--- type: plug uri: github:silverbulletmd/silverbullet-ghost/ghost.plug.json repo: https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet-ghost author: Zef Hemel share-support: true --- <!-- #include [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet-ghost/main/README.md]] --> # Ghost plug for SilverBullet This allows you to publish your pages as [Ghost](https://ghost.org/) pages or posts. I use it to publish [Zef+](https://zef.plus). ## Configuration In your `SETTINGS` specify the following settings: ```yaml ghost: myblog: url: https://your-ghost-blog.ghost.io ``` Then, create a Custom Integration (in your Ghost control panel under Settings > Advanced > Integrations > Add Custom Integration). Enter a name (whatever you want), then copy the full Admin API Key in your `SECRETS` file, mirroring the structure of SETTINGS: ```yaml ghost: myblog: your:adminkey ``` ## Usage The plugin hooks into SilverBullet's [Share infrastructure](https://silverbullet.md/%F0%9F%94%8C_Share). Therefore to share a page as either a Ghost page or post, add a `$share` front matter key. For posts this should take the shape of: --- $share: - ghost:myblog:post:my-post-slug --- And for pages: --- $share: - ghost:myblog:page:my-page-slug --- Now, when you {[Share: Publish]} (Cmd-s/Ctrl-s) your post will automatically be created (as a draft) or updated if it already exists. Enjoy! ## Installation Open your `PLUGS` note in SilverBullet and add this plug to the list: ``` - github:silverbulletmd/silverbullet-ghost/ghost.plug.json ``` Then run the `Plugs: Update` command and off you go! <!-- /include -->