import { DataStoreQueryCollection, type LuaCollectionQuery, } from "$common/space_lua/query_collection.ts"; import type { CommonSystem } from "$common/common_system.ts"; import type { KV, KvKey, KvQuery } from "../../../plug-api/types.ts"; import type { DataStore } from "../../data/datastore.ts"; import type { SysCallMapping } from "../system.ts"; import { jsToLuaValue, LuaEnv, LuaStackFrame, luaValueToJS, } from "$common/space_lua/runtime.ts"; /** * Exposes the datastore API to plugs, but scoping everything to a prefix based on the plug's name * @param ds the datastore to wrap * @param prefix prefix to scope all keys to to which the plug name will be appended */ export function dataStoreReadSyscalls( ds: DataStore, commonSystem: CommonSystem, ): SysCallMapping { return { "datastore.batchGet": ( _ctx, keys: KvKey[], ): Promise<(any | undefined)[]> => { return ds.batchGet(keys); }, "datastore.get": (_ctx, key: KvKey): Promise => { return ds.get(key); }, "datastore.query": ( _ctx, query: KvQuery, variables?: Record, ): Promise => { return ds.query(query, variables); }, "datastore.queryLua": async ( _ctx, prefix: string[], query: LuaCollectionQuery, scopeVariables: Record = {}, ): Promise => { const dsQueryCollection = new DataStoreQueryCollection(ds, prefix); const tl = new LuaEnv(); tl.setLocal("_GLOBAL", commonSystem.spaceLuaEnv.env); const sf = new LuaStackFrame(tl, null); const env = new LuaEnv(commonSystem.spaceLuaEnv.env); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(scopeVariables)) { env.set(key, jsToLuaValue(value)); } return (await dsQueryCollection.query( query, env, sf, )).map((item) => luaValueToJS(item)); }, "datastore.listFunctions": (): string[] => { return Object.keys(ds.functionMap); }, }; } export function dataStoreWriteSyscalls(ds: DataStore): SysCallMapping { return { "datastore.delete": (_ctx, key: KvKey) => { return ds.delete(key); }, "datastore.set": (_ctx, key: KvKey, value: any) => { return ds.set(key, value); }, "datastore.batchSet": (_ctx, kvs: KV[]) => { return ds.batchSet(kvs); }, "datastore.batchDelete": (_ctx, keys: KvKey[]) => { return ds.batchDelete(keys); }, "datastore.queryDelete": ( _ctx, query: KvQuery, variables?: Record, ): Promise => { return ds.queryDelete(query, variables); }, }; }