import { PageMeta } from "../plug-api/types.ts"; import { Action, AppViewState } from "../type/web.ts"; import { PageState } from "./navigator.ts"; export default function reducer( state: AppViewState, action: Action, ): AppViewState { // console.log("Got action", action); switch (action.type) { case "page-loading": return { ...state, isLoading: true, currentPage:, panels: state.currentPage === ? state.panels : { ...state.panels, // Hide these by default to avoid flickering top: {}, bottom: {}, }, }; case "page-loaded": { const mouseDetected = window.matchMedia("(pointer:fine)").matches; const pageMeta = state.allPages.find(p => ==; const decor = state.settings.decorations?.filter(d => pageMeta?.tags?.some(t => d.tag === t)); if (decor && decor.length > 0) { const mergedDecorations = decor.reduceRight((accumulator, el) => { accumulator = {...accumulator, ...el}; return accumulator; }); if (mergedDecorations) { const { tag, ...currPageDecorations } = mergedDecorations; action.meta.pageDecorations = currPageDecorations; } } return { ...state, isLoading: false, isMobile: !mouseDetected, allPages: => === ? { ...pageMeta, lastOpened: } : pageMeta ), currentPage:, currentPageMeta: action.meta, }; } case "page-changed": return { ...state, unsavedChanges: true, }; case "page-saved": return { ...state, unsavedChanges: false, }; case "sync-change": return { ...state, syncFailures: action.syncSuccess ? 0 : state.syncFailures + 1, }; case "settings-loaded": return { ...state, settings: action.settings, }; case "update-page-list": { // Let's move over any "lastOpened" times to the "allPages" list const oldPageMeta = new Map( [...state.allPages].map((pm) => [, pm]), ); let currPageMeta = oldPageMeta.get(state.currentPage!); if (currPageMeta === undefined) { currPageMeta = {} as PageMeta; } for (const pageMeta of action.allPages) { const oldPageMetaItem = oldPageMeta.get(; if (oldPageMetaItem && oldPageMetaItem.lastOpened) { pageMeta.lastOpened = oldPageMetaItem.lastOpened; } const decor = state.settings.decorations?.filter(d => pageMeta.tags?.some((t: any) => d.tag === t)); // Page can have multiple decorations applied via different tags, accumulate them. // The decorations higher in the decorations list defined in SETTINGS gets // higher precedence. if (decor && decor.length > 0) { const mergedDecorations = decor.reduceRight((accumulator, el) => { accumulator = {...accumulator, ...el}; return accumulator; }); if (mergedDecorations) { const { tag, ...currPageDecorations} = mergedDecorations; pageMeta.pageDecorations = currPageDecorations; if ( === state.currentPage) { currPageMeta!.pageDecorations = currPageDecorations; } } } } return { ...state, allPages: action.allPages, currentPageMeta: currPageMeta, }; } case "start-navigate": { return { ...state, showPageNavigator: true, pageNavigatorMode: action.mode, showCommandPalette: false, showFilterBox: false, }; } case "stop-navigate": return { ...state, showPageNavigator: false, }; case "show-palette": { return { ...state, showCommandPalette: true, showPageNavigator: false, showFilterBox: false, showCommandPaletteContext: action.context, }; } case "hide-palette": return { ...state, showCommandPalette: false, showCommandPaletteContext: undefined, }; case "command-run": return { ...state, recentCommands: state.recentCommands.set(action.command, new Date()), }; case "update-commands": return { ...state, commands: action.commands, }; case "show-notification": return { ...state, notifications: [...state.notifications, action.notification], }; case "dismiss-notification": return { ...state, notifications: state.notifications.filter((n) => !==, }; case "show-panel": return { ...state, panels: { ...state.panels, []: action.config, }, }; case "hide-panel": return { ...state, panels: { ...state.panels, []: {}, }, }; case "show-filterbox": return { ...state, showFilterBox: true, filterBoxOnSelect: action.onSelect, filterBoxPlaceHolder: action.placeHolder, filterBoxOptions: action.options, filterBoxLabel: action.label, filterBoxHelpText: action.helpText, }; case "hide-filterbox": return { ...state, showCommandPalette: false, showPageNavigator: false, showFilterBox: false, filterBoxOnSelect: () => {}, filterBoxPlaceHolder: "", filterBoxOptions: [], filterBoxHelpText: "", }; case "show-prompt": return { ...state, showPrompt: true, promptDefaultValue: action.defaultValue, promptMessage: action.message, promptCallback: action.callback, }; case "hide-prompt": return { ...state, showPrompt: false, promptDefaultValue: undefined, promptMessage: undefined, promptCallback: undefined, }; case "show-confirm": return { ...state, showConfirm: true, confirmMessage: action.message, confirmCallback: action.callback, }; case "hide-confirm": return { ...state, showConfirm: false, confirmMessage: undefined, confirmCallback: undefined, }; case "set-ui-option": return { ...state, uiOptions: { ...state.uiOptions, [action.key]: action.value, }, }; case "set-progress": return { ...state, progressPerc: action.progressPerc, }; } return state; }