdown, space, } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/mod.ts"; import { events } from "$sb/plugos-syscall/mod.ts"; import { applyQuery } from "$sb/lib/query.ts"; import { invokeFunction } from "$sb/silverbullet-syscall/system.ts"; // Key space: // meta: => metaJson export async function pageQueryProvider({ query, }: QueryProviderEvent): Promise<any[]> { return applyQuery(query, await space.listPages()); } export async function deletePage() { const pageName = await editor.getCurrentPage(); if ( !await editor.confirm(`Are you sure you would like to delete ${pageName}?`) ) { return; } console.log("Navigating to index page"); await editor.navigate(""); console.log("Deleting page from space"); await space.deletePage(pageName); } export async function copyPage() { const oldName = await editor.getCurrentPage(); const newName = await editor.prompt(`New page title:`, `${oldName} (copy)`); if (!newName) { return; } try { // This throws an error if the page does not exist, which we expect to be the case await space.getPageMeta(newName); // So when we get to this point, we error out throw new Error( `Page ${newName} already exists, cannot rename to existing page.`, ); } catch (e: any) { if (e.message === "Not found") { // Expected not found error, so we can continue } else { await editor.flashNotification(e.message, "error"); throw e; } } const text = await editor.getText(); console.log("Writing new page to space"); await space.writePage(newName, text); console.log("Navigating to new page"); await editor.navigate(newName); } export async function newPageCommand() { const allPages = await space.listPages(); let pageName = `Untitled`; let i = 1; while (allPages.find((p) => === pageName)) { pageName = `Untitled ${i}`; i++; } await editor.navigate(pageName); } export async function reindexCommand() { await editor.flashNotification("Reindexing..."); await reindexSpace(); await editor.flashNotification("Reindexing done"); } // Completion export async function pageComplete(completeEvent: CompleteEvent) { const match = /\[\[([^\]@:\{}]*)$/.exec(completeEvent.linePrefix); if (!match) { return null; } const allPages = await space.listPages(); return { from: completeEvent.pos - match[1].length, options: => { return { label:, boost: pageMeta.lastModified, type: "page", }; }), }; } export async function reindexSpace() { console.log("Clearing page index..."); await index.clearPageIndex(); // Executed this way to not have to embed the search plug code here await invokeFunction("client", "search.clearIndex"); console.log("Listing all pages"); const pages = await space.listPages(); let counter = 0; for (const { name } of pages) { counter++; console.log(`Indexing page ${counter}/${pages.length}: ${name}`); const text = await space.readPage(name); const parsed = await markdown.parseMarkdown(text); await events.dispatchEvent("page:index", { name, tree: parsed, }); } console.log("Indexing completed!"); } export async function clearPageIndex(page: string) { // console.log("Clearing page index for page", page); await index.clearPageIndexForPage(page); } export async function parseIndexTextRepublish({ name, text }: IndexEvent) { // console.log("Reindexing", name); await events.dispatchEvent("page:index", { name, tree: await markdown.parseMarkdown(text), }); }